优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a good king. The people of the kingdom were very __(1)__ as they were wealthy and had no problems.

                  Once, the king decided to travel and visit faraway places of great historical importance. He chose to travel on foot, __(2)__ he could talk to his people. People of distant places were very happy to have a __(3)__ with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.

                  After several weeks of travel, the king __(4)__ to the palace. He was quite happy to have visited many places and seen his people. __(5)__ , he felt a lot of pain in his feet as it was his first trip on foot covering a long distance. He __(6)__ to his ministers that the roads were covered with stones and werenˈt __(7)__ . He said that he was very __(8)__ about the people who walked along them.

                  He ordered to cover the roads in the whole country with__(9)__ in order that the people of his kingdom could walk comfortably. The kingˈs ministers were very surprised to hear his order as thousands of cows would have to be__(10)__ for leather, And it would also cost a lot of money.

                  Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had a __(11)__ idea.

                  The minister said, “Instead of covering the roads with leather, why not just have a piece of leather cut in the right__(12)__ to cover your feet?”

                  The king was__(13)__ by is idea and praised the minister. He ordered a pair of leather shoes for himself and requested all his countryman also to wear shoes.

                  Changes are unavoidable, and they should __(14)__ us. We cannot or should not__(15)__ others to make them. That means, instead of trying to change the world, we should try to change ourselves.

              (1) A. crazy       B. polite       C. happy      D. smart

              (2) A. as if        B. so that    
              C. even though    D. ever since

              (3) A. business      B. trip     
              C. discussion     D. conversation

              (4) A. came      B. returned      C. hurried       D. headed

              (5) A. Besides       B. Also     C. However      D. Instead

              (6) A. shouted     B. apologized   
              C. explained   D. complained

              (7) A. safe      B. comfortable    
              C. straight     D. convenient

              (8) A. worried     B. careful     C. serious    D. certain

              (9) A. dirt       B. sand         C. wood    D. leather

              (10) A. killed     B. sold        C. raised     D. exchanged

              (11) A. better      B. clearer      C. closer    D. deeper

              (12) A. place      B. position     C. shape     D. order

              (13) A. interested    B. disappointed   
              C. shocked     D. moved

              (14) A. wait for    B. come from    C. look for    D. go with

              (15) A. depend on     B. work with   
              C. turn to    D. believe in

            • 2.

              My class was trying to come up with a way to raise money for homeless children, but we couldn’t agree on anything.

              “Let’s  (1)   after lunch,” our teacher, Mr. Moony said. We all  (2)  but Anthony said he couldn’t have lunch with us because he had to go to the dentist. When he put things into his bag, I  (3)  a picture of a dragon and the words “art show” he wrote on the back of his notebook.

              So when Mr. Moony asked what ideas we had after lunch, I shouted, “Art show!”

              To my surprise,   (4)  was against it. I felt so good. I didn’t say who really had the  (5)  at first.

              Several days later, our big art show came. My classmates  (6)  many cool paintings. But everyone agreed that the most wonderful one was Anthony’s — a beautiful   (7)  . That painting reminded me of Anthony’s notebook. I’d never told anyone where the idea of the art show came from. I was feeling so bad about it that I could   (8)   enjoy the event.

              Finally I told my classmates the art show wasn’t my idea! Anthony was the one who   (9)  it!

              I ran to Anthony and said sorry to him.

              “It’s OK,” Anthony smiled. “I was a little  (10)  at first. But then I thought as long as the idea was helpful, it didn’t matter whose idea it was.”

              (1) A. continue          B. start                
              C. practice

              (2) A. refused            B. returned           C. agreed

              (3) A. knew              B. saw                 
              C. printed

              (4) A. nobody           B. everybody         C. somebody

              (5) A. painting          B. idea                
              C. notebook

              (6) A. touched           B. moved              C. offered

              (7) A. words             B. dragon             C. flower

              (8) A. also                B. ever                
              C. hardly

              (9) A. thought of       B. cared about      
              C. depended on

              (10) A. afraid              B. upset               
              C. excited

            • 3.

              In a town, there lived an old farmer and his donkey.   The donkey was very   (1)  too.   One day the donkey fell into a useless well  ( 井)  in  the village  and   (2)  not come out.   All the villagers tried their best to help it,    (3)   they couldn’t make it. They didn’t want to see anything like this happen again, so they decided to    (4)   the well with the  donkey  in  it.

              At first, when they   (5)   throwing soil ( 土) into the well, the donkey was afraid. But later, as the soil fell

              onto the donkey’s    (6)  , it shook the soil off and climbed onto the soil.  After some time, as the soil in the well rose ( 升起)  (7)   , the donkey was closer and closer to the mouth of the well.  (8)   , it walked out of the well. Everyone was   (9)  and very happy. So, when you are in trouble, don’t be   (10)   .

              What happens to you is up to how you react to it.

              (1) A.   young                   B. tall                    
              C. old

              (2) A.   need                     B. could                               
              C. should

              (3) A.   and                        B. but                   
              C. so

              (4) A.   put                         B. fill                     
              C. keep

              (5) A.   stopped               B. finished          
              C. started

              (6) A.   teeth                     B. heart                               
              C. back

              (7) A.   shorter and shorter        B. higher and higher      
              C. faster and faster

              (8) A.   At last                   B. At first            
              C. On time

              (9) A.   angry                     B. surprised       
              C. worried

              (10) A.   afraid                    B. happy             
              C. bored

            • 4.

              Life is short, so you have to make the most of it. Has anybody ever told you that? Maybe they just said “YOLO” to you instead. It   (1)  “You Only Live Once”, and is a very popular saying on social media.

              Having a YOLO attitude means that you make the   (2)   of every day. It means you enjoy your life   (3)   you only get one. Someone who has a YOLO attitude is always open to doing new and fun activities.

              Now, thanks to a US study, YOLO might be more than just a popular   (4)  . The study found it might be   (5)   to have a YOLO attitude!

              A research team did an experiment with two groups of students   (6)   different US universities. One group pretended (假装)they only had 30 days left before moving to a new city. They did lots of activities and  (7)  time with people they loved. In other words, they had a YOLO lifestyle. Another group continued to live   (8)   normal lives.

              At the end of the experiment the students did a survey to   (9)   how happy they were. It showed that the first group was much happier.

              “The study shows that being and making close friendships are important to   (10)   life,” the research group told The Washington Post. However, they also called on others to do experiments with different groups of people and see if their results were similar.

              (1) A. stands for         B. waits for             
              C. thinks of                D. points at

              (2) A. worst               B. most                   
              C. least                      D. farthest

              (3) A. when            B. if                        
              C. because                  D. until

              (4) A. saying              B. book                   
              C. idea                    D. poem

              (5) A. happier            B. weaker                
              C. stronger                   D. faster

              (6) A. to                    B. from                   
              C. about                     D. with

              (7) A. cost                 B. paid                 
              C. took                      D. spent

              (8) A. our                  B. his                      
              C. your                      D. their

              (9) A. put out             B. find out               
              C. take out                D. give out

              (10) A. losing                     B. saving                 
              C. enjoying                D. killing

            • 5.

              Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an   (1)  .

              Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her father as she painted, which made him laugh.
                  One day, Yani painted lines on her father’s painting. He got   (2)  . At the time, she was only two and a half years old. She cried and said,“I want to   (3)   like you!” Her father looked at her without saying anything. He   (4)   remembered his childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint, but his parents didn’t understand. They just got angry. He didn’t want to see the same thing happen to his daughter. So he decided to   (5)   her.
                  With her father’s help, Yani soon    (6)  . Her lines became flowers, trees, and animals. Her father took her to parks and zoos to get   (7)    for her paintings. By the end of six, Yani had made over 4,000 works. Her paintings were very special. People   (8)    her works. When she was eight, one of her paintings was made into a Chinese postage stamp.
                  Yani became famous when she was young. Her works were   (9)    in different countries in Asia, Europe and North America,   (10)    her parents never sold her paintings. She is well-known to the world, and art is still a great joy in her life.

              (1) A. actor               B. athlete            
              C. artist                   D. engineer
              (2) A. angry               B. excited           
              C. sad                     D. interested
              (3) A. laugh              B. speak             
              C. stand                  D. paint
              (4) A. happily           B. clearly            
              C. hardly                 D. usually
              (5) A. help                B. stop                
              C. refuse                 D. miss
              (6) A. did homework B. made money
              C. did sports           D. made progress
              (7) A. news              B. time               
              C. ideas                   D. luck
              (8) A. hated              B. loved             
              C. found                 D. forget
              (9) A. lost                 B. sold                
              C. bought                D. shown
              (10) A. and                 B. but                 
              C. so                       D. or
            • 6.

              Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off the homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on ____  (1)  ____ to make your vacation meaningful and colourful.

                 Take exercise. Regular exercise, much health. You ____  (2)  ____ hard most of the time so far. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit from different forms of exercise ____  (3)  ____ swimming, jogging, and mountain climbing.

                 Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. As a result, you can't ____  (4)  ____ your family any longer. In order to deal with your ____  (5)  ____ matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other practical (实用的) skills.

                 Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you can find the culture there is different from ____  (6)  ____ of your home town. Beautiful scenery can ____  (7)  ____ make you relaxed. Imagine that you are lying on the warm beach in bright sunshine, with light sea wind gently blowing. Isn't it enjoyable and comfortable?

                 Enjoy family time. Home is the place in which you can rest, receive love and care from relations. Don't always sit in front of a computer alone. Instead, the whole family should spend ____  (8)  ____ watching a movie on the sofa together. Besides, it's great fun for family members to gather around the table, ____  (9)  ____ sports, clothes or other common topics (话题).

                 If you follow the advice above, you will achieve health, independence (独立), peace of mind and feelings between family members. Today is the beginning of a new life. Your summer vacation must be full of ____  (10)  ____ and success. Wish you a wonderful time!

              (1) A. whether B. how C. when D. if
              (2) A. have worked B. worked C. will work D. works
              (3) A. instead of B. due to C. such as D. instead
              (4) A. depend on B. give up C. hear from D. look after
              (5) A. public B. negative C. personal D. single
              (6) A. it B. that C. one D. this
              (7) A. also B. either C. too D. as well
              (8) A. some times B. some time C. sometimes D. any time
              (9) A. discussed B. to discussing C. discussing D. discusses
              (10) A. sadness B. joy C. worry D. happy
            • 7.

                 Australia is a famous Oceanian country. The country is famous   (1)   its wool production and seashore tour. As the climate there is warm and comfortable, many people   (2)   vacations there every year. I'm a super fan of water entertainment, so I choose it as my destination (目的地).

                 In Australia, the sky is bluer than blue, the clouds are whiter than white, and all the local people enjoy an optimistic (乐观的) and active life. They also show their kindness and enthusiasm (热情)   (3)   the tourists.

                 The first step should be the Sydney Opera House   (4)   is one of the most brilliant and splendid (极好的) architectures (体系结构) in the world. Many world-class plays are put on in it. The surface and shape of it   (5)   a seashell with glorious decorations inside.

                 Then Melbourne is a good choice   (6)   the next step. In Melbourne, skin cream is a must to take with you because the sunshine is upset and may burn your skin. The most attractive thing to me is the Australian Open, which is one of   (7)   worldclass tennis competitions. Many great players such as Roddick, Federer and its local player Hewitt etc. gather to compete. It's really a feast (宴会) for the eyes.

                 Australia is also home to one of the most challenging and exciting surfing and diving projects.   (8)   we know, it is always called “a country riding on the back of sheep”. From the   (9)   saying, we can know something about the rich wool-production country. So don't forget Australia   (10)   you plan a trip. It is worth visiting.

              (1) A. as B. to C. for D. with
              (2) A. take B. pay C. cost D. spend
              (3) A. to B. for C. with D. as
              (4) A. who B. that C. it D. what
              (5) A. like B. likes C. is like D. look like
              (6) A. be B. being C. of being D. to be
              (7) A. the biggest B. biggest C. bigger D. the bigger
              (8) A. For B. As C. To D. So
              (9) A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests
              (10) A. because B. though C. unless D. if
            • 8.

              No visitor was left in the museum now, and John was walking around to check if everything was all right. ____  (1)  ____ he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floor. John ____  (2)  ____ and gave it to the curator (馆长).

                 The curator called several museums to check if it was a stolen painting ____  (3)  ____ no one claimed (认领) it. So the curator decided to hang it. ____  (4)  ____ said it was beautiful and had a very deep meaning. The curator was ____  (5)  ____ to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery.

                 Some weeks later a woman and her ____  (6)  ____ came to the museum. While they were looking at that painting, the little boy began to ____  (7)  ____. The curator went over and asked what was making him so sad.

                 The child pointed to ____  (8)  ___ and said, “That's my painting and I want it back.”

                 “Yes,” said his mother. “He ____  (9)  ___ it on the floor a few weeks ago. If you look carefully, you can see the name on the painting.” The curator ____  (10)  ____ believe his ears when he heard the truth.

              (1) A. Suddenly B. Actually C. Usually D. Quickly
              (2) A. set it up B. picked it up
              C. tried it out D. put it down
              (3) A. because B. so C. or D. but
              (4) A. Everyone B. Someone C. No one D. None
              (5) A. nervous B. lucky C. proud D. worried
              (6) A. husband B. son C. daughter D. friends
              (7) A. cry B. shout C. smile D. laugh
              (8) A. John B. his mother C. the painting D. the curator
              (9) A. put B. drew C. found D. left
              (10) A. might B. could C. might not D. couldn't
            • 9.

              Much meaning can be carried clearly, with our eyes, so it is often   (1)  that eyes can speak.

              Do you have such kind of   (2)  ? In a bus you may look at a stranger but not too long. And if he   (3)  that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is

                (4)  wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel   (5)  toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

                    Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he   (6)  her. When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time,   (7)  make sure that the listener does pay attention to   (8)  he or she is saying. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being

              looked at for a long time, to show something that   (9)  cannot express.

                    Clearly, eye contact should be done according to the   (10)  between two people and the place where you stay.

              (1) A. spoken               B. said                 
              C. told                   D. talked
              (2) A. experience          B. mood                  
              C. mind               D. news
              (3) A. understands               B. looks                   
              C. finds               D. thinks
              (4) A. anything            B. something        
              C. everything       D. nothing
              (5) A. happy                B. angry                  
              C. sad                 D. thankful
              (6) A. loves                 B. hates                   
              C. thanks             D. looks at
              (7) A. so that               B. because of        
              C. in order to       D. as a result
              (8) A. what                  B. how             
              C. that                D. which
              (9) A. eyes                   B. words              
              C. minds             D. bodies
              (10) A. distance             B. difference        
              C. relationship      D. friendship
            • 10.

              A poor girl _  (1)  __ flowers in the street on Christmas Eve. Her parents were ill, so she __  (2)  __ get money for food. It was very cold. The girl felt cold and hungry. She stopped _  (3)  __ a beautiful house. The girl knocked _  (4)  __ the door and a man came out. She asked __  (5)  _ he needed some flowers. The man said he didn’t want _  (6)  __. She left the house and felt tired. She sat down at the __  (7)  __ of a tall wall. She looked at the flowers. The flowers _  (8)  __very nice. She suddenly had an unusual feeling. She felt she became light, and slowly she began to fly into the sky. She flew higher and higher and at last she found herself on the clouds. A group of people were coming to meet her. At the head of them __  (9)  __ her granny. She welcomed her and asked her why she didn’t stay at home. The girl told her that she had to sell flowers to get money because her parents were ill. Granny told her not to worry and gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed _  (10)  __.

               It snowed heavily that night. The girl died with a smile on his face. At the same time, people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and enjoyed themselves.

              (1) A. sold         B. sells         
              C. is selling       D. was selling
              (2) A. could        B. had better     
              C. would like     D. had to
              (3) A. in front of    B. in the front of  
              C. behind        D. beside
              (4) A. in            B. to            C. at            D. for
              (5) A. what        B. why           C. if            D. when
              (6) A. some        B. something           
              C. nothing       D. any
              (7) A. head        B. foot          
              C. top           D. middle
              (8) A. feels        B. felt          
              C. smells          D. smelt
              (9) A. has         B. was           C. had           D. were
              (10) A. happily       B. happier       
              C. happiest       D. happy
