优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Do you like this umbrella _____ that umbrella?

              A. or          
              B. and            
              C. but
            • 2. Does Lily come from _____ UK _____ the USA?
              [     ]

              A. /; and            
              B. a; or            
              C. the; or
            • 3. — Would you like to go to the concert with me?
              — I'd love to,   _     I can't.  I have a lot of homework to do.           
              [     ]

              A. or      
              B. but    
              C. so      
              D. and
            • 4. You'll be late _____ you don't hurry.
              [     ]

              A. or            
              B. after          
              C. if            
              D. with
            • 5.
              _____ I go to bed, I always eat supper. 

              A. Before    
              B. After    
              C. So      
              D. When
            • 6.
              Danny's always hot ______ cold!    

              A. or      
              B. of      
              C. and
            • 7. He washed clothes           cleaned his room.              
              [     ]

              A. with                
              B. for                
              C. and
            • 8.
              Sometimes I listen to the radio __       play on the swings.

              A. and    
              B. or    
              C. for
            • 9. 单项选择。
              —Why do you look so happy?   —              I won the game.
              [     ]

              A. So    
              B. Because    
              C. But
            • 10. They look the same              they are very different.
              [     ]

              A. and    
              B. so    
              C. because    
              D. but
