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            • 1.

              People from different countries greet each other differently. Read this article to learn more about the greeting  (1)  in different cultures , and make sure you greet people in the right way next time.

              French people greet each other with a handshake,  (2)  close friends kiss each other on both cheeks (脸颊)when they meet.  (3)  do this when they first meet and before they leave each other.

              In South Korea , it is a   (4)  of respect for people to bow when greeting each other . A bow is followed by a handshake . In  (5)  someone’s hand , it is polite to support the right forearm (前臂)with the left hand. However ,South Korean women do not shake hands   (6)  western men; instead , they bow slightly(轻轻地).

                 Kissing on the cheek is a(n)  (7)  way of greeting in Brazil .But in a formal   (8)  , a handshake is often done to show respect .Men should shake hands before and after meeting ,and once they have   (9)  each other well, a light hug is often given.

              In a social situation ,it’s polite to greet everyone in the room in Ghana(加纳). A handshake is used in greeting , and the palm(手掌)must   (10)  touch the palm of the other. It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.

            • 2.

              Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You shouldn't be  (1)   if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they   (2)   you.

                 Dinner parties usually start between 7 pm and 8 pm and end at about 11 pm. Ask your host   (3)   you are supposed to arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine.

                 Usually dinner starts   (4)   drinks and snacks. If you want to be polite, say how   (5)   you like the room or the pictures on the wall. But remember not to ask about the   (6)   of the things.

                 In many families, the host sits at one end of the table and the hostess sits at  (7)   end. They eat with their guests.

                 You'll probably start the meal with soup or  (8)   small. Then you'll have meat or fish with vegetables, and then desserts, followed by coffee. It's polite to   (9)  everything on your plate and to take some more if you want.

                 Did you enjoy the evening? Call your host the next day, or  (10)   a short "thank you" letter to the family. British and American people like to say "thank you" all the time!

            • 3.

               Can you cut an apple with a playing card? Can you write with one hand and draw with ____  (1)  ____? Well, some people ____  (2)  ____, and they all show their talents on the TV program China's Got Talent.

                 The TV program is getting more and more ____  (3)  ____ in China. Many people watch it every week because they ____  (4)  ____ how talented one can be.

                 Talent shows began in Britain. And now there are similar shows in lots of countries ____  (5)  ____ the world. China's Got Talent is a new one, but it is special and ____  (6)  ____ others. When people show their talents, they also ____  (7)  ____ their stories. Most of them don't want to be ____  (8)  ____ or popular. They ____  (9)  ____ want to make their family and others happy.

                 Everyone has a ____  (10)  ____. It may be big or small. What's your talent? Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent!

            • 4.

              People all over the world celebrate the New Year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the New Year doesn’t begin on the   (1)   date very year.

                In many countries, the New Year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square.  (2)     they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone   (3)   down from 10: 10, 9, 8… As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very   (4)  , “Happy New Year!”

                New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a    (5)  .
                On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the New Year. They    (6)  a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work    (7)   at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made   (8)   list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to    (9)   their resolutions.

                So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate,   (10)   people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new.

            • 5.

              In China, it is quite usual to ask people about their age. However, this question is often regarded as  (1)   in the West. This is quite true of   (2)   ,and even more so if the inquirer(询问者) is a man. However, it is very   (3)   to ask children about their age. Since it is not a secret for them, they don’t  (4)   at all. In fact, some old people are quite happy to talk about their age,   (5)   if they feel they look young for their age. However, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”  (6)   elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive   (7)   on how young they look ,they may easily bring up the topic(话题) by themselves and ask the other to guess now old they are. In such a  (8)   , it is quite acceptable to discuss age   (9)   . They normally expect to be complimented(恭维) on their youthfulness rather than to be   (10)   that they look very old.

              Even though westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are ,this does not   (11)   that they are not interested to know how old other people are . They may ask someone else for the   (12)   ,or they may try to bring up the topic  (13)   , sometimes discussions about educational background and the number of years of working  (14)  may provide some clues(线索). Of course, not everyone  (15)   that, so they ask little about age.

            • 6.


              Canton Tower(广州塔) is the highest building in China.   (1)   you stand on top of the tower, you can get a bird’s-eye view of the Pearl River. Visitors are   (2)   in taking photos of the city at the tower.
                In 2005, workers   (3)   to build this tower. In 2010, the colourful lights of the tower lighted   (4)  the sky for the first time. People spent over four years   (5)   it.
                  Canton Tower is in the center of our city. It is   (6)  to get there by bus or by underground. We also provide   (7)   useful information of the tower on the Internet. For example, there   (8)  a 4D cinema in it. The tower is open   (9)  9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
                  For people of Guangzhou, Canton Tower is   (10)   work of art and a new symbol(标志) of the city.
            • 7. In each country, there are some places of interest, like Big Ben in Britain, the Great Wall in China and so on . So you must(一定) (1)  the Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔). But do you know why it leans (倾斜)? It leans (2)  a mistake(错误). In 1173, people of (3) wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be (4) bell tower in the country. Before people finished (5) the third floor of it, the tower began to lean. People tried to make the building(6) again. However, as they added (增加) more floors, the tower only got   (7) .
                It (8) almost 5 years to finish the tower. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors. It’s 54.5 meters tall, and it leans about 5 meters to one side(边). If someone can’t think out a good way (9)   the tower, like all (10) old buildings, it’ll fall apart(倒塌) in the future.
            • 8.

              The 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled (使兴奋) people around the world,   (1)   the Chinese, who were excited about Leonardo DiCaprio getting the Best Actor Award.

              But the yearly presentation (颁奖仪式) also made Chinese filmmakers   (2)  , as no Chinese films have ever won a gold prize. The hard truth leaves people wondering   (3)   the nation will get a place in the famous Academy Award, as China is already the second largest film market.

              The condition for our national artists is similar to that of Chinese writers and scientists   (4)   Mo Yan and Tu Youyou won Nobel Prizes in 2012 and 2015. Just as Chinese people are used to seeing their fellow citizens (同胞们) taking home Nobel Prizes from Stockholm, it is time for them to see that   (5)   an Oscar is also achievable (可实现的).

              There are good reasons for the Chinese people to   (6)   such a bright future.

              First, China is one of the fastest growing film   (7)   in the world. Lots of businesses from home and abroad are willing to invest here. It will   (8)   more talented people to get into the industry because of more and more relaxed environment for development.

              The latest survey   (9)   Chinese cinemas took a record 6.87 billion yuan (about $1.05 billion) in ticket sales in February, with the monthly box office (票房) going past that of North America for the first time.

              The achievement may be   (10)   in the future. It is supposed that China’s yearly box office could continue to go beyond North America in 2017.

            • 9.

              How much do you know about manners? Different countries have different manners. In   (1)  Asian countries, especially in Japan, it is good manners to take off your   (2)   before you go into a house.   (3)   in European (欧洲) countries, even if the floors are very clean, people will not do this. If you are a visitor  to a Chinese family, you usually do not finish up the food when you have a meal. You often leave a little to   (4)   thatyou have had enough. But in England, a visitor always eats up food to show that he   (5)   it. We must know the customs of other   (6)   so that natives (当地人) will not think that we’re bad-mannered. People all over the world   (7)   that awell-mannered person should be kind and   (8)   to others. If you   (9)   this, at least you will not go very far wrong.   (10)   likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person with bad manners. So, keep your manners!

            • 10.

                 Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. But when did the   (1)   begin? About 400 years   (2)   , the first group of Americans came to America by ship. They lived there,   (3)   soon(不久) they didn't have food to eat. Many of them lost   (4)   lives in the first winter. The next year, Indians helped them grew crops(庄稼). They got a good   (5)   in that fall. So the Americans   (6)   their harvest by eating and playing for three days. That was the first Thanksgiving Day. It was the best time to show their love and   (7)   to the Indians.

                  Now, in the USA, Thanksgiving Day is   (8)   a family day. People usually go back home to   (9)   with their family.       (10)   that day family eat turkey and pumpkin. They have a good time together.

