优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. One of the _____ is an American _____.
              [     ]

              A. woman; women      
              B. women; woman
              C. women; women        
              D. woman; woman
            • 2. Mother cat has three lovely _____.         
              [     ]

              A. piglets            
              B. puppies          
              C. kittens
            • 3. My uncle is my father's _____.     
              [     ]

              A. brother            
              B. sister          
              C. so
            • 4.

              My uncle's daughter is my _____.    

              [     ]

              A. sister        
              B. aunt
              C. cousin           
              D. brother
            • 5. The children are singing and dancing in the        .
              [     ]

              A. sports field    
              B. school hall    
              C. kitchen
            • 6. Which does not have two legs?
              [     ]

              A. cock            
              B. bird              
              C. fish
            • 7. Spring, summer,  ____ and winter are the seasons of a year.
              [     ]

              A. south            
              B. fall              
              C. June
            • 8. — Can I have a _____________? 
              — What for?
              — I want to write to Tim.

              [     ]

              A. writing paper
              B. postcard
              C. fax machine
            • 9. You and I like listening to music. We ____________ have the same ____________.
              [     ]

              A. both; hobbies
              B. are; hobby
              C. too; hobbies
              D. both; hobby
            • 10. You and I like playing table tennis. We ___________ have the same ___________.
              [     ]

              A. both, hobbies
              B. too, hobby
              C. are, hobbies
              D. both, hobby
