优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 根据图片回答问题。
              1. What do you have for lunch on Saturdays?
              2. What day is it today?
              3. What do you have on Thursdays?
              4. What can you do?
              5. Are there any pandas in the picture?
            • 2. 根据问句和提示写答句。
              1. What's your art teacher like?
              ______________________________________ (高的、强壮的).
              2. Is he quiet ?
              ______________________________________ (不).
              3. What day is it today?
              ______________________________________ (周四).
              4. Is it Monday today?
              ______________________________________ (是的).
              5. Are you funny?
              ______________________________________ (不).
              6. What do you often do on Sundays?
              ______________________________________ (踢足球、看书).
              7. What do you have on Wednesdays?
              ______________________________________ (语文、数学、体育).
              8. What would you like for breakfast?
              ______________________________________ (牛肉、豆腐).
              9. What do you have for lunch on Friday?
              ______________________________________ (面条、羊肉).
              10. What is your favourite fruit?
              ______________________________________ (苹果).
              11. Do you like oranges?
              ______________________________________ (是。它们很好吃).
              12. What can you do?
              ______________________________________ (洗衣服).
              13. What can the fish do?
              ______________________________________ (游泳).
              14. Can you clean the room?
              ______________________________________ (可以).
              15. Can he cook the meals?
              ______________________________________ (不).
            • 3. 回答问题。
              1. What's your favourite food?
              2. What's your favourite fruit (水果)?
              3. What do you have for dinner?
            • 4. 根据提示回答问题。
              What can you do, Chen Jie? (洗衣服)
            • 5. 看答句写问句。
              1. ________________________________________________________
                  It's Monday.
              2. ________________________________________________________
                  Tomorrow is Thursday.
              3. ________________________________________________________
                  We have Chinese, math and P. E. on Wednesdays.
              4. ________________________________________________________
                  They have English, science and music on Tuesdays.
              5. ________________________________________________________
                  I often play football on Saturdays.
              6. ________________________________________________________
                  They often do homework and read books on Sundays.
              7. ________________________________________________________
                  No, I don't like music class.
              8. ________________________________________________________
                  Yes, I like Sundays very much.
              9. ________________________________________________________
                  No, today is Wednesday.
              10. ________________________________________________________
                  It's Tuesday.
            • 6. 回答问题。
              1. Do they usually teach each other a sport?
              2. Did you want to learn play ping-pong?
              3. Where did you go this morning?
            • 7. 看图,回答问题。
              1.Are these carrots or onions?
              2. What's he doing?
              3. Is she washing her hands?
            • 8. 根据实际情况回答问题。
              1. Do you like grapes or bananas?
              2. Do you have any melon?
            • 9. 回答问题。
              1. Do you want to be strong?
              2. Do you always eat breakfast?
            • 10. 回答问题。
              1. Do you usually help your mother?
              2. Do you go to school by bike or by bus?
              3. Do the children watch TV on Saturday?
