优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 请联系上下文填入合适的人称代词。
              1. ____________ is Mary. ____________ is Tom. ____________ am Lily.
              2. ____________ are a student. ____________ am a student, too.
              3. This is a dog. ____________ is black.
              4. May and Lucy are in the same class. ____________ are friends.
              5. My uncle has a car. I have a car, too. ____________ are drivers.
              6. ____________ is a tall boy. ____________ is a pretty girl.
              7. ____________ is a duck over there.
              8. Do you like music?  Yes, ____________ do. ____________ like music very much.
              9. My father has a new computer. ____________ likes it very much.
              10. Tom and Simon are football players. ____________ play basketball well, too.
            • 2. 写出下列代词的宾格形式及其形容词性物主代词。
              1. I ________________  ________________
              2. you ________________  ________________
              3. she ________________  ________________
              4. he ________________  ________________
              5. it ________________  ________________
              6. we ________________  ________________
              7. they ________________  ________________
