优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. — What's five plus four?
              — It's ____.      
              [     ]

              A. six          
              B. eight         
              C. nine            
              D. one
            • 2. My birthday is on ____________.
              [     ]

              A. June fourth 
              B. June forth
              C. June the four
              D. June four
            • 3. Take bus No. 3 and get off _____________ the _____________ stop.
              [     ]

              A. at; four
              B. at; fourth
              C. in; fourth 
            • 4. There are _____________ months with _____________ days in a year.

              [     ]

              A. twelve, thirty-one 
              B. four, thirty 
              C. seven, thirty  
              D. eight, thirty-one
            • 5. — What's ____________? 
              — Sixty.

              [     ]

              A. twenty-three and thirty-seven
              B. twenty-four and twenty-seven
              C. twenty-seven and thirty-four
              D. twenty-seven and thirty
            • 6. August has _____________ days.
              [     ]

              A. thirty
              B. thirty-one
              C. thirty-first
              D. twenty-nine
            • 7. — What's five and seven?
              — It's ____________.

              [     ]

              A. six
              B. twelve
              C. six o'clock
              D. eight      
            • 8. Go along this street and then _____________ left at the _____________ crossing.
              [     ]

              A. turn, third
              B. get, third
              C. turn, three
            • 9. 根据句子意思,选择括号中相应的词,填在横线上。
              1. It is the           (five, fifth) of October. 
              2. Would you like          (to watch, watching) TV ? 
              3. The best          (season, spring) in New York is autumn. It's usually cool and sunny. 
              4.          (Who's, Whose) are the calculators ? 
              5. —How can I get to the theatre, please ?   
                  —Go          (off, along) this road then turn left at the second crossing. 
              6. I go to school as          (early, tall) as Ben. We often get to school at seven. 
              7. It's time         (for, to) breakfast. 
              8. —         (Which, Where) bag is lighter, the white one or the red one ?    —The white one. 
              9. They are           (looking at, watching) a running race. 
              10.—Where are the students ?   —They are          (near, under) the river.  
            • 10. What's _____________ plus four? It's eleven.
              [     ]

              A. seven
              B. four
              C. eleven
              D. fifteen
