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            • 1. Have you ever heard of a rattlesnake?It is a poisonous (有毒的) American snake.When it is angry or afraid,it makes a noise like a rattle with its tail.It’s very scary.But Heather Ramirez and her husband,from California,in the United States,make a living in an unusual way.They are self-employed (自雇的) snake catchers!They catch snakes,especially rattlesnakes which have gone indoors,and return them to the wild.
              Heather describes her work as“protecting people from rattlesnakes-and protecting rattlesnakes from people!”In the area where they live,rattlesnakes often come face to face with people.They are found in stores,offices,houses and gardens.Heather explains that it’s not the snakes that are moving into places where people live,but it’s the other way round.The snakes lived in these places first and then the people built houses.
              Most people who see a rattlesnake are feared.If you keep your distance,however,the snake won’t bite (咬) you.In twelve years as a snake catcher,Heather has never touched a snake.She doesn’t take the risk.She picks up the snakes with a special tool.This doesn’t hurt them,but it keeps them at a safe distance so that they can’t bite her.
              Heather and her husband are very busy because they are never off duty.Catching snakes is a full-time job and they don’t often have a day off.People can get to them at any time of the day or night.Not everyone can do this job,but Heather doesn’t want to do anything else.“I just love my job,”she says.
              34.The Ramirezs make a living in an unusual way by    
              A.catching and selling snakes
              B.catching snakes as a part-time job
              C.protecting snakes in the wild
              D.being self-employed snake catchers
              35.In Paragraph 2,Heather explains why the rattlesnakes    
              A.never bite people
              B.are afraid of people
              C.are found where people live
              D.lived with people at first
              36.The underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3refers to    
              B.special tools
              C.people around
              D.the Ramirezs
              37.Which of the following is true according to the passage?    
              A.Heather catches snakes only at night.
              B.Heather is always ready to do her job.
              C.Heather risks touching snakes sometimes.
              D.Heather has been a snake catcher for 20years.
            • 2. (2015•威海)Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人)because he ran so fast.But he is most remembered as a man of honor and bravery.
              He was born in 1902 in Tianjin,north China.In Chinese,he was known as Li Airui.Eric lived in China until the age of five.After that his parents sent him to school in England.In 1920,Eric went to the University ofEdinburgh to study science.
              Sports played a large part in his life and he became the fastest runner in Scotland.He was chosen to be part of Britain’s 1924 Olympic team.The games were in Paris.The 100-meter race was his best event,but it was to be held on a Sunday.Eric,a strong Christian(基督徒),refused to run on Sundays because he believed that it should be a day of rest as the Bible(圣经)teaches.
              Although many people told him to run the race,he refused.Instead he started to train for other distances.At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200-meter race and then a gold medal in the 400-meter race,setting a world record.
              Though then famous in Scotland,Eric still loved and remembered China.He wanted to go back to the country where he was born.In 1925,he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin.Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.
              After the Japanese invaded(入侵)China,Eric chose to stay.He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people.In 1943,the Japanese sent him to a prisoncamp(集中营)in Weifang.Even in the camp,he continued to help the old people.He also arranged games for the children,and taught them science.
              In 1945,Eric was very ill.He was given a chance to leave the camp but he refused.Instead he gave this chance to a pregnant woman.This inspiring man died six months before the end of the war.Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.

              41.Eric went back to England to    
              A.go to school
              B.help the Scottish people
              C.take part in the Olympic Games
              42.Eric set a world record in the     race.
              43.Eric returned to China in    
              44.Eric lived in China for     years all together.
              45.People remember Eric mainly because of his    
            • 3. Jane Austen(1775-1817),an English novelist,started writing young and completed six novels in her life.Today Austen’s books are more popular than ever.In the last 10years,five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films,while her books continue to be best-sellers.
              Richard Jenkyns,a professor of English at Oxford University,says that her novels are about marriage,friendships and the family,which are still with us today.“The stories are timeless,”Jenkyns said.
              Pride and Prejudice(偏见)(1813)is Austen’s most famous work.It is a love story about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy.At first,these two dislike each other.Elizabeth is pretty,smart and lively.She is proud because Darcy doesn’t know about her family.Mr.Darcy is handsome,rich and has a better family background.So,he is proud as well.At the same time,Darcy holds a prejudice against the Bennet family.He has no understanding of why the family,especially its mother and daughters should try so hard to find wealthy and powerful husbands.He thinks they are vulgar.Anyway,Elizabeth and Darcy finally fall in love and become a romantic couple but their families don’t want them to.
              In Pride and Prejudice,some of the main things that Jane Austen wants to teach people are as follows.Opposites can attract each other.Lovers should not ony make each other feel relaxed or comfortable,but also educate and improve each other.
              Austen os often called the greatest romanti writer,so it is surprising she remained unmarried.‘Maybe she was too romantic,waiting for the perfect man,”Jenkyns says.

              34.From Paragraph 1and Paragraph 2,we can know    
              A.Jane Austen passed away in her fifties
              B.Austen’s works remain popular today
              C.all of Austen’s works have been made into Hollywood films.
              D.Austen’s works are mostly about war and the family.
              35.Which of the following sentences is True?    
              A.Elizabeth and Darcy fall in love at first sight.
              B.Elizabeth has a better family background than Darcy.
              C.Darcy has a first good impression of Elizabeth’s family.
              D.Elizabeth and Darcy become a romantic couple in the end.
              36.What does the underlined word”vulgar”in Paragraph 3 mean?    
              37.From what Jenkyns says,we can learn    
              A.opposites can attract each other
              B.lovers should improve each other.
              C.Austen’s works go beyond her times
              D.Austen married a perfect man at last.
            • 4. Every Hanzi,i.e.Chinese character,shows a beautiful story.A 65-year-old American living in China named Richard Sears,has spent all his savings to research the origins (起源)of Chinese characters and put more than 96000 ancient Chinese charaters online by setting up the website www.chineseetymology.org.His website allows people to search for free.Mow,Swars has more than 20000 followers on Sina Weibo,and is called“Uncle Hanzi“in China where he has become a celebrity
                 Richard Sears's life in China was not that easy at first.In order to save money,“Uncle Hanzi“rented a small apartment in an old building in Tianjin.The apartment was less than 30 square meters.There was only a bed,a desk,a computer and a fridge.The amall room was his place for meeting,working and sleeping.He didn't have a stable(稳定的)job,but only making money by teaching English.His fridge was always empty and he once even ate street food.But now,his life has changed a lot,although he's still kind of poor.He teaches physies at Beijing Normal University and goes on spending his spare time working on his website.To collect information,he often travels between the U.S.and China.All his savings have been used to buy traditional Chinese character dictionaries and in his website.
                 Living a poor life,“Uncle Hanzi“doesn't regret at all because it is his own choice and he is doing what he likes.This life time experiences and happiness can never be bought by money.

              请阅读以上选编自My China 的文章,回答下列问题.
              86.What does Richard Sears do with his savings according to the passage?    
              A.He uses it to research the origins of Chinese characters.
              B.He uses it to buy all kinds of dictionaries
              C.He puts it in a bank
              D.He uses it to rent a bigger apartment
              87.Why is Richard called“Uncle Hanzi“in China?    
              A.Because Hanzi is his Chinese name
              B.Because he is loved by many people
              C.Because he's devoted much to studying Chinese characters
              D.Because he likes the name.
              88.Which statement is true about his llife in China?    
              A.He's making a lot of money in China
              B.He set up a Weibo named www.chineseetymology.org.
              C.To start with,his life was kind of difficult
              D.He's been staying in China all the time since he came here.
              89.What does the underlined word“celebrity“mean in Paragraph 1?    
              90.Which is the best title(标题)of this passage?    
              A.Happiness Can Not Be Bought By Money
              B.Making Money in China
              C.Traditional Chinese Characters
              D.“Uncle Hanzi“and his“Hanzi Life“
            • 5. Sally Ride was born in California in 1951.She was the first American woman to travel into space.She loved to play tennis and wanted to be a tennis player when she was young.But after three months'professional(专业的) training,she changed her mind.She went to Stanford University and started to study science.She studied stars and planets.She did researches at the university and got her PhD in atrophysics (天体物学博士学位) after several years'hard work.
              In 1977,she took a test to become an astronaut.And then she was pickcd up from over 8,000people.In order to realise her dream of going into space,she had to get different kinds of special and difficult training.She learned how to fly a plane,how to jump out of  a plane as well as how to operate(操作) special machines.
              Sally and four other astronauts flew a spaceship called Challenger on Jun.18,1983.She became the first American woman to travel into space.Later,she taught at the University of California.Then she wrote seven books on space for children,encouraging children to study science.Unfortunately,she died in 2012.
              41.What did Sally Ride want to do at first?    
              A.She wanted to study stars.B.She wanted to study science.
              C.She wanted to play tennis.D.She wanted to do researches.
              42.When did Sally Ride go into space?    
              A.In 1951.B.In 1977.C.In 1983.D.In 2012.
              43.Which is NOT true about Sally Ride?    
              A.She learned how to fly a plane.
              B.She learned how to produce machines.
              C.She learned how to jump out of a plane.
              D.She learned how to use special machines.
              44.Sally Ride taught at the University of California    
              A.before she got her PhD in astrophysics
              B.before she went to Standford University
              C.after she wrote books on space
              D.after she travelled into space
              45.Which is the best title(题目) of the passage?    
              A.The first American woman writer       B.The first American woman astronaut
              C.The first American woman teacher     D.The first American woman scientist.
            • 6. It was nearly dark,the sun was dropping down the mountains far away.Little Tom came back home,with tears in his eyes.
              “What’s the matter,Tom?How’s your trip?”his mother asked with a big smile.“I failed.The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way,I still go ahead.But I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back.”Tom cried.“It doesn’t matter,you are only 14years old after all.You will have another chance.”his mother said.“But,standing at the top of the mountain is my dream!”Tom said.His father came over and asked,“Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain?”“Sure,and there are a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road.”Tom replied.“Did you hear the birds singing?”his father asked.“There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees,and the sound was very sweet.”Tom said.“Did you feel the beauty of nature?”his father asked.“Yes,the blue sky,the white clouds,the green trees and the colorful flowers made a nice picture.”Tom answered.“That’s enough!”his father smiled and said,“Please remember,son.For often,achieving what you expect is not the most important thing.Although you didn’t reach the top of the mountain,you got a lot on the way.”
              It is true that not every goal will be achieved,not every job will end up with a success,and not every dream will come true.The most beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way.

              56.Tom got back home     when the sun was dropping.
              57.Tom’s parents wanted Tom    
              A.to be friendly   
              B.to be happy   
              C.to be clever  
              D.to be healthy
              58.What’s the main reason that Tom didn’t reach the top of the mountain?    
              A.The mountain was so high.
              B.The way was full of big or small stones.
              C.He was tired and it was so late.
              D.He was only 14years old.
              59.Tom saw a lot of things on the way to the mountain except    
              A.clear water     
              B.blue sky     
              C.colorful flowers  
              D.green trees
              60.The writer tries to tell us that    
              A.the goal is not important   
              B.everyone should climb the mountain
              C.the mountain is very beautiful   
              D.the process (过程) is more important than the result.
            • 7.

              66.What prize did Mo Yan win in 2012?    
              A.The first prize or Oscar                 
              B.The Nobel Prize in Literature
              C.The record in Guinness                   
              D.The gold medal in Olympics
              67.Park Geun-hye is     years old in 2015?
              68.When wasBarack Obama elected the 44thPresident of the United States?    
              A.In 1961.
              B.In 2015.
              C.In 2008.
              D.In 2012.
              69.Which of the following is NOT true about the passage?    
              A.Mo Yanis the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
              B.Park Geun-hyc will lead South Korea till the year 2016.
              C.Obama fought against his challenger Mitt Romney in the election.
              D.Among the three persons,Park Geun-hye is the oldest.
              70.The three passages may be from    
              B.a letter      
              C.an email     
              C.an ad.
            • 8. In England,everybody knows Jamie Oliver.He has his own TV programs.La these programs,he tells people how to cook healthy food.Everyone likes Jamie's programs because his food is easy to make.
              Jamie wants people to eat healthily.In some schools in England,the food at lunch time wasn't healthy.One day,Jamie went to a school to make a TV program about healthy diet.He cooked the food with lots of fruit and vegetables.At first the children didn't want to eat because they didn't like fruit or vegetables.But after they tasted the food,they started to enjoy it.
              Now the food for children in schools has become much healthier.

              73.People like Jamie's TV programs about food because his food    
              A.is always healthy
              B.is easy to make
              C.is good for kids
              74.One day,Jamie visited a school and    
              A.surveyed the students'diet
              B.showed the students how to cook
              C.made a program about healthy food
              75.From the passage we learnt that Jamie is a famous    
              A.TV hostB.film actorC.school teacher.
            • 9. Last Friday,a Tibetan(藏族的) postman became the first woman postal worker to give a speech at the World Postal Meeting in Bern,the capital of Switzerland.She was Nima Lamu,a postwoman of Yunling Post office,Yunnan Province.
              She said,“I had to cross the Lancang River along a steel wire.My younger brother nearly died in the river before.I felt so afraid when I was asked for the first time to cross  the river.But when I reached the other side,I found that I was flying.”
              Her area is locked in (封闭) two snowy mountains and three big rivers.She said,“:What worries me most is the snakes on the way.Sometimes,I throw little stones toward them and I often tell my self‘Keep going’.”
              Ten years ago,it took Nima five days to finish each week’s mail.She had to face snowstorms,floods,snakes and loneliness on her 350-kilometer journey.Nima said,“The situation has developed a lot these years.Now we have a bridge that was built across the Lancang River in 2006.”
              Nima never dreamed she would become famous one day when she first look up her job,12years ago.Changes have been seen in recent years as more tourists visit Nima’s hometown.But one thing remains unchanged:she is still the carrier of the villagers’hopes and dreams.
              36.Nima was invited to the meeting in Bern because she was    
              A.the only Tibetan postman in China
              B.the first postwoman in the world
              C.doing a hard job as a postwoman
              D.making her village famous overnight
              37.What happened to her brother according to Nima Lamu?    
              A.he once fell into the river.
              B.He was killed by a snake.
              C.He died when sw imming in the river.
              D.He got hurt when building the bridge.
              38.Which picture is TRUE about Nima’s crossing the river ten years ago?    
              39.What will Nima do if she finds a snake on the way?    
              A.Kill it with stones.
              B.Keep it off and go on.
              C.Throw it away and leave.
              D.turn around and run.
              40.What is TRUE about Nima?    
              A.She is building a bridge across the Lancang River.
              B.She has realized all the villagers’dreams.
              C.She got her job as a post woman before 2000.
              D.She doesn’t need to do her work now.
            • 10. Bob is six years old.He is old enough to go to school. On the first day,his teacher taught him three words,“I,you,he”.Then the teacher said,“I am your teacher.You are my student.He is your student.He is your classmate.”When school was over,Bob went home.His mother asked him,“What has your teacher taught you today?”Bob said with a smile,“Listen,Mum and Dad,I am your teacher.You are my student.He is your classmate.”His mother said,“No,dear.You’re wrong.”Then she said,“I am your mother.You’re my son.He’s your father.”The next day,Bob’s teacher asked Bob to make sentences with“I,you and he”.
              Bob stood up and said,“I’m your mother.You’re my son.He is your father.”All the students in Bob’s class laughed.

              41.Who taught Bob new words in the school?    
              A.Bob’s teacher                             B.Bob’s friends
              C.Bob’s father                              D.Bob’s mother
              42、How many words did the teacher teach?    
              A.Two.                                  B.One.
              C.Four.                                  D.Three.
              43.Did Bob understand what his teacher taught him?    
              A.Yes,he did.                            B.No,he didn’t.
              C.No,but he understood what his mother said.  D.The writer doesn’t tell.
              44.What do you think of the boy?    
              A.He is not clever.                         B.He is helpful.
              C.He is polite.                             D.He is kind.
              45.Who laughed in the class the next day?    
              A.Bob’s mother.                           B.Bob’s classmates.
              C.Bob’s teacher.                           D.Bob’s father.
