优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 看图回答问题。
              1. What day is it today?
              2. What's your P. E. teacher like?
              3. Is your music teacher young?
              4. Are you tall?
              5. What do you do on weekends?
            • 2. 根据实际情况回答问题。
              1. What is your favourite colour?
              2. How many pens do you have?
              3. What's the weather like today?
            • 3. 根据所给的图片回答问题。
              1. What is your brother like?
              2. Does he do his homework?
              3. What day is it today?
              4. What would you like for dinner?
              5. Is your English teacher tall?
            • 4. 回答问题。
              1. What is your country?
              2. What country is east of our country?
              3. What do we speak in China?
              4. What colour is China's flag?
            • 5. 回答下面问题。
              1. On a trip, where do you live?
              2. Is the U. K. far from China?
              3. Is your father older or younger than you?
              4. How can you go to London?
            • 6. 根据图片及汉语提示回答问题。
              1. What's your flat like? (有3个卧室,2个洗手间,1个厨房和1个客厅)
              2. What color are your curtains? (红色的)
              3. Do you have your own room? (根据实际情况回答)
              4. What's in your own room? (有1张床,1块镜子和1个大衣柜)
              5. What can you see in the room? 
            • 7. 开动脑筋,猜谜语,先写下它的英文名字,再把它画出来。
              I'm wearing a red coat.
              And I'm wearing a green hat.
              I'm sour and yummy, I am round and fresh.
              My name begins with the letter as tasty.
              What am I?
              Can you guess?
            • 8. 根据答语写问句。
              1. _____________________________________________?
                  It's Sunday.
              2. _____________________________________________?
                  I have Chinese, English and math.
              3. _____________________________________________?
                  My favourite subject is English.
              4. _____________________________________________?
                  I'd like tofu and pork.
              5. _____________________________________________?
                  We have tomatoes, tofu and fish for lunch.
            • 9. 根据提示完整回答问题。
              1. Is there a river in the picture? (写出两种答案)
              2. What can you see in the village? (一条河,许多花,草和山。)
              3. Are there many trees in the nature park? (写出两种答案)
              4. Where is the house? (在树林里。)
              5. How many trees are there in the picture? (15棵)
            • 10. 根据实际情况回答问题。
              1. Do you like orange? Why?
              2. What's your favourite day? Why?
              3. What's your Chinese teacher like?
              4. What day is it today?
              5. What do you do on weekends?
