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            • 1. Fun in the Carribbean from the Big Apple
              With us you can sail(航海) right from New York City on a vacation in the Eastern 
              Carribbean.Our 8-day cruise visits San Juan,St.John and Virgin Gorda.
              With cruises from April to October,you have lots of opportunities to sail,swim,
              sightsee and
              shop in lots of wonderful places.Plus we offer an exclusive(独家的) 6-day cruise 
              from New York
              City to Bermuda.Ready for an unforgettable vacation?Let the fun begin.

              56.A cruise means a trip mainly    
              A、by plane         B、by ship          C、on foot
              57.The cruise will start from    
              A、New York City    B、Bermuda          C、St.John
              58.During the cruise,you can do the following EXCEPT    
              A、swimming          B、shopping       C、skating
              59.If you want to visit Bermuda,you can take    
              A、the 6-day cruise
              B、the 8-day cruise
              C、the 7-month cruise
              60.The Big Apple is    
              A、a delicious fruit
              B、a travel agency (旅行社)
              C、a popular cellphone (手机)
            • 2.

              My Favorite Sweater

              By Bonnie Highsmith Taylor

              My favorite sweater grew too small.
              I love that sweater best of all.
              My grandma made it when I was three.
              She made that sweater just for me.

              I picked the yarn (纱线),a special blue.
              The color of bluebells (蓝色风铃花),wet with dew (露珠).
              When I was three I was very small.
              But now I’m five and much too tall.

              I have a new jacket now that’s green.
              So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.
              Queen just gave birth to kittens in the shed (小屋).
              My favorite sweater is now their bed.
              51.Who is the writer of the poem?    
              A.The grandma.B.Miss Taylor.  C.Kitten.  D.Queen.
              52.How old is the girl in this poem now?    
              A.She is 3.B.She is 4.C.She is 5.D.She is 6.
              53.Whose name is Queen?    
              A.The girl’s.B.Her grandma’s.C.Her mother’s.D.The cat’s.
              54.What color is the girl’s new jacket?    
              A.Green. B.Blue. C.Red. D.Purple.
              55.The underlined word“kitten”in this poem most probably means    
              A.a kind of food  B.a baby cat  C.a kind of drink  D.a bed for a baby.
            • 3. Jenny Miller was a strange little girl.She liked to spend her time alone eating chocolate.Her parents were worried,so they took all the chocolate away.
              Jenny left her house to look for some chocolate.She found a small house full of glasses.Among all the glasses,a blue glass caught Jenny’s attention.It was full of chocolate.There was also a card in it,saying,“Change tears into chocolate.”
              Jenny was very excited.She took the blue glass and ran out of the house to look for someone crying.First,she met a little boy crying hard,and she collected his tears.The tears were quickly changed into chocolate.While Jenny was collecting the tears,she comforted (安慰) the boy.Finally,the boy stopped crying and they had a fun time together.
              Later,Jenny met a woman who had broken some plates and an old man who couldn’t find his dog.They were so sad that their tears could not help falling down.Jenny collected their tears and made them happy again.
              Soon,Jenny realized that making people happy was even more important than finding chocolate.So she stopped collecting tears and began to help sad people.As a result,she became friend with them and lived a much happier life than before.

              66.What did Jenny Miller like to eat when she was alone?    
              A.Cakes.      B.Hamburgers.      C.Ice-cream.      D.Chocolate.
              67.What was in the blue glass EXCEPT chocolate?    
              A.Tears.      B.A card.      C.A candy.      D.Nothing.
              68.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
              A.Jenny left her house in order to find chocolate.
              B.Jenny’s parents were worried about her because she was too fat.
              C.Jenny saw“Change smiles into chocolate.”on a card.
              D.Jenny met a woman who couldn’t find her dog.
              69.Why did the little girl collect tears?    
              A.Because she wanted to make some new friends.
              B.Because the tears could keep her in a good health.
              C.Because the tears could be changed into the chocolate.
              D.Because the little girl’s parents needed them.
              70.From the passage we can learn that    
              A.we will be much happier when we make others happy
              B.the tears are good for our health,so we should collect more of them
              C.Jenny’s parents were strict with her
              D.chocolate is so delicious that we should eat more.
            • 4. Our village carpenter (木匠),John,came one day and made a dining table for my wife.He made it just the right size for the space between the two windows.When I got home that evening,John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for the job.
              My wife said to me quietly,“That’s his ninth cup of tea today.”But she said,in a loud voice,“It’s a beautiful table,dear,isn’t it?”
              “I’ll decide about that when I see the bill.”I said.
              John laughed and gave me his bill for the work.I read:

              When I was looking at the bill,John said,“It’s been a nice day,hasn’t it?Quite sunny.”
              “Yes.”I said.“I’m glad it’s only the tenth of November.”
              “Me,too.”said John.“You wait-it’ll be a lot colder by the end of the month.”
              “Yes,colder-and more expensive!A dining table will be 20 more expensive on November 30,won’t it,John?”
              John looked hard at me for half a minute.Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes?I gave his bill back to him.
              “If there isn’t too much trouble,John,”I said,“please add it up again.You can forget the date…”
              I paid him 26.50 and he was happy to get it.
              36.Why did John talk about the weather when the writer was looking at the bill?    
              A.Because he didn’t want the writer to go through the bill carefully.
              B.Because it was really a fine day.
              C.Because he wanted the writer to check the bill carefully.
              D.Because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.
              37.The writer thought John would ask for    if he made a dining table on the last day of November.
              A.20.00       B.46.50       C.56.50       D.26.50
              38.When the writer gave John the money,he was happy because    
              A.he got what he should get for his work
              B.he got much more money for his work
              C.he got the money easily
              D.he didn’t have to add up the costs again
              39.From the story we know that    
              A.John made a mistake in the bill
              B.John tried to fool the writer in order to get more money for his work
              C.John had writ ten out the bill before the writer got home
              D.John still wanted to get 36.50 for his work in the end
              40.What do you think of the writer?He is    
              A.honest       B.clever
              C.foolish      D.afraid.
            • 5. Why did the chicken cross the road?
              Answer:To get to the other side!
              That’s an old ( and not really funny) joke,but it came to my mind as I watched people (A)     the road at the intersection(十字路口 ) of Jianxin Road and Hezuo Road.
              The tragic light was red,so they shouldn’t have been crossing the road,and the traffic passing through the intersection was heavy and the cars were moving slowly.(B)一群行人正在等待交通灯的改变. Then one man,who I guess was in a hurry,stepped off the curb ( 路口) and began weaving his way across the road through the slow-moving traffic.(C)Soon others were following him on this dangerous crossing and more continued to cross against the red fight even as the speed of the cars picked up.They ignored the honking horns of the drivers and just kept going.
              Each year dozens of pedestrians are either killed or injured on Tianshui’s roads and at least one third of these pedestrians were jaywalking.(D)Jaywalking is an all-too-common (实在太平常的) practice in Tianshui.People cross in the middle of the road or against the red light at intersections.They seem unaware of the danger to themselves or the possibility that they may cause a traffic accident.
              (E)Traffic laws are meant to keep us safer so we should obey them.When a chicken decides to jaywalk (擅自穿越马路),stop him and don’t follow him.That way you’ll get to the other side safely.

            • 6. B
              Do you know that it is your immune system (免疫系统) working against the virus that makes you uncomfortable when getting a cold,but not the virus itself?So when you have got a strong immune system-and the virus is strong enough too-you will possibly get terrible cold symptoms (症状) such as having a headache,having a high fever,sneezing or coughing,
              Vitamin C won't stop a cold.It is said that Vitamin C works by increasing white blood cells.
              However,many tests have shown that it does not prevent colds.At best,it only reduces the time of symptoms.
              Staying indoors won't protect you.One of the most likely sources (根源) of cold viruses is your computer mouse or desk.A study of the cold virus in offices found that 46per cent of computer mice and 45per cent of telephones had cold viruses on them.
              Wearing warm clothes won't protect you.Colds are more common in autumn and winter.That's because the cool,wet and cold weather drives people indoors,where viruses may more easily jump from one person to the next.And the distinct peak (高峰期) in colds is in September and February,which likely because of the return of students to schools and colleges after the summer and winter holidays.
              Old wives are right about chicken soup.Grandmothers'chicken soup is an old cure for colds for a long time.Scientists say it is true.Chicken soup does help cure a cold,so many wives usually cook chicken soup for their family members in cold winters.
              29.According to the passage,when your immune system is working against the virus,you don't   have cold symptoms like    
              A.headache      B.stomachache       C.sneeze         D.cough
              30.Which of the following ways can really help cure colds?    
              A.Staying indoors.
              B.Wearing more clothes.
              C.Drinking some chicken soup.
              D.Eating some fruit with Vitamin C.
              31.Why are colds more common in autumn and winter?    
              A.Because students return to school.
              B.Because the weather is cool,wet and cold.
              C.Because people don't drink chicken sop.
              D.Because people use computers or telephones more often.
            • 7. 根据短文内容按要求完成任务.
              Now students’English handwriting gets worse and worse.(A) That makes their teachers feel worried.Is your English handwriting beautiful?If (B)     ,here are four steps that really work!
              ◆Use paper with lines.
              Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of writing up or down when you write English words or sentences.Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.Be sure to fill the lined space completely.And make sure those capital letters are (C)       properly.(合适地)
              ◆Slow down.
              If your handwriting is hard to read,try slowing down a little.For some kids,going slower makes the handwriting clear.If you write too fast,it is hard for you to stop where you should,and even worse,you may (D)      more mistakes.
              ◆Hold your pencil right.
              (E) When you hold your pencil in the correct way,writing is much easier.Some kids press down really hard when they write,that makes the handwriting not nice.Try to be  (F)       and don’t hold the pencil so hard.Let your writing appear nice and clean.(G) If you do so,people willthinkyou are a student with a good habit
              ◆Draw more pictures.
              Drawing can improve your handwriting.(H)      .Even though you have no chance to draw at school,you can practice by yourself at home.
              Handwriting is very important.Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a famous sports player,what do you do when your fans run up to you?Give them your autograph,of course!
              A.You need to use paper with lines when you are drawing pictures.
              B.You need to use the skills to control(控制)your pencil better when you are drawing pictures.
              C.You need to hold your pencil hard when you are drawing pictures.
              94.What kind of paper can help you write well when you start learning to write English?
            • 8. There was a man who had a little son.He loved him very much.Every day after work the man would come home and play with the little boy.
                 When the man came home from work one night,he found that he had some extra work to do.And he wasn’t able to play with his little son.He wanted to give the boy something to keep him busy.So,looking around his study,he saw a magazine with a large map of the world on the cover.He got an idea.He patiently tore the map up into pieces.Then he led his son into the dining room and spread the pieces on the table.He explained to the boy that it was a map of the world.He told the boy to put it back together and they could play together when he finished.Surely this could keep the child busy for hours,he thought.
                 After about thirty minutes,the boy came to the man and said,“Okay,it’s finished,Dad.Can we play now?”
                 The man was surprised,saying,“That’s amazing!How did you do that?”The boy said,“It was easy.On the back of the page was a picture of a man.When I put the man together,the whole world appeared completely.”

              34.Why couldn’t the man play with his son that night?    
              A.He had to read a magazine.
              B.He had some extra work to do.
              C.He had to learn something about a map.
              D.He had to stay at his office for extra work.
              35.What did the man ask his son to do?    
              A.To read the magazine to find the map.
              B.To tear the map of the world up into pieces.
              C.To put the pieces of the map of the world back together.
              D.To clean the dining room first,and then read the map of the world.
              36.How long did it take the boy to finish the work?    
              A.A few hours.   B.About an hour.   C.About half an hour.   D.The whole night.
              37.Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?    
              A.It’s a report about a father’s extra work.
              B.It’s a story between a father and his clever son.
              C.It’s an advertisement for the map of the world.
              D.It’s a poster about how to deal with parents’problems.
            • 9. Mr.Green and his wife had a dog.When they went out,they always left the dog inside the house.One evening they wanted to go to the cinema,so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate.They went off in their car.
              When the film was finished,they went home.They opened the gate and put the car away.When they came to the front door,they found that the glass in the door was broken.The door was not locked and it was open.A robber!They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken their things.However,everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.
              The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room.The wife was angry with the dog.“Why didn’t you guard(保卫)the house?”she said.The dog was pleased to see Mr.and Mrs.Green.It began to wag(摇)its tail and then it went to a comer of the room and picked up something in its mouth.It went to the wife and dropped the thing at her feet.When she went to pick it up,she was very surprised.Can you guess what the dog’s present was?It was a man’s finger!
              The end of the story is this.Mr.Green telephoned the police and told them everything.Three days later the police caught the robber.They found him easily.
              46.That evening Mr.Green and his wife    
              A.took their dog to see a film
              B.left the dog alone at home
              C.went home before the film was finished
              D.locked the door and could not open it
              47.The robber stole(偷)    
              A.everything from the house
              B.something expensive from the house
              C.nothing from the house
              D.a car from the house
              48.Why was the woman angry with the dog?    
              A.Because she thought it had made the room dirty.
              B.Because she thought it had broken the glass.
              C.Because it wouldn’t go to the cinema with her.
              D.Because she thought it hadn’t guarded the house.
              49.The robber was caught easily because    
              A.the police knew him
              B.the police happened to meet him
              C.Mr.Green know where he lived
              D.he had one of his fingers
              50.Mr.Green and his wife would    
              A.like their dog more than before
              B.drive the dog away from their home
              C.let the dog bring home more presents
              D.ask the police to take the dog away.
            • 10. While  Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside,they enjoyed(36)    seagulls(海鸥).They learned a lot about these(37)    birds.
                  They will often come close to you on the beach when you are eating something.If you (38)    a piece of bread to them,they will take it away quickly.
                   Seagulls swim well,but they do not often dive(潜水)for fish.They are(39)    good at flying with their wings(翅膀).When a seagulls is flying,It puts its legs(40)    its body.Tom often watched them(41)    close to the ground because he like the way they(42)    the air with their wings and put(43)    their feet before they touched the ground.Mary liked to see them flying over the(44)    smoothly(熟练的) and quietly without their wings moving,(45)    she said she didn’t like the noise they made.
              36.A.seeing     B.looking   C.to watch   D.watching
              37.A.happily    B.lovely    C.lonely     D.slowly
              38.A.throw      B.ask       C.send       D.borrow
              39.A.neither    B.too       C.also       D.either
              40.A.under      B.about     C.on         D.behind
              41.A.walking    B.running   C.coming     D.going
              42.A.helped     B.win       C.put        D.beat
              43.A.up         B.down      C.out        D.in
              44.A.trees      B.house     C.water      D.ground
              45.A.so        B.and        C.because    D.but.
