优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              —What should I take for the trip?

                   —A ________. You may need to take many photos.

            • 2.

              —It’s easy to travel from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking high-speed railway.

              —Yes. It’s only ______.

              A.eight hours ride
              B.eight hour’s ride
              C.eight-hours ride
              D.eight hours’ ride 
            • 3.


              Smartphones have  _____________ people’s lives and have also ___________________.

            • 4.


              1. What other a_____________(动物) do you like?  

              2. Mr. Smith w____________(写)a letter to his cousin yesterday.

              3. What a q___________(安静的) street it is!

              4. Now parents are s_____________(花费) more and more money on their children’s education.

              5. There are five h____________ (百) students in our school.

            • 5.

              As a host, you’d better take care of these __________(客人)feelings at home.

            • 6.

              Can you think of another useful ________ (invent) in our modern life?

            • 7.

              The man was so worried because his son had a terrible ___________. (ill)

            • 8.


            • 9.

              This pair of trousers is 20 d________.

            • 10.

              (1)His uncle had a t_____(牙痛), so he had to see a dentist.

              (2)If your friends are having problems, you should o_____(主动提出)to help.

              (3)The ice is so t_____(厚的)that you can skate on it.

              (4)We had a lot of sweet m______(回忆)at the small house.

              (5)Peter is a 6-year-old boy. He likes c______(收集)game cards.

