优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I’m writing to you about my staying at your hotel. My wife and I   (1)   on Saturday,May 15 and stayed for a week.Though we were treated   (2)   and found the Service excellent, we think there are one or two matters we   (3)  bring your


                  1We had hoped for a nice  (4)  from our busy work lives, and your ad said, “comfortable and quiet”.We went to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were   (5)  to find that repairs were sometimes needed, but is it   (6)  necessary to start early in the morning?

                 2We had hoped to  (7)   in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment, we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.

                 I   (8)  you do not mind me writing to you   (9)  these things, but I would be happy if you could give me some explanations. As I  (10)  at the start, It is a pity, and your service is so well in other fields.

            • 2.

              Hi, Kevin.   

              Last Saturday, our class had a trip. We wanted to do   (1)   exciting. So, we decided to go to the   (2)   near our city.

              That day, the weather was great, sunny but not hot. We started at eight.   (3)  , we talked and sang. Soon, we arrived. Wow! It was really a wonderful mountain. I couldn’t wait to   (4)    to the top. About an hour later, I stopped   (5)   a rest. I looked back. Oh, my friend Alice was about 100 metres   (6)   me. She seemed to be very    (7)   and not to walk any further. I   (8)   her and asked her to follow me. At about eleven, we got to the top. On it, we ate some food and drank some water. I felt the food was   (9)   delicious like that.

              There I bought something for my sister but nothing for   (10)  in the gift shop. In the evening I wrote a diary about the trip.


            • 3.

               Do you often eat chocolate and drink coffee? Do you often stay up late? Do you play computer games for a long time every day? These are all bad  (1)  .Everyone has his or her own habits. Some are good, but some are  (2)  .Good habits can help us get good  (3)  .First, we should eat  (4)  fruit and vegetables. We should try to eat  (5)  junk food.  (6)  it is delicious, it’s bad  (7)   our health. Second, we should exercise more. We can run in the morning. We can play basketball after school. And we can go  (8)  in summer. Third, we should have  (9)   habits. We should go to bed early and get up early. And we  (10)  watch TV or play computer games too much.

            • 4.

              Dear Harry,

              Here   (1)   a picture of my room. The   (2)   on the sofa is me. Next to the sofa is my bed. A red quilt is on the bed. Red is my favorite   (3)  . A basketball and a volleyball are behind the door. My brother always   (4)  them with me after school. I   (5)  sports are good for us.   (6)   is that on the desk? It’s an apple. I like apples. I always have apples   (7)   dinner. So I’m very healthy, too. And I like listening (听) to the   (8)  . I think it’s   (9)   for me. So I have an iPad on the table. I think my room is tidy. What about   (10)  ?



            • 5.


                 I still remember you first day of school. We walked into the classroom and you just stood there, shy and ____  (1)  ____. Then the teacher came and asked the other kids to play with you. "Mommy, you can ____  (2)  ____ now," you came up to me and said. I ____  (3)  ____ you would cry like other kids, but you didn't, I was the one ____  (4)  ____. I thought about you the whole day. When I came to pick you up, you were so ____  (5)  ____ and told me all about you day. Your eyes were so bright. You didn't stop talking until we arrived home.

                 Now, I can't believe that you have got high school diploma(毕业证书). You've worked so hard to ____  (6)  ____ to this point. I'm proud(自豪) of you. My heart is broken when I know that you will leave for the army(军队). I know it is your ____  (7)  ____ and that you'll be all right. I'm glad that we get along with each other so well. Yon know you can trust me and talk to me about everything.

                 I'm not a ____  (8)  ____ mother. I make mistakes. I know those mistakes may hurt you sometimes. I'm so sorry and I hope you can understand me. But I never regret(后悔) having you as my son. I'm proud to be the one who saw your first steps and heard your first words. There are so many things that I've watched you do. They are all a big ____  (9)  ____ to me.

                 You deserve(值得拥有) the best that this world can give you. Today I have to let you go to study the world on your own. I'd like to thank you for the ____  (10)  ____ eighteen years of my life.


            • 6.

              Dear dad,

              Happy birthday to you! On this special day, I’d like to talk to you in a special way.

              I don’t think I’m good at telling you my thought face to face with you, so I’m   (1)   to show my deep love for you. You’re not a rich man   (2)  a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest  (3)  in the world. I’m  (4)  you. You’re  (5)  interested in being famous and rich. You do  (6)  things like paying for your phone on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your face shows you’re pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and do some shopping with mom on Sundays.

              In the past, I didn’t care  (7)  you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I didn’t  (8)  you before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me.

              I am quite lucky that I have  (9)  a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you know  (10)  I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband, a father and a friend.

              Love from,


            • 7.

              Dear Anne,

              Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you like your school.

              I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four   (1)  in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have  (2)  to do after class.   (3)    Monday and Wednesday afternoon we   (4)   sports. On Tuesday afternoon_  (5)   of us have  (6)   singing class. And on Thursday afternoon some have a drawing class . On Friday afternoon we read or   (7)   English. My Chinese friends want   (8)   with me in English.   (9)  think I am like an English teacher. Isn't it great?

              On Saturday and Sunday I don't go to school. I often go to the park and have a good time   (10)   my family there.



            • 8.

              Dear Jenny,

              I'm a Chinese boy. I am 16. My English  (1)   is Eric. I have a happy  (2)   . My parents are both teachers. My  (3)   is a geography teacher, and my mother is  (4)   English teacher. My sister Emma and I  (5)   to the same school. Emma's favorite subject is Chinese, so she always  (6)   questions about Chinese.  (7)  favorite subject is English  (8)   I want to go around the world.And English isvery  (9)   for us.

              Can you tell me  (10)   your family?



            • 9.

              Dear Daming,

                  I went on holiday in Beijing with my family last week. We arrived in Beijing ____  (1)  ____ train. It ____  (2)  ____ us about six hours to get there. On the way to Beijing, I was ____  (3)  ____ about the tour.

                  On Monday morning we went to the Palace Museum. There are lots of tourists there every day. It has a museum ____  (4)  ____ lots of works of arts. In the evening we went to the Bird's Nest (鸟巢) and the Water Cube(水立方). We waited till all the light were ____  (5)  ____. Wow! ____  (6)  ____ beautiful buildings! The Olymipic Games was held (举行)there in 2008. It was so great!

                  On Tuesday, we went for ____  (7)  ____ walk at Wangfujing Street. There are shops and restaurants everywhere. We ____  (8)  ____ delicious food and did some shopping. I met a Frenchman.He talked with me ____  (9)  ____ English. I was a bit nervous (紧张). It's my first time to speak English with a foreigner.

                  I' m looking forward to ____  (10)  ____ the Great Wall. But I had no time this time. I hope that I can visit it with you one day.



            • 10.

              Dear teacher,

                  I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. I'm   (1)   this letter because I want  to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.

                  I know I   (2)   be very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big   (3)   in my life. You see, all through my first year in schools, I haled to read. Books were just words that had   (4)   to do with me. and I felt bored while reading them. I'll anwer   (5)   the first day of Grade Six when you took out a think book and began to read the story to our class. It   (6)   that your voice changed with the people in Ihe story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read   (7)  . After that day, I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You   (8)   us all kinds of wonderful stories.

                  During the summer after my year in your class, I missed the stories you read. So one day I

              picked up a book and   (9)   all by myself. I found out that I could make the words   (10)  , too. Now, I Iove to read! Thauk you for opening the world of books for me.



