优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. — Can I help you?
              — Give me ____ white socks.           
              [     ]

              A. a           
              B. two        
              C. a pair of      
              D. a piece of
            • 2. There are ____ on the table.         
              [     ]

              A. three bottles of oranges juice          
              B. three bottle of oranges juice
              C. three bottle of orange juice            
              D. three bottles of orange juice
            • 3. -What have you got?  
              -____ sunglasses.
              [     ]

              A. A
              B. Two
              C. A pair of
            • 4. 选出错误的选项并改正。
              (     ) 1. She needs four pair of shoes.    __________________
                    A    B  C
              (     ) 2. We have supper at the evening.   __________________
                    A    B  C
              (     ) 3. We are go to Beijing by plane.   __________________
                    A B     C
              (     ) 4. This shorts are very beautiful.   __________________
                   A   B  C
              (     ) 5. What is a matter, Lynn?      __________________
                   A   B C
