优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. She_______(改变)a lot after living in Beijing for five years.
            • 2. My father usually d________ (喝) a cup of tea after dinner.
            • 3. She________(打)him on the head with a book.
            • 4. Look! He is r           on the playground.
            • 5. She l ____ (丢) her backpack, so she had to borrow some money from others.
            • 6. She’s not singing, but she is ________(写) a letter.
            • 7. Look! The boys are __________ (跑) on the playground.
            • 8. 单词拼写:根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式写在相应的横线上。

              1.There are three h____________ people on the square (广场).

              2.We have to ____________ (遵守) our school rules.

              3. Don’t ____________ (忘记) to buy some gifts (礼物) for your sister.

              4.Look! Little Tom is w____________ the dishes.

              5.—Could you please tell her to come here?

                  —Sure, no p____________.

            • 9. It must be very difficult for you as a student to try to ____ (provide what is needed) your teachers and your parents during periods like this.
            • 10. ----I w__________ where he comes from.
              ​----Oh, he’s from the USA.
