优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Her son is very tired after 12 ______(hour) work.

            • 2.
              It’s about  ten ________ (分钟) ride from here to the seaside.
            • 3.

              John lives in a big family. But he doesn't know all his   ________  /'relətivz/ names.

            • 4.


              (1) The _____________ (建议)they have offered us are very useful, we should take them.
              (2) Beijing is the capital of China, it is also the _______________(文化)center of China.
              (3) Tonight, they are going to celebrate their father’s _____________ (四十) birthday.
              (4) How beautiful those circles on those ________________________ (蝴蝶)wings are!


              (5) Failure(失败) is the mother of ______________(succeed)。
              (6) How do you know they are________________(India)?
              (7) The little cat fell down from the tree and hurt _____________(it).
              (8) The twins __________________(sweep) the floor while their mother was cooking in the kitchen.


            • 5.
              Do you know the ______________(设计者) names of the computer games?
            • 6.
              Tom’s shoes are the same as those            (visit).
            • 7.
              These uniforms were those _________(postman).
            • 8.
              (1) Thank you for     ( come)
              (2) September 10th is       (teacher) Day.
              (3) How are you today? I am very    ( good)
              (4) Miss Wu teaches    (our) English.
              (5) Sunday is the _______( one) day of the week.
              (6) Tom and I        ( be) good friends.
              (7) Let’s go       (swim) , shall we?
              (8) Beijing is one of the    (big) cities in China.
              (9) It’s easy for me      (learn) English.
              (10) There are many     ( sheep) on the hill.


            • 9.


              Maria loved to look at the star. And when


              the night was clearly, she would do that.


              Maria’s father wasn’t pleased with her interest.


              He even gives her a telescope(望远镜)so that she


              could see the stars better. Maria interest in the


              stars grew. She watched the stars more or more


              She spent many time looking at the sky. At half


              past ten in the night of October, 1847, she


              found a new comet(慧星). Soon she was ask


              to wrote books about stars.

            • 10.
              — I really like your bike. Is it expensive?

              — I donˈt know how much it is. Itˈs my ________(uncle).

