优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Li Ming is taller __________ Danny.      
              [     ]

              A. than                        
              B. then                        
              C. to
            • 2. Is Jackie Chan loud _______ quiet?
              [     ]

              A. and              
              B. but                
              C. or
            • 3.
              Gao Shan wants to play baseball ____ Wang Bing.

              A. with          
              B. and            
              C. to
            • 4. She didn't have a TV           a radio.
              [     ]

              A. or        
              B. and        
              C. but        
              D. so
            • 5. That is not Zhang Ming ______ Wu Qi; he is James.      
              [     ]

              A. and    
              B. or  
              C. with
            • 6.
              I can play the guitar, ___ I can play the violin.    

              A. but    
              B. and    
              C. or
            • 7. There is no water              air on the moon(月球).
              [     ]

              A. and        
              B. but      
              C. or       
              D. with
            • 8. I like apples, _______ they're sweet.
              [     ]

              A. because  
              B. so
              C. then
            • 9. She didn't have a television            a radio.
              [     ]

              A. or          
              B. and      
              C. but
            • 10.
              Mike likes playing chess, ____ David doesn't.         
              A. and          
              B. but          
              C. or
