优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                The Winter Olympic is also called the White Olympics. At this time, people make many colorful stamps to mark (纪念) the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25th, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, printing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule. During the 4th Winter Olympic Game, a group of stamps were printed in Germany in November, 1936. It was the first time that the five rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics.

                  In the 1950s, stamps of this kind became more colorful. The host countries as well as the non- host countries printed stamps to mark those games.  China also printed four stamps in February 1980, when the Chinese sportsmen began to take part in the White Olympics.


              (1) The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics ________.

              A. are different games

              B. are the same thing

              C. are not held in winter

              D. are held in summer

              (2) It was made a rule to print stamps to mark the great world Games ________.

              A. after the 3rd White Olympics

              B. after the year 1936

              C. before the 3rd White Olympics

              D. before the year 1932

              (3) The White Olympics is held ________.

              A. every two years

              B. every three years

              C. every four years

              D. every five years

              (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. Only the host countries can print stamps to mark the Games.

              B. Only the non -host countries can print stamps to mark the Games.

              C. All countries can print stamps to mark the Games.

              D. China hosted the Winter Olympics in February 1980.

              (5) What's the best title of this passage?

              A. The Winter Olympics Games.

              B. Different Stamps of Sports.

              C. The Stamps of Olympics.

              D. The Winter Olympics Stamps.

            • 2.
              If you love reading books,you must know about the book The Little Prince.It's a famous novel written by a French writer.As one of the best-selling books in history,it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects (方言).Now.around seventy years after the birth of the book,an American director has found a way to make it into a 3D animated film (动画片).
              The book tells the story of a pilot,called The Aviator,who crashes (撞击) into the desert and meets a young prince there.However,in the film,the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older.He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl,whose mother wants her to got ready to enter the grown-up world.Slowly The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time.The pages are complete with the pictures in the book,speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl lo an amazing world where anything is possible.
              China is the first country the world to see the film in two versions-in Chinese and English.The film shows The Little Cirl's life and tells The Little Prince's story at the same time in a beautiful way.
              Huang lei,who voices the film together with his 9-year-old daughter,says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society.
              "The most touching part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like The Little Prince,and it's a pity that this good characteristic (品质)goes away as time flies,"he says.

              (1) The novel The Little Prince was written in the ______
              A. 1900s
              B. 1940s
              C. 1990s
              D. 2010s
              (2) The book The Little Prince is one of the best-selling books in history because ______
              A. you must know about it if you love reading books
              B. it shows The Little Prince's story in a beautiful way
              C. it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects
              D. the director has made it into a 3D animated film.
              (3) How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince? ______
              A. She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.
              B. Her mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world.
              C. The Aviator takes her to an amazing world.
              D. She moves home next to The Avitor.
              (4) What does the underlined word" good-natured"mean? ______
              A. kind.
              B. friendly
              C. helpful
              D. all above.
              (5) According to the passage,which is Huang Lei's opinion? ______
              A. He doesn't believe the good characteristic is lost as we grow older in this stressed-out society.
              B. He thinks all of us should keep our better nature and never let it disappear.
              C. He feels excited because he can see the film in two versions first.
              D. He and his daughter voice the film together.
            • 3.
              On February 3rd, 1949, New York Harborwas an exciting place. Many people were there to greet a ship from France. On the ship were 49 French railroad boxcars filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of America. These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train (Merci:a French word meaning thank you.  After World War II,a lot of factories, roads and farms in France had been destroyed. Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and little to eat. In the winter of 1947, a train was sent across the United States, stopping in cities and towns along the way. At every stop, people gave whatever they could. Factories gave clothing and medicine. Farmers gave food. Families gave money. Even school children gave away their pocket money. All the things were then taken to France by ship.  
              By 1949, the French had begun to recoverfrom the war. The Merci Train was their way of saying thank you to America. French people had filled the boxcars with gifts. Most of them were personal, like hand - made toys, childrens drawings, or postcards. But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most meaningful of the gifts. On each car, the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40 provinces, with an American eagle on the front. The boxcars were taken to each state of America, where they were warmly greeted.   Now many of the states still keep their boxcars. Gifts sent by the French people can still be seen in some museums. The Merci Train came out of the war, but it now reminds the world that countries can also work together in peace.  

              (1) Many people crowded at New York Harbor on February 3rd, 1949 to ______ .

              A. welcome the Merci Train B. meet their families

              C. have a big party D. start a trip by ship

              (2) In 1947, a train stopped in cities across America in order to ______ .

              A. give away clothing and food
              B. get more soldiers for the war

              C.  collect things to help French people    
              D.  show exhibitions from the museums 

              (3) The underlined word ―”them” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________ .

              A. the American people B. the French people
              C. the boxcars D. the gifts

              (4) The French people painted their 40 provinces and an American eagle on each boxcar because ________  . 

              A.  they thought France was stronger than America 

              B.  it could show the friendship between the two countries 

              C.  the boxcars would be more beautiful 

              D.  they were very good at painting pictures 

              (5) The passage is mainly about .

              A.  the story of the Merci Train           
              B.  American museums where the boxcars kept   

              C.  gifts that American people liked      
              D.  World War II     

            • 4.

              We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival.

              Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China

              “It’ll soon be Chinese New Year. Before it, we’ll clean the house and decorate(装饰)it for good luck. Every shop is going to close for a few days and we’ll go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival.”

              Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia

              “Australia Day is on 26th January and it’s an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there are lots of music and dancing. What fun!”

              Amy, 14, New York, USA

              “The first Thanksgiving Day was hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It’s still a very important day for families to be together. This year we’re going to visit my grandparents and we’ll eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year.”

              (1) How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?

              A. Two.                    B. Three.                  
              C. Four.                            D. Five.

              (2) During the Chinese New Year, tourists might ______ according to the passage.

              A. do a lot of shopping                              
              B. eat turkey

              C. go to beach parties                                        
              D. see lion and dragon dances

              (3) On Australia day, Wendy and her parents often ______.

              A. have a picnic in the countryside                   

              B. go to a swimming pool

              C. have a party at school                            

              D. clean the house and dance

              (4) What do you think “turkey” is in this passage?

              A. A country.                                             
              B. A festival.            

              C. A kind of food.                                     
              D. A kind of drink.

              (5) From the passage, we can learn that ______.

              A. Amy is from Sydney, Australia

              B. Different festivals have different customs

              C. Many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year

              D. Thanksgiving Day is on 26th January in USA

            • 5.

              Language changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and develop. The words and pronunciations used by young people in the UK can be very different to those used by adults. Living in a multicultural (多元文化的) society has an effect on language, especially on young people, whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds. TV and music also have big influence on the language of the young. Often UK singers sing in American accents (口音) without realizing.

              Young British people use lots of language that you usually can’t find in most dictionaries. These informal words and expressions are known as ‘slang’. It is not possible to make a complete list of modern British slang. By the time the list was finished, it would be out of date! New words come and go like fashions. However, here are a few examples:

              Safe, sorted, sound, cool or wicked all mean “That’s good” or “I understand”.

              Instead of using different tag questions like … isn’t it?, can’t you? or don’t they?,     people use innit.

              Instead of saying very, really or completely, people use well.

              Whatever means I don’t care.

              ‘He’s fine’ or ‘He’s fit’ both mean ‘He’s good-looking’. Fine and fit can describe a boy or a girl.

              Not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it. A school in Sheffield, in the north of England, recently stopped its pupils using slang words such as hiya (hello), cheers and ta (both mean thank you). The head teacher says that if young people learn to speak ‘correctly’ this will help them get a place at university and a good job.

              When British people use language like this, it’s no surprise that some students say they can’t understand native (本土的) speakers. But perhaps learners don’t need to worry about communicating with native speakers so much. Research shows that most of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when we think about “International English”, there is no such thing as a native or non-native speaker.

              (1) In the UK, you can find little slang in .

              A. pop songs                                              
              B. TV programmes

              C. most dictionaries                                   
              D. young people’s language

              (2) The writer uses the example of a school in Sheffield to support that .

              A. slang is out of date                                 
              B. slang is changing quickly

              C. slang words can be used easily               
              D. some people don’t like slang

              (3) Which slang can be used in the following dialogue?

              —But the teacher says we can’t leave until we’ve finished.

              —________ . I’m going.

              A. Sound                       B. Fine                      
              C. Cheers            D. Whatever

              (4) This passage would most likely be found in a book of .

              A. novel B. culture C. travel D. history

            • 6.

              In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world . They’re not really bad guests, but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some western countries , it appears they are not nice guests . And western guests sometimes look rude in the eyes of Chinese guests.

              In China , guests are almost like gods . Whenever I enter a Chinese person’s home , there is always fruit on the table for me , and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water . In the west , generally the guest is not a god . Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.

              My wife’s mother, a very kind elderly Chinese lady , doesn’t smoke . When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker , I feel unhappy . Usually I want to stop them directly, but I must realize that in China , to be a good host , she must not do that . In most North America homes, if you are a guest , and the hosts are not smokers , you should not smoke in their house . At the very least , you could ask , “Is it OK if I smoke .” But, don’t be surprised if they say ,”No , you can’t smoke .” In our culture, if you smoke in their home , you are a bad guest , but if they don’t allow you to smoke in their house , they are not a rude guest.

              Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese, so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So, if you invite international guests to your home , don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift.

              In China, you probably won’t need to change the guest – host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host , and Chinese are naturally very good hosts . If western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.

              (1) Many foreigners think that Chinese hosts are the __________in the world.

              A. best B. worst

              C. most natural D. most difficult

              (2) When a western guest visits a Chinese family , he often___________.

              A. buys some fruit B. feels like a god

              C. wants some gifts D. takes a cup of tea

              (3) If the writer’s guests want to smoke in his house , what will he probably say?

              A. It’s OK if you smoke here .
              B. Let’s smoke together.

              C. Sorry , you can’t smoke here .
              D. Smoking is a bad habit.

              (4) What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “adapt to” in the passage?

              A. think back to B. get used to

              C. look forward to D. keep close to

              (5) What is the main idea of this passage?

              A. Foreigners should learn from Chinese                    

              B. Hosts must do things in the guest’s way

              C. Western hosts are always nice to guests

              D. People should understand cultural differences.

            • 7.

              Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

              Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.

              (1) Americans have breakfast ___.

              A. after eight o’clock      B. at eight o’clock        
              C. seven o’clock p.m.       D. in the morning

              (2) __is the most important meal in a day.

              A. Breakfast  B. Lunch  C. Meals  D. Supper

              (3) What does “light” mean in Chinese? ___

              A. 重的 B. 有用的 C. 轻的 D. 不太重要的

              (4) Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ____

              A. home B. office C. in school  D. work place

              (5) When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.

              A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables

            • 8.
              If you are a visitor, you may look for the post office in a foreign country. Can you imagine how those people will tell you the way?
                   In the countryside of American Middle West, people will tell you, ‘Go north three miles. Turn east,and then go another two miles.’
                   While in Los Angeles, California, the American people have no idea of the distance on the map. ‘How far is the post office?’ you ask. ‘0h, ’they answer. ‘it is about ten minutes by taxi from here. ’But in fact, they don't know how far it is.
                   In Greece(希腊), a Greek will often say,‘Follow me. ’Then he'll go with you through the streets of the city to the post office.
                   In many places people usually say ‘Sorry, I don't know’ when they can't tell you the way. However, in Mexico(墨西哥), the people think ‘I don't know’ is not polite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one.
                   So you must be careful of their habits when you are asking the way in a foreign country. 

              (1) In________, the people don't tell you the direction but lead(引导) you to the post office.

              A. Japan B. America C. Greece D. Mexico

              (2) You will often lose your way in___ because the people can't give you the right direction.

              A. Japan B. America C. Greece D. Mexico

              (3) The underlined word ‘distance’ means‘__________’in Chinese.

              A. 方向 B. 地方 C. 距离 D. 终点

              (4) __________ countries are mentioned(提到) in the passage.

              A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

              (5) What do people usually do if they don't know the way?

              A. They lead you to the place.
              B. They give you a wrong answer.

              C. They say nothing.
              D. They say‘Sorry, I don't know.

            • 9.

              Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England. People there used to drink a light beer (啤酒). No coffee or milk but large glasses of beer stood on the breakfast table!

              When tea was first brought to England, an old couple got some as a special treat. But they did not know how it should be used. They cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon (熏肉) which they were going to have for dinner. They ate the leaves, and throw the tea away! However, tea is becoming as popular as coffee and milk in England today.

              Tea is the leaf of a plant which grows widely in China, Japan and some other countries. Tea farmers usually grow a great many tea plants on a large piece of land. When the tea leaves are ready to be picked, it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a year. They pull off the leaves and dry them. In their spare time, they pick out the best leaves and get them ready for market. In China, whenever a visitor comes into a house, he is served with a cup of tea.

              (1) What was served for breakfast in England long ago?

              A. Beer. B. Tea. C. Coffee. D. Milk.

              (2) How did the old couple deal with the tea leaves?

              A. They sold them. B. They ate them.

              C. They burnt them. D. They threw them away.

              (3) Tea farmers are the busiest in a year when they ______.

              A. serve visitors at home
              B. sell tea in the market

              C. pick and dry tea leaves
              D. look for a piece of land

              (4) In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

              A. Nature. B. Culture. C. Environment. D. Technology.

            • 10.

              Before you go to another country it is a great help if you know the language and some of the customs of the country.

              When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say, “How do you do? ”and shake hands. Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven’t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.

                Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.

              (1) It is ____ if you know the language and some of the customs of the country.

              A. not useful B. not helpful C. very helpful D. very bad

              (2) English people usually shake hands when they ______.

              A. meet every time
              B. meet for the first time

              C. say goodbye to each other
              D. say hello to each other

              (3) Usually English people don’t shake hands _______.

              A. when they will be away for a long time

              B. when they say “How do you do? ”

              C. when they just meet or say goodbye

              D. after they haven’t met for a long time

              (4) Which of the statement(陈述)is right?

              A. German people shake hands as often as possible.

              B. English people like shaking hands very much.

              C. German people hardly shake hands.

              D. Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands.

              (5) This story between English students and German students is about _______.

              A. shaking hands        B. customs

              C. languages           D. languages and customs

