优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Animals are, (1) (people) friends.But many wild animals are facing the (2) (危险)of dying out,because the environment that they are living in has (3) (change) greatly.For example, (4) (they) living area has become smaller and smaller because of pollution and the development of cities.They have no room to live in except the zoo.And many of the wild animals now can"t find enough Food (5) (eat).At the same time,man is killing off animals just for getting their fur, (6) (牙齿)and meat.
              People should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect the animals.We should set up some nature reserves so that animals can live (7) (free).And people shouldn"t (8) (allow )to kill the endangered(处于危险中的)animals.We should also do (9) (anything)to make our world cleaner.Fresh air,clean water and green grass are all important for animals.The death of the endangered animals will (10) (带来) a disaster(灾难)to human beings.
            • 2. A True Forest of Wonder
              Saihanba National Forest Park is lying in Chengde, Hebei.
              In Mongolian, Saihanba means "beautiful highland".It is often called "the Green Lung of north China". On Dec 5, 2017, the United Nations' highest environmental honor, the Champions of the Earth Award was given to China's Saihanba Afforestation Community(塞罕坝林场建设者).
              During the Qing Dynasty,it was a royal hunting(打猎) ground and the emperors hunted there almost every year. In 1863, because of a shortage of funds, the Qing Government allowed farmers to use the land here. In the following years, logging and wildfires gradually destroyed the forest and grassland. And forests and wetlands were beginning to disappear.After the Qing Dynasty failed, Saihanba turned into a wasteland.
              In the 1960s, Chinese people started to recreate a national forest in Saihanba. In 1961, a group of six scientists traveled through Saihanba and studied the possibility of growing trees there. They finally found one tree standing alone in the vast land, which greatly encouraged them. If one tree could survive there, so could millions of others. They believed they could green the barren desert and turn it into an oasis(绿洲).
              Three generations of forest guards have overcome extreme living conditions while protecting the landscape. The weather, in particular, can be intense as highest temperature in the area is around 33degrees Celsius, while the lowest is around -43degrees Celsius, and some areas are covered in snow for seven months a year, but others are affected by strong winds and sandstorms. However, through great efforts, it took the forest guards over 55years to turn the desert into a green land.
              Chinese people have created a true wonder in Saihanba over the past half-century. In May 1993, it was designated as a "National Forest Park".In 2000, it has been categorized as a 5A level tourist site by the China National Tourism Administration. In May 2007, the park was rated as a "National Nature Reserves"by the State Council of China. Today, Sihanba is known as the "Emerald of North China". It is very important for Beijing's water and air quality. It is also a natural shield(屏障)that can block sandstorms.
              1. Where is Saihanba National Forest Park?______
              2. When did Chinese people start to recreate a national forest in Saihanba?______
              3. How long did it take the forest guards to turn the desert into a green land?______
              4. What is the second paragraph mainly about?______
              5. Why is Saihanba important?______
            • 3. Teenagers and their parents always think differently.Children always hate the (80) ______ asked by their parents.Here are some of them.
              What did you get on your report card?
              Unless you get all As and Bs,you’ll never want to hear this question come out of your parents’mouths.How do they know it is the report card day?Mom and Dad are going to be angry when they see you (81) ______ a C in math.
              Did you clean your room?
              “YES,”you shout downstairs as you start running around your room,hiding all the clothes on your floor under your bed.You must finish all of this (82) ______ your mom comes into your room and sees your room is still in a mess.
              Is it your boyfriend/girlfriend?
              You can’t understand why your (83) ______ always ask such a question.You find it difficult to give an answer.It’s either because you don’t know what kind of relationship it is (84) ______ there is an important reason you can’t tell them.
              Did you call a family member for his/her birthday?
              Uh,no.Honestly,you see this family member once every three years.What will you say (85) ______ him/her?Can’t you just write“Happy Birthday”in his/her WeChat or QQ group?
              Such problems often happen to teenagers and their parents.Maybe (86) ______ sides should have some changes and try to understand each other better.For parents,they may let the children be free to deal with their (87) ______ problems.For children,they’d better ask their parents for some advice.
            • 4. What would you choose,if you were sitting in front of a TV and there was a book right next to you?The answer will most (81)p ______ be the TV!Young people would certainly choose the TV,but you will be surprised to find out that the older ones will at least hesitate about choosing it.Why is this?Are the books not as interesting as they used to be?Is it that the world has (82)c ______ so much in recent years that our habits are not the same anymore?
              Nowadays many people have no interest in literature(文学).This may be a possible explanation.Another(83)r ______ might be the change of lifestyle.We are more(84)l ______ to visit a club or a bar to relax ourselves after a long day's work,rather than read a book in the comfort of our own homes.People are more outgoing than they used to be.All the stress of work makes us want a quick relaxing means.Perhaps,most of us do not have the (85)p ______ to read anymore.It is much (86)e ______ to turn on the TV and watch the latest news around the world than read 19th century literature!
              With all the TV programs,every one of us can find an interesting show or movie to watch.What’s better than getting into bed with the remote control and falling asleep whenever you wish?You are the master of all the TV programs.The only disadvantage is that TV will never (87)p ______ you with all the facts that a book can do.TV is much more superficial than books,even if it does get you relaxed in just a moment!
            • 5. More and more teenagers are using the Internet nowadays,but some of them aren’t using it in a proper way.If you follow these suggestions,it’ll be much (46) ______ (安全的)than you might think.
              Do not give your password to others and never give out your home (47) ______ (地址),real name,age,school or phone number to those (48) ______ (陌生人).
              Do not share your (49) ______ (私密的)information in Moments (朋友圈)
              Never answer unwanted (50) ______ (电子邮件).
              Be (51) ______ (小心的) when you are using public Wi-Fi or scanning QR code (扫二维码).
              Never go and meet anyone you met online (52) ______ (没有)your parents’permission and never go (53) ______ (单独地).
              Keep a separate credit (信用)card just for (54) ______ (购物)online.This will make it easier to (55) ______ (取消)if something bad happens and your other credit cards can still be used uninfluenced.
            • 6.
              What would you choose,if you were sitting in front of a TV and there was a book right next to you?The answer will most (81)p ______ be the TV!Young people would certainly choose the TV,but you will be surprised to find out that the older ones will at least hesitate about choosing it.Why is this?Are the books not as interesting as they used to be?Is it that the world has (82)c ______ so much in recent years that our habits are not the same anymore?
              Nowadays many people have no interest in literature(文学).This may be a possible explanation.Another(83)r ______ might be the change of lifestyle.We are more(84)l ______ to visit a club or a bar to relax ourselves after a long day's work,rather than read a book in the comfort of our own homes.People are more outgoing than they used to be.All the stress of work makes us want a quick relaxing means.Perhaps,most of us do not have the (85)p ______ to read anymore.It is much (86)e ______ to turn on the TV and watch the latest news around the world than read 19th century literature!
              With all the TV programs,every one of us can find an interesting show or movie to watch.What’s better than getting into bed with the remote control and falling asleep whenever you wish?You are the master of all the TV programs.The only disadvantage is that TV will never (87)p ______ you with all the facts that a book can do.TV is much more superficial than books,even if it does get you relaxed in just a moment!
            • 7.
              Many museums house works of art,and some have valuable pieces that can never be replaced.These museums give the (51) ______ (公众)a chance to enjoy their treasures.In the past,people could (52) ______ (几乎不)talk when visiting museums.Today,rules aren't as strict,but following some (53) ______ (基本的)rules is still necessary.
              Respect(尊重)the space
              Keep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.
              (54) ______ (避免)standing against walls and watch where you walk.
              No food is allowed.Finish (55) ______ (吃)all the food before entering the museum.
              Respect the art
              No touching the art.Hands,(56) ______ (手指)or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork.(Someone thinks a small touch won't hurt the artwork,but imagine how those"touches"would add up with (57) ______ (百)or thousands of visitors every day.)
              No flash photos.Bright lights can be (58) ______ (有害的)to the art.
              Respect other visitors
              Complete silence isn't necessary,but talk in a low (59) ______ (说话声).
              Stand in lines while buying tickets or waiting.
              Follow the rules (60) ______ (在…上面).It can make everyone's museum experience safe and enjoyable.
            • 8.
              More and more teenagers are using the Internet nowadays,but some of them aren’t using it in a proper way.If you follow these suggestions,it’ll be much (46) ______ (安全的)than you might think.
              Do not give your password to others and never give out your home (47) ______ (地址),real name,age,school or phone number to those (48) ______ (陌生人).
              Do not share your (49) ______ (私密的)information in Moments (朋友圈)
              Never answer unwanted (50) ______ (电子邮件).
              Be (51) ______ (小心的) when you are using public Wi-Fi or scanning QR code (扫二维码).
              Never go and meet anyone you met online (52) ______ (没有)your parents’permission and never go (53) ______ (单独地).
              Keep a separate credit (信用)card just for (54) ______ (购物)online.This will make it easier to (55) ______ (取消)if something bad happens and your other credit cards can still be used uninfluenced.
            • 9.
              Teenagers and their parents always think differently.Children always hate the (80) ______ asked by their parents.Here are some of them.
              What did you get on your report card?
              Unless you get all As and Bs,you’ll never want to hear this question come out of your parents’mouths.How do they know it is the report card day?Mom and Dad are going to be angry when they see you (81) ______ a C in math.
              Did you clean your room?
              “YES,”you shout downstairs as you start running around your room,hiding all the clothes on your floor under your bed.You must finish all of this (82) ______ your mom comes into your room and sees your room is still in a mess.
              Is it your boyfriend/girlfriend?
              You can’t understand why your (83) ______ always ask such a question.You find it difficult to give an answer.It’s either because you don’t know what kind of relationship it is (84) ______ there is an important reason you can’t tell them.
              Did you call a family member for his/her birthday?
              Uh,no.Honestly,you see this family member once every three years.What will you say (85) ______ him/her?Can’t you just write“Happy Birthday”in his/her WeChat or QQ group?
              Such problems often happen to teenagers and their parents.Maybe (86) ______ sides should have some changes and try to understand each other better.For parents,they may let the children be free to deal with their (87) ______ problems.For children,they’d better ask their parents for some advice.
