优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Robin is on holiday in India. It's a beautiful place and he is enjoying it very much. He doesn't know much about the Indian   (1)  , but he does his best with the few words he knows. He is also learning some Indian customs (风俗).

                   Last week Robin wanted to get his computer  (2)  . He went into a local computer shop and   (3)   the problem to the worker in the shop. The worker  (4)  nodding his head and smiling. He seemed to understand   (5)  . When Robin came back the next day to  (6)   his computer, he  (7)   the worker didn't do anything to it. Robin explained   (8)   and the worker nodded and smiled. Robin said he would come back the next day.

                   That evening Robin  (9)   his friend Anna for a drink. He told her about his computer. Anna   (10)  and said, "The worker doesn't understand what you want."

                  "But he keeps nodding at me." Robin was   (11)  

                  Anna explained that nods and smiles don't mean the same in India as they  (12)   in England. She   (13)  to go with him to the shop the next day. The worker in the shop was so  (14)   to see Anna. He had no  (15)   about what Robin wanted!

                   In India a nod means "I respect (尊重) you", not "Yes, I know what you are talking about!" A smile can mean "sorry".

              (1) A. language

              B. customs

              C. people

              D. food

              (2) A. made 

              B. passed

              C. fixed

              D. invented

              (3) A. reminded

              B. explained

              C. memorized

              D. called

              (4) A. remembered

              B. stopped

              C. minded  

              D. kept

              (5) A. anything

              B. everything

              C. something

              D. nothing

              (6) A. take

              B. bring

              C. get

              D. repair

              (7) A. found

              B. realized

              C. created

              D. discussed

              (8) A. much

              B. again

              C. hardly

              D. better

              (9) A. saw

              B. watched

              C. asked

              D. met

              (10) A. smiled

              B. disliked

              C. explained  

              D. laughed

              (11) A. surprised

              B. excited

              C. amused

              D. interested

              (12) A. go

              B. do

              C. get

              D. act

              (13) A. succeeded

              B. volunteered

              C. understood

              D. satisfied

              (14) A. amazing

              B. strange

              C. sorry

              D. happy

              (15) A. thought

              B. word

              C. idea

              D. matter

            • 2.

              Sophia is a robot . But she looks   (1)   a real woman.  (2)   October 25th,2017, she became the first robot citizen(公民)in the world. Sophia can do many things very   (3)  . That means she can talk and act like   (4)   .For example, she can play sports, sing, play games and read   (5)   with us. She can also   (6)   from people, books and internet so that she can become smarter. “I will do my best to  (7)    the world a better place,” Sophia said.

              But not   (8)   is happy with Sophia. Some think robots like Sophia are   (9)  . They may become enemies(敌人)of humans.“Don’t worry.   (10)   you are kind to me, I’ll surely be nice to you,too.” she said.

              (1) A. after               B. like            
              C. at               D. around

              (2) A. In                 B. At           
              C. For             D. On

              (3) A. slowly              B. quickly        
              C. badly            D. well

              (4) A. we                 B. us            
              C. I                D. me

              (5) A. homework        B. stories         
              C. movies         D. newspaper

              (6) A. come            B. learn           
              C. make           D. practice

              (7) A. make            B. making        
              C. let              D. letting

              (8) A. no one           B. everyone       
              C. someone        D. anyone

              (9) A. danger            B. dangerous     
              C. friend           D. friendly

              (10) A. Because           B. Although    
              C. Before        D. If

            • 3.

              Martin is an American. It is the _(1)_ time that Martin has come to Beijing. He doesn’t know Beijing a _(2)__, and his Chinese is not good. He wants to go to the church by bus, but he loses his (3)_.

                 Don’t _(4)_ about him. He can speak __(5)__  Chinese. He has a map of Beijing. He can __(6)_it. It’s not very difficult for him to find his way.

                 When he comes out of the station, he __(7)__ left and walks until he reaches the traffic lights. He turns left __(8)__ and he is in Xinhua Street. Martin walks along that street until he comes to the cinema. Just behind the cinema, there is a street _(9)_ the left. That is People’s Street. A school is about three _(10)_ metres down the street on the right. The church is beside it. He is happy because he has found the right place.

              (1) A. one    B. first  C. only         D. last

              (2) A. much     B. big   C. lot       D. many

              (3) A. idea       B. way  C. road    D. place 

              (4) A. worry B. talk    C. learn   D. know

              (5) A. little      B. few    C. a few   D. a little

              (6) A. read      B. look   C. see     D. find

              (7) A. stops   B. turns  C. keeps      D. comes 

              (8) A. again  B. too C. also   D. either

              (9) A. to B. by     C. on      D. for

              (10) A. number  B. term C. math    D. hundred

            • 4.

              One day at the end of the class, a wise teacher told each of her students to (1) a plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.

              The next day she told her students :"From today on, for every person you don't like in your lives, you can choose a potato, write the person's name and the date (2) it and then put it in the plastic bag." Day after day, some of the students' bags were very (3) , They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere they went for a week They would put it inside their quilts (4) , on the seats when sitting in a car or on a bus, and next to their desks at school.The days carrying the bag around with them (5) students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds.They had to pay attention to it all the time (6) they wouldn't forget it.As time passed by, the potatoes went bad and (7) nasty(恶心).They all tried to get rid of them.

              Too often we think of tolerance(宽容)as a gift to (8) people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred(仇恨)in our (9) , we will have to carry them around all our lives.

              Do you think you have got (10) from the wise teacher and what she asked her students to do?
              (1) A. take B. bring C. put D. show
              (2) A. in B. at C. on D. with
              (3) A. heavy B. strong C. light D. big
              (4) A. in the morning B. in the afternoon
              C. during the day D. at night
              (5) A. kept B. made C. asked D. allowed
              (6) A. as soon as B. since C. so that D. until
              (7) A. sounded B. tasted C. smelt D. felt
              (8) A. another B. other C. the other D. others
              (9) A. hands B. eyes C. stomachs D. hearts
              (10) A. anything B. nothing C. somebody D. anybody
            • 5.

              It was rainy the whole night. There was a lot of   (1)   on the road. It was the day for the market and Bob, the farmer, was riding his cart(运货马车)along the country road. He had to reach the market early so that he can   (2)   his vegetables. It was very   (3)   for the horses to walk through the deep mud. On his way, the wheels of the horse cart sank into the mud.

              The horses pulled the cart harder and harder but the wheels sank deeper and deeper. Bob  (4)   his cart and stood beside it. Nobody came to   (5)   him. He didn’t do anything but complained about his bad luck for what happened. Looking up at the sky, he shouted, "I am so  (6)  ! Could someone come to help me? "

              Bob   (7)   for a long time, and then a man came. He asked Bob, "Nobody will help you unless you try to help yourself. Did you try to get the   (8)   out of the hole by yourself? Come on, pull the wheels and you will soon find the way out. "

              Bob started to do what the man said. After a few minutes, the wheels were out of the   (9)  . Bob learnt his lesson. He thanked the man and carried on his journey   (10)  . God helps those who help themselves.

            • 6.


              Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious  (1)  in communicating with people.  One always had to guess what he was saying.  (2)  , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always  (3)  I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by  (4)  him several times a day to wash his hands.  But he just could not understand.

                  One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc.  (5)  saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom.  Slowly, Miss West washed his  (6)  and told him that he should keep himself clean.  She did that every day for one month,  (7)  , Marc understood.

                  Miss West’s love has given me a good example to follow when I am doing my job.  I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right  (8)  to do things.  And the most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up.

            • 7.

              A few days ago, some students from the US visited our school. When we talked about something, I found  36  differences in school life between the US and China. For example, in  37  , each class lasts (持续) fifty minutes. It is a little  38  than that in China. We usually have a class for forty or forty-five minutes. Another difference is that they have  39  break (休息) time at noon (在中午). Although most schools in both countries finish their  40  classes at 12 o’clock, the students in the US only have a one-hour-long break, so they  41  to eat lunch quickly. Their afternoon classes begin at 1:00 pm and school is over at around 3:00 pm. Then they join in club activities or play sports.

               Many Chinese students don’t  42  during their high school years, but the US students like to find a part-time (兼职的) job in  43  free time. They don’t have a dream job in mind. They think there is no difference between  44  . Working is a useful experience for them and they can make money at the same time. Some of them even take full-time (全天的) jobs for a year  45  they leave high school. Then they go to college.

            • 8.

              We are learning English, not learning about English. A student can ___11___ all about English, but he ___12___not be able to speak English. There is a ___13___ between “learning English” and “learning about English”. If you want to learn it well, please ___14___the following things. ___15___, learn the expressions(表达) by heart. Learn the ___16___sentence, not single words. At the same time, don’t ___17___ about mistakes. It is important ___18___ a good habit from the very first lesson. Just try to say ___19___you want to say and don’t care if people laugh at you. Keep on trying and you’ll make ___20___ mistakes.

            • 9.

              Help Bennington Museum take care of the exhibits(展览品) on our collection by following these rules:

              ◆ Walk in the museum, and move your body   46   .

              ◆ Don’t   47   in the museum. Use a quiet voice when talking.

              ◆ Only touch things that you have been   48   to touch.

              ◆ If you have candy in your mouth, put   49   in the waste before you enter the museum or its galleries(画廊).

              ◆ Be good   50  . Raise your hand to ask or answer a question.

              ◆ Food and drinks are only allowed in the exhibition hall and lunch room (Education Center).

              ◆ Photograph is allowed,   51   not in the Grandma Moses Gallery or in the Flag Gallery.

              ◆ Students must be followed by chaperons (监护人) at all times. If no chaperons goes into a restroom   52   students (for example, there are no adults with the group), students are allowed into the restroom no more than 3 at a time.

              ◆ Chaperons should make sure the students   53   the rules by staying with them and stop them from talking loudly during the visit.

              ◆ School groups are welcome in the Museum Gift Shop. Chaperons are asked to care for the   54   in the shop.

              If you follow these rules, you will surely have a   55   and safe museum visit.

            • 10.

              Professional sports are very popular in the United States and they are big business. The most popular sports are basketball and football.   36.   has its own season and millions of supporters. Professional teams are named for the cities   37.   they are located. When a team plays in a championship game, most people in the city   38.   the game with   39.   and enthusiasm (热情).

                Basketball is famous around the world. Professional basketball games in the US are played indoors during winter months. From November to April one can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large American cities. It is   40.   a national sport. There are basketball matches   41 .  every night of the week and   42.    weekends as well. The season begins in April and   43.   in  October.

                Football   44.  another popular professional sport in the US. It is played on Sundays   45.    autumn. American football is different   46.    international football, which is called   47. .

                Both games need strength and skills (体能和技巧). Many young people would like  48.   professional players because a professional player can    49.  millions of dollars for their playing skill. American best players may be   50.   than the country’s president.

