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            • 1.
              阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡号为56-65 的相应位置上.注意:每个空格只填一个单词.
              Going to a British school for one year was a fantastic and exciting experience for me.A British school starts around 9a.m.and ends about 3:30p.m.It means I could stay in bed for an extra hour.
              On the first day,all the new students had a meeting.The headmaster told us about the school rules.He also told us that the best way to get respect was to devote ourselves to study and get high grades.This sounded like my school in China.
              We had to move to different classrooms for different classes.We also had different students in some classes,so it was difficult for me to remember all the faces and names.
              I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.Yet it was a bit challenging for me at first,because all the homework was in English.We had many subjects:English,History,Science,Art and so on,but we can stop studying some subjects if we have no interest in them.Then they can choose some other subjects.
              I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch.British food is very different.British people like eating desserts(甜点) which usually come after their main meal.After lunch,we usually played on the school playground or relaxed under a tree.
              I felt very lucky to experience this different way of life.I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.
              School life in the (56) ______
              (57) ______ a British school for one year was great for me.
              Similarity ◇The best way to get respect was to (58) ______ hard and get high grades.
              (59) ______ ◇British school starts (60) ______ than Chinese school.
              ◇Students in Britain have different classes in different (61) ______ .
              ◇Students in Britain have less (62) ______ ,compared with those in China.
              ◇Students in Britain have the right to change subjects if they are not (63) ______ in them.
              ◇For lunch in Britain,desserts usually (64) ______ the main meal.
              Feeling and wish ◇I felt very lucky and I look forward to (65) ______ back and studying there again.
            • 2.


                  Learning a language well is not easy. The former Premier(前总理)of Singapore Li Guangyao is good at speaking several languages, such as English, Chinese and Japanese. He introduced his ways of learning a language in his book.

               ●Practice makes perfect

               I used to meet the officers in Taiwan, the older ones—all Harvard PhDs(哈佛的博士). In other words, they wrote their articles in English but worked in Taiwan in Chinese. When I went to Taiwan, I spoke to them in Chinese. In the first two days, my Chinese was very terrible. At the end of the week, I was more fluent(流利的).

               ●Being fluent is more important than getting more words

              Try to be fluent. Pay attention to the way you speak when you use the grammar correctly. Never mind how many words you have because you can increase them later on.

               ● Speaking more can help

               You need to spend time and make an effort. You must have the interest. Besides watching it on TV or reading the newspapers, you must meet people and talk. Then it is a real language.

               ●The earlier to learn, the better

                Language is heard and spoken long before people learn to write and read. The earlier one learns to speak a language, the better it is remembered. I may speak English better than I speak Chinese because I learnt English early in life.

                So you see, there are so many good ways to learn English well. Find a proper(适当的) one for yourself now.

              (1) Where did Li Guangyao introduce his ways of learning a language?
              A. In a report.        
              B. In a book.                
              C. In a survey.                 
              D. In a newspaper.
              (2) What is one of Li Guangyao’s ways of learning English?
              A. Old habits die hard.                                
              B. An elephant never forgets.
              C. Never too old to learn.                             
              D. Practice makes perfect.
              (3) Why did Li Guangyao speak English better?
              A. Because he learnt English early in his life.
              B. Because he learnt English from Harvard PhDs.
              C. Because he learnt many English words.
              D. Because he learnt English by watching it on TV。
              (4) What is important to learn a language for learners?
              A. A proper teacher.   B. A proper lesson.       
              C. A proper tool.      D. A proper way.
              (5) Which of the following is WRONG?
              A. Interest is important in language learning.
              B. The earlier to learn, the better.
              C. Getting more words is more important than being fluent.
              D. Speaking more can help.
            • 3.
              You have studied hard in class,done all of your homework,and you think you have understood the material,but then the day of the test comes.Suddenly,you feel so nervous that you can't answer the questions.If this sounds like you,you may have a case of test anxiety---the nervous feeling that people sometimes get when they're about to take a test.
              Test anxiety can be a real problem when someone is so stressed out over a test that he or she can't focus on the test questions and do his or her best work.Feeling ready to meet the challenge,though,can keep test anxiety at a manageable level.
              Use a little stress to your advantage.Stress is a signal that helps you prepare for something important that is about to happen.Instead of reacting to the stress by worrying or complaining about the test with friends,let stress remind you to study well before a test.
              Ask for help.If having a test stresses you out so much that your mind goes blank and causes you to miss answers that you know,then your level of test anxiety probably needs your care.You should talk to your teacher if you get extreme test anxiety.
              Be prepared.Some students think that going to class is all it takes to learn and do well in tests,but there is much more to learning than just hoping to take in everything in class.That is why good study habits and skills are so important---and why no amount of cramming (临时死记硬背) or study the night before a test can take the place of the deeper level of learning that happens over time with regular study.
              Also,take care of your health---by getting enough sleep,exercise,and eating well before a test---can help keep your mind working at its best.
              Everything takes time and practice,and learning to beat test anxiety is no different.It won't go away overnight,but facing and dealing with test anxiety will help you deal with stress management,which is a valuable skill in many situations besides taking test
              Learn to fight(56) ______ test anxiety.s.

              (57) ______ is test anxiet
              It is a (58) ______ feeling that people sometimes get when they are about to take a test.
              It can be a(59) ______ problem
              (60) ______ on solving the problem of test anxiety
              (1) Use a little stress to your advantage.Stress can(61) ______ you to study well.
              (2) Ask for help.You should talk to your teacher.
              (3) (62) ______ well.Going to class is not all.Good study habits and skills are also important.
              (4) Take care of your(63) ______ .Get enough sleep,exercise and eating well. Conclusion Learning to beat test anxiety takes time and practice.It is the(64) ______ as other things.
              Facing and dealing with test anxiety is a valuable(65) ______ .
            • 4.

              As kids, we learn how to write, maybe play a musical instrument and draw. So why don’t we learn to code(编码) computer programs too? What coding has in common with writing, playing music and creating art is that it lets you bring your ideas to life. Coding is all about creativity and that’s why I love it.

              Creating with code

              CoderDojo helps young people around the world to learn computer programming for free. When I went to my first CoderDojo class in Dublin City University in Ireland, at age nine, I didn’t know anything about coding or even what it was. But I remember making my very first web page that first day, and being surprised that I could create such a thing. It was a great feeling that I think every young person should experience!

              By going to CoderDojo every week, I learned how to make websites, apps and games. One of my apps is called Auto-Journalist. It can help journalists(记者) and interviewees do interviews even if they are both really busy or live in different time zones. It is still in development, and it first appeared at an event called Coolest Projects Awards, where young people get to show the public what they have created with code. It’s so much fun to share one’s creations, and to see what everyone else has made too.

              Learning environment

              For the past three years I have also been helping to teach other young people at CoderDojo DCU. In recent years I have also noticed many more girls attending CoderDojo DCU to try out coding. This has a lot to do with the CoderDojo girls’ classes—girls and young women take part in it with their friends, and it doesn’t feel like coding is a “boy thing”. It is really wonderful to see this, because we need more girls and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). It’s a good way to learn more about technology.

              Start early

              One of the main things I have learned in the last few years is that coding is not only for adults, coding is for young people, too. And when you are a child, it is a great time to start coding, because your imagination is the limit(限制) for what you can create!

              Want to learn more? Find out if there is a CoderDojo near you at www.coderdojo.com or set one up yourself! Also check out Code.org which has lots of fun drag-and-drop coding games.

              (1) In the writer’s first coding class, she_________.
              A. made apps and games                    
              B. created a web page
              C. wrote for newspapers                      
              D. did some interviews
              (2) Why do more girls begin to learn coding?
              A. There are coding classes for girls.         
              B. Girls want to learn a “boy thing”.
              C. There are more girls in STEM。                
              D. Girls can meet cool boys there.
              (3) What does the writer think of coding?


              A. It is better than playing music.              
              B. It limits children’s imagination.
              C. It stops people from learning fast.          
              D. It helps children with their creativity.
              (4) What is probably the best title for this passage?

              A. Start Coding as Early as Possible          
              B. Come for Fun in CoderDojo Class
              C. Kids Should Have Chances to Learn to Code    
              D. STEM Is Calling for More Girls and Women
            • 5.
              Nearly half of elementary and high schools in the US use the Presidential Fitness Test.It checks kids'fitness levels.Students are tested at least twice a year.In 1956,US President Eisenhower created the test,and it has been a tradition in schools since 1966.
              There are five activities in the test:sit-ups(仰卧起坐),push-ups(俯卧撑),sit and reach,endurance run or walk and shuttle run(折返跑).Students who get scores at or above 85percent on all the activities can get a Presidential Physical Fitness Award.
              The test encourages students to live a healthy and active life.Students taking the test are really testing their limits.
              China has a similar test:the physical education(PE) test.Beginning at the age of 7,students in China are tested twice a year to check if they are healthy and strong.They also finish activities like the endurance run,sit-ups and the shuttle run.
              However,unlike students in the US who get awards,Chinese students get points in PE tests.The highest score is 100.For junior school students,the PE test is more important because it is worth 30to 40points in the entrance exam for senior high school.In order to get a good score,most students begin to prepare for the test in their junior one year.
              Name Presidential Fitness Test in America Physical education test in China

              ◆It has a long history,which goes back to the nineteen sixties.
              ◆It is done twice a year.
              ◆It is not necessary for every school to use it.
              ◆It is organized by the local educational department.
              ◆It is held once a school term.
              ◆All the students except those who are distabled must take the test.

              ◆There are 5fixed activities.
              ◆Everyone who gets scores at or above 85percent on all the activities can be(1) ______ with an award.
              ◆Some activities may be changed every year,yet most(3) ______ the same.
              ◆Students try to get the full marks,which are(4) ______ 30to 40points in the entrance exam for senior high school.
              Purpose ◆(2) ______ the test,students are encouraged to live more healthily and actively. ◆(5) ______ the students are healthy and strong is the only purpose of the test.
            • 6.

              These days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone. It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks, the more, the better. It can open my eyes and improve my language skills. Of course, it also can help me to get good grades. Do you know how to read more and learn more Here are some tips for you. 
              ◆Clear your purpose for reading 
                  Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is important to you, so you will keep reading and complete the book faster.
              ◆Read only what you are interested in
                  No matter what you are reading, it is important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may tell you the books they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy.
              ◆Give up books that you don’t enjoy
                  You may have chosen books that you are interested in, and they are right to your purpose. But while you are reading them, there may still be some books that you don’t enjoy reading. Whenever you realize that you aren’t enjoying the book you are reading, give it up. Remember reading shouldn’t be a chore. 
              ◆   _                                 

              It is interesting that I read the books borrowed from libraries faster than those I bought. The reason is the books I bought don’t have a due date! I don’t need to return those books. Having a reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day. Before you read each book, ask yourself what time you need to complete this book by. 

              (1) According to the passage, we can infer that the writer might be a ______.
              A. teacher          B. doctor         
              C. student        D. scientist
              (2) Why do most people read books according to the passage .
              A. To get the latest news and communicate with friends.
              B. To have fun or get lots of knowledge.
              C. To open their eyes and improve their language skills. 
              D. To get good grades. 
              (3) What should you do when you find the book which you are reading is boring
              A. Keep on reading.                                
              B. Set a reading goal.
              C. Read the books your friends love.         
              D. Give up the book.
              (4) Which tip can be put into          
              A. Read the books borrowed from libraries.    
              B. Set a reading goal.
              C. Buy books you’re interested in             
              D. Complete a book in a week.
            • 7.


                  Here are five points you can follow to improve your English, and the first is most important,

                   It’s your duty to realize your goals!

                 Studying English is your own duty and not duty of your teacher or your parents. You must take an active part in your classes!

              Get a teacher or go to a class!

              It’s a little difficult to study English alone Also, it’s difficult to learn how to speak English if you don’t have an English teacher to talk with.

              Work as hard as possible in class!

                You need to practice speaking often. You should listen carefully, take notes, remember words and read a lot in class.

                  Keep studying it!

              Don’t stop for a long time such as during a summer holiday! It’s important to

              practice English 3 hours every week. To make good progress, you should study at least 5 hours each week.

              Make English your hobby and have fun!

              You can improve your English through other activities:

              Reading – there are sure to be English books that you can read.

              Singing English songs – choose your favorite English songs and sing them again and again.

              Watching English films – many films are also in English with subtitles in your language. They are helpful.

              Traveling – traveling in English – speaking countries can help you with English.

              (1) According to the passage, how long should you study English every week if you want to make good progress?


              A. At least five hours.        
              B. About three hours.
              C. About two hours.          
              D. At least four hours.
              (2) Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned in the passage?


              A. Reading English books.    
              B. Singing English songs.
              C. Watching English films.     
              D. Writing e-mails in English.
              (3) The underlined word “subtitles” means “________ ”in Chinese.


              A. 情节        B. 画面        C. 字幕        D. 人物
              (4) This passage is mainly about ________ .
              A. how to improve your English      
              B. why to learn English
              C. how to study English for pleasure     
              D. how to sing English songs well
            • 8.
              Teenage life is interesting,adventurous (冒险的) and difficult.Teenagers have to go through many problems.It may probably be a family problem or a school problem.It is important to learn how to deal with those problems.
              Be grateful (感激的) of your parents'support.When you have a problem,ask your parents to support you.When a child is thirteen,he feels like he has grown up.As a part of a family,teenagers do not want their parents to involve in their personal activities and they think they are able to be independent (独立的).
              It is very normal and parents should also cooperate (合作) with their kids.They should try to get to know what their child needs.Sometimes a child may be hesitating (犹豫) to tell something but they should try to know what the matter is.Parents'support is the greatest support for a teenager.
              Learn to live in society.Society plays a very important role in everyone's life.What teenagers see from society has a big influence on their characters.
              As a teenager,you should know what is wrong and what is right.Never be impatient in making a decision.Always keep cool and calm (沉着的),take advice from your parents and you will make a good decision.Don't let the bad things of society influence you.Instead,get to learn good things from society.
              Learn from school.School is like a second home.We learn a lot from our school,and at the same time,it is the hardest part of a teenager's life.
              •First are the studies.You should know what you want to do.Don't come under pressure in making choices.
              •Learn to take your own stand (立场).If you don't do well in exams,don't feel broken.Be strong-minded and spend more time on your studies.
              •Share your problems with your friends.Your friends are always ready to help.If you are confused in your life,talk about what all you've done and what you want to do with your friends.
              (1) What's the greatest support for teenagers? ______
              A. The support of their teachers.
              B. The support of their friends.
              C. The support of their parents.
              D. The support of their schools.
              (2) When teenagers make a decision,they should ______ .
              A. know their parents'needs
              B. be impatient

              C. do it by themselves
              D. keep calm

              (3) When teenagers don't do well in exams,they should ______ .
              A. learn to make choices
              B. work harder at their studies

              C. feel sad about themselves
              D. talk with their good friends

              (4) What does the passage mainly tell us? ______
              A. How to cooperate with teenagers.
              B. How to get help from parents.
              C. How to face problems as a teenager.
              D. How to be independent in school.
            • 9.


              "The Chinese Dream" is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here is some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.
              Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.
              Cooperation is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems can't be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.
              At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.
              Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.

              (1) Inthis passage _______ways) of making dreams come true is/are mentioned.
              A. one                  B.  Two                 
              C.  three                  D.  four
              (2) Theunderlined word it” means our _______.
              A. dream                  B.  life                 
              C.  journey                  D.  failure
              (3) Thispassage tells us everyone likes a person who ______.
              A. never gives up his dream
              B.  is good at cooperating with others
              C.  is good at getting over difficulties
              D.  learns to examine his abilities.
              (4) Whichis the best title for this passage?
              A. ChineseDream                                                        
              B.  ​Learn from Failure
              C. Courage and Confidence                                        
              D.  Suggestions on How to Realize the  Chinese Dreams
            • 10.
              Students in Montgomery Village Middle School wrote about people who helped them or were kind to them.We have searched a small part from the writing of each student.
              Luis Benitez
              I am writing about my grandfather.When he died I felt so bad because a week before he told me that he knew that he was going to die and he told me to take care of my grandmother and to help her in everything.On the same day he gave me his necklace and said,"Remember how I did those things to help you.Now I want you to have it and help other people."He also said,"Remember that I saved you from the bad people.I want you to remember that all your life."
              Truce Nguyen
              My grandmother is the kindest friend I know.She is always helping me and my friends.I learned to cook food.She read books and helped me do my homework.She always says she loves me.I like to talk to my grandmother about my homework..We like going to the market where we shop for clothes.
              Lena Taren
              My mom is very kind to me and to all her friends as well.She also helps me in anything that I need or what I need to talk about.She is very helpful in my school in Peru and helps other parents because in my country we have only a room.In that room,we have all the courses.
              (1) What do we learn about Luis Benitez from the passage? ______
              A. He has brought up by his grandfather.
              B. He lived far away from his grandparents.
              C. He was left alone after his grandfather's death.
              D. He was asked to look after and help his grandmother.
              (2) We can learn from the passage that ______ .
              A. Lena Taren must come from a poor area
              B. Lena Taren's mother works abroad as a teacher
              C. Truce Nguyen doesn't gain experience in cooking meals
              D. Truce Nguyen always does homework on her own
              (3) What does the passage mainly talk about? ______
              A. How to take care of our loved ones.
              B. Who to turn to if we are in trouble.
              C. Those who have helped us in our lives.
              D. Happy memories of out grandparents.
