优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Several years ago, (1) a cold winter morning,I was shopping alone.I tried to buy some winter socks to (2) my cold feet warm.When I went around the corner in the store,l saw a Christmas tree (3) paper angels(天使).On each angel was the name of a poor child (4) family couldn't afford to buy him/her a gift that year.Shoppers who picked an angel could buy a simple toy or gift and the store would (5) it up and send it to the child that Christmas.
              Around the tree,I saw a boy and a girl picking out several angels each.Their mother was smiling while she was watching (6) .I walked up next to her and started talking with her.She told me that her children (7) this several years ago when she first explained to them what the Charity Angel tree was for.Each offered to give up one of their toys that year (8) a poor child could have one.Since then,the two have (9) money the whole year in order to buy gifts for more children.It has become a family tradition.
              When we finished talking,I smiled.I walked over m the tree,and picked out a few angels,too.I left the store,feeling (10) and love for that Christmas.

              (1) A. on B. in C. at D. for
              (2) A. become B. keep C. let D. turn
              (3) A. plenty of B. full with C. kinds of D. filled with
              (4) A. Who B. that C. whose D. whom
              (5) A. pack B. pick C. cut D. mix
              (6) A. her B. it C. him D. them
              (7) A. stopped B. continued C. passed D. started
              (8) A. in order to B. so that C. because D. if
              (9) A. paid B. spent C. saved D. wasted
              (10) A. warmth B. happiness C. joy D. taste.
            • 2.
              Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks.He was always telling Harry (1) anew clock.But Harry, (2) lived next door to Jack,said he didn't need one.
              " (3) need a clock,"Jack said."How do you know when it's time to get up?"
              "My landlord Mr.Smith turns on his radio at seven o'clock and listens (4) the news,"Harry said."That's my morning call."
              "OK.But how do you know when to go to work?"
              "By the time I (5) my breakfast,it's eight o'clock,time to leave for the office.Then I walk there.When I arrive at my office,it's nine o'clock.That's (6) time I start work."
              "OK.But how do you know when it's time to go home?"
              "The factory bell (7) ,"Harry told him.
              "But how do you know when it's time to go to bed?"
              "The television programs come to end."
              By now Jack was really (8) ."OK,"he shouted."Now tell me what would happen (9) you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time."
              "That's easy,"Harry said."I would knock heavily on (10) wall.Then you would shout at me.What are you doing knocking on my wall at three o'clock in the morning?"

              l.A.to buy B.buying C.bought D.buy
              (1) A. which B. whose C. that D. who
              (2) A. No one B. Neither one C. Everyone D. Someone
              (3) A. at B. to C. in D. on
              (4) A. eats B. have eaten C. ate D. was eating
              (5) A. a B. an C. the D. /
              (6) A. ring B. rings C. was rung D. ringing
              (7) A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering
              (8) A. if B. that C. why D. how
              (9) A. his B. their C. her D. your.
            • 3.
              The population problem may be one of the (1) problems in the world today.The world's population is growing (2) .Two thousand years ago,there were only 250million people (3) the earth.Four hundred years ago,the number was (4) 500million.But at the beginning of the (5) century,the world's population was about 1,700million.In 1970,the number was 3,600million.In 1990,the number was five billion.A UN report (6) that the world's population had (7) the six billion mark by the end of the 20th century.This was just ten (8) after it (9) five billion.People say that by the year 2050, (10) may be eight billion.

              (1) A. great B. greater C. greatest D. most great
              (2) A. faster and faster B. fast and fast
              C. fastest and fastest D. faster and fast
              (3) A. in B. on C. at D. for
              (4) A. less B. more C. to D. over
              (5) A. twenty B. twelve C. twentieth D. twelfth
              (6) A. asked B. said C. told D. spoke
              (7) A. past B. pass C. passed D. passes
              (8) A. weeks B. months C. seasons D. years
              (9) A. get B. gets C. reached D. reach
              (10) A. this B. its C. one D. it.
            • 4.
              I'm a boy from a poor(贫穷的) family.I (1) in a very small school.There is only one (2) in our school.We study in this house.There are many (3) in our school.We are from eight years old (4) twelve years old.We also (5) only one teacher.She is (6) and slim.Every day she teaches(教) (7) to read and write.She is funny.We all (8) er very much.
              Our school begins at 7:00a.m.From Monday to Friday,all of us (9) to school.We love (10) football with Miss Wang after class.
              (1) A. see B. study C. wear D. listen
              (2) A. pool B. toilet C. bedroom D. house
              (3) A. fathers B. students C. nurses D. drivers
              (4) A. at B. to C. on D. of
              (5) A. make B. sing C. have D. help
              (6) A. tall B. hard C. long D. big
              (7) A. them B. us C. you D. her
              (8) A. say B. love C. meet D. buy
              (9) A. walk B. bring C. do D. answer
              (10) A. riding B. reading C. playing D. working
            • 5.
              Everyone in our school loves sports.Every morning (1) we get up,we do morning exercises.After the second class we do exercises again.We only have (2) class twice a week,but we do physical training(锻炼) at five every afternoon.The most popular sport is basketball.The (3) enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it,too. (4) popular sport is football and in every class there are (5) football fans.Volleyball is often played when the (6) is fine.We have school teams in basketball,football and volleyball.Our teams often (7) friendship matches with teams from other schools.When there is a match, (8) of us go to watch it and cheer our side.
              Besides(除…之外) ball games,some of us like track-and-field events (田径项目), (9) we often practice running,jumping and throwing.Every term we have tests in these events and once a year,we hold a (10)
              (1) A. while B. when C. before D. after
              (2) A. English B. Chinese C. P.E. D. music
              (3) A. teacher B. boys C. students D. people
              (4) A. Some other B. Other C. Another D. The other
              (5) A. a lot of B. few C. no D. a few
              (6) A. team B. class C. weather D. meal
              (7) A. see B. have C. look at D. watch
              (8) A. several B. few C. a few D. many
              (9) A. because B. but C. or D. and
              (10) A. sports meet B. place C. game D. matches.
            • 6.
              The sun is about 93 million miles away from the (1) .The radiant energy(辐射能)from the sun travels out into space (2) 186,000 miles a second.This means that it (3) about 8.33 minutes for sunlight to travel (4) .The light from (5) stars far out in space takes even (6) to reach the earth. (7) the great distances(距离)in space,scientists have used the speed of light (8) a measurement(测量)of distance.This measurement (9) a light year and is the distance that light can travel in one year.Light (10) about 6 trillion(兆) miles a year.
              (1) A. moon B. earth C. star
              (2) A. at the age of B. at a speed(速度) of C. as far as
              (3) A. spends B. pays C. takes
              (4) A. from earth to sun B. from the sun to the earth
              C. from stars to moon
              (5) A. other B. another C. the other
              (6) A. longer time B. shorter time C. the same
              (7) A. As well as B. As a result C. Because of
              (8) A. for B. as C. like
              (9) A. is called B. is used C. is read
              (10) A. takes B. flies C. travels.
            • 7.
              Jack (1) in a small town in England.He always stayed in England (2) his holidays.But last year he thought,"I've never been to (3) countries.All my friends go to Spain, (4) they like it very much,so this year I'm going there,too."So he got on a (5) to Spain and (6) at the airport of the capital,Madrid,and stayed in a hotel for a few days.On the first morning he went (7) for a walk.In England people drive on the left,but in Spain they drive on the right.Jack forgot about this,and (8) he was walking on a busy street,a bicycle knocked him down.
              Jack (9) on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said,"Where am I?"
              Just then an old man selling maps went past him.When he heard Jack's words,he said to him (10) ,"Maps of the city,sir?"
              (1) A. flew    B. lived C. went D. dropped
              (2) A. for B. off C. with D. into
              (3) A. all B. both C. other D. any
              (4) A. and B. but C. though D. however
              (5) A. bus B. plane C. train D. bike
              (6) A. reached B. left C. arrived D. stayed
              (7) A. down B. up C. away D. out
              (8) A. before B. while C. since D. after
              (9) A. lay B. stood C. fell D. jumped
              (10) A. once again B. on time C. at times D. at once.
            • 8.
              The summer holiday is coming.Steve will have a wonderful (1) He is going to take a train to Beijing to visit his (2) Taking a train isn't faster than taking a plane, (3) he still plans to take a train because he likes (4) the beautiful scenery outside the windows.He wants to stay at his grandparents'home for a week.After that,Steve plans to go to Shanghai to visit his uncle,aunt and (5) Although taking a plane is more (6) than other ways,his parents will book a plane ticket for him.He is going to take a (7) to Shanghai for the first time.His cousin,Jeff,is a doctor in a (8) He has a beautiful car so he will (9) Steve to Shanghai Bund and take some pictures there.Steve can't (10) to see it.He will take a ship to see the scenery with Jeff.

              (1) A. party B. day C. holiday D. game
              (2) A. parents B. friends C. brothers D. grandparents
              (3) A. and B. but C. or D. so
              (4) A. watching B. reading C. touching D. hugging
              (5) A. classmate B. doctor C. teacher D. cousin
              (6) A. interesting B. relaxing C. expensive D. exciting
              (7) A. boat B. plane C. bus D. bike
              (8) A. hospital B. bank C. post office D. park
              (9) A. ask B. help C. fly D. drive
              (10) A. wait B. sing C. sleep D. stand.
            • 9.
              Mary and Donald Smith lived in the same building.Donald (1) a toy company.One day Donald gave Mary-the 4-year-old girl a new toy.She played with t and said,"This is fun!"A few weeks later,Donald gave her (2) toy.She played with it and then said,I m not (3) in this toy.It doesn't work."For years Donald gave Mary new toys and she gave him very good (4) about the toys.
              When Mary was 13years old,Donald showed her a new ball.Mary wanted to (5) ,the ball with small stones to make it (6) The company made this change.Mary's idea was a great success!The company sold thousands of the balls.That Christmas Donald gave Mary an (7) gift He made her vice-president(副总裁)of the toy company.She made $ 200,000a year.Her job was to see (8) the new toys were fun.She worked (9) three or four hours a day at her job,then she had to do her homework.
              Today Mary works at a college.The little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their (10)
              (1) A. owned B. rioted C. owns D. closes
              (2) A. other B. others C. the other D. another
              (3) A. excited B. interested C. relaxed D. bored
              (4) A. ways B. designs C. questions D. ideas
              (5) A. fill B. full C. add D. pour
              (6) A. noisy B. quiet C. light D. future
              (7) A. special B. awful C. amazing D. useful
              (8) A. when B. if C. as D. since
              (9) A. at B. in C. for D. with
              (10) A. company B. toys C. homework D. future
            • 10.
              Today is Sunday.It is a (1) day.The sky is (2) .Mr White,Mrs White,Kate and Tom (3) walking in the park.Some (4) are on the lake(湖).Mr and Mrs White are (5) at the boats.Kate is not looking at (6) .She is (7) at a red bird in a big tree.Tom is looking at a (8) in the (9) .They have a (10) time.
              (1) A. good B. fine C. right
              (2) A. black B. blue C. yellow
              (3) A. is B. are C. do
              (4) A. ships B. boats C. cars
              (5) A. looking B. watching C. seeing
              (6) A. they B. them C. it
              (7) A. watching B. looking C. seeing
              (8) A. plane B. bike C. people
              (9) A. sky B. lake C. road
              (10) A. fine B. good C. well.
