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            • 1. “A wise old owl sat on an oak.The more he saw,the less he spoke,the more he heard.Why aren't we like that wise old bird?---Edward H.Richards
              We all need to learn to listen well.Listening is a learned skill,the same as speaking in public.It just takes much longer to learn!Listening is a skill we should be practicing every day.And I mean active listening,not just listening when it is convenient to us.
              Listening shows others that they are important.It's a sign of respect(尊重).If someone listen to you carefully when you are talking,it shows that they are really interested in what you are saying.
              How do you practice listening?Here are some basic rules:
              Put down whatever is in your hands.Are you in the middle of writing something?Put down the pen and fold you hands.Are you reading something?Close it so that it will be impossible for you to look down and start reading again.Then put it down.
              Turn off your computer.The computer will distract you from your job at hand-listening.
              Face the person you are speaking with.Facing the person you are speaking with will help you focus completely on listening.It will also make the person feel that you find what he is saying important.
              Mind your body language.Learning into the speaker will show interest.Crossing your arms in front of your chest shows disagreements.Looking around the room shows you have no interest.Tapping your fingers tells the speaker that you are really too busy for him.Looking at that speaker in the eye tells him that he is important.
              Lstening completely.Do not start making comments after the first few words.Do not start thingking about your reply in your mind.Pay attention to the speaker.Really listen to what he is telling you.

              42.The author repeats Edward's words in the 1st paragraph to    
              A.make readers laugh
              B.help show his view
              C.make readers relaxed
              D.dsiagree with Edward's idea
              43.The 3rd paragraph is mainly about    
              A.how to listen to people
              B.the importance of listening
              C.how to show respect for the speaker
              D.the method of making people listen to you
              44.The underlinded word“distract
              ”in the 6th paragraph means“    ”.
              45.To practice our listening skill,we    
              A.shouldn't look at the speaker in the eye
              B.should cross our arms in front of our chests
              C.shouldn't express our own opinions before the speaker finishes
              D.should think about how to reply to the speaker when he's speaking.
            • 2. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项.(每小题2分)
              Mo Yan,the winner of 2012Nobble Prize for Literature(文学),is very popular around the world.He is famous as one of the greatest writers in china.
              Mo Yan is fifty-nine years old in 2015,and his real name is Guan Moyue.The name of Mo Yan means”Don’t speak”.The writer said close the name to remember to close his mouth from getting himself in trouble.Mo Yan began to write in 1970s,and his first novel was”Falling rain on a  Spring Night”,published(发表) in 1981.Then his second and more bokks were published.including”Red Sorghum”and”Big Breast and Wide Hips.”
              CCTV reporter Dong Qian once said to him,”I always fell that a writer is like a hen,and his works are like eggs.We many not always wonder what the hen looks like while we eat eggs.But his time,it’s a golden egg.So naturally,everybody wants to know this hen who laid a golden egg.That’s why so many people pay much attention to you.”
              China was celebrating the success of this native son sonn after he got the Prize,millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan in their own ways.

              61.When did Mo Yan get the Noble Prize for Literature?    
              A.In 2012.
              B.In 2013.
              C.In 2014.
              62.How old was Mo Yan when he got the Noble Prize for Literature?    
              63.What is the name of Mo Yan‘s first novel?    
              A.Red Sorghum.
              B.Big Breast and Wide Hips.
              C.Falling Rain on a Spring Night.
              D.No one less.
              64.What does Dong Qian do?    
              A.A writer.
              B.A Reporter.
              C.A n actress.
              D.A doctor.
              65.In Dong Qian’s opinion,Mo Yan is like    
              A.a hen that had lots of chickens.
              B.a hen that laid lots of normal eggs.
              C.a hen that had no eggs.
              D.a hen that laid a golden egg.
            • 3. The crowd at the airport rushed forward.The passengers had been waiting for a couple of hours for an airport worker to open the door leading to the plane outside.No one was in a good mood.An old man got stuck in the middle of the rush,He fell down and his head hit the hard floor.B1ood came out of his head.He appeared to be unconscious.Everyone rushed past him,except for Dana.She called for help.
              A minute later,a young airport worker showed up.Hardly looking at the old man,she told Dana to get on her plane.She said the old man would be okay,and walked away.
              Dana cried for help.Another airport worker appeared.He told Dana to get on the plane.Dana said that she was not moving until an ambulance(救护车) arrived.The worker said her plane would leave without her.Dana said that she didn't care.
              An ambulance with a doctor and a nurse finally arrived.They put him into the ambulance and drove off.
              On her way out to the plane,which was still refueling(加油),Dana saw the worker who didn't care about the old man at the very beginning.The worker said,“You're lucky the plane didn't leave without you.”
              “The plane?”Dana asked.“Who cares about the plane?How could you be so cold?That was an old man; he could have been your grandfather!How would you 1ike it if everyone just stepped over your grandfather and went on their way?”

              66.In the first paragraph,the passengers were    
              A.getting on the train                               
              B.getting on the plane
              C.getting off the train                               
              D.getting off the plane
              67.The underlined word“unconscious”means     in Chinese.
              68.According to the passage,     of the airport workers cared about the old man.
              69.Dana finally    
              A.caught the plane.
              B.missed the plane.
              C.went to the hospital.
              D.left the hospita1.
              70.What did the writer think about the accident?    
              A.The airport workers were right.
              B.The passengers were right.
              C.Nobody was right.
              D.Dana was right.
            • 4. Dear Alan,
              Guess what?I have a chance to choose my new place to live in!I’m excited and a little nervous.Could you please give me some help?
              I’m not sure whether I will live in a house or in an apartment.On the one hand,a house will be too big for just one person,so maybe I should rent an apartment.On the other hand,if I rent a house,I could find someone else to share with me.The only problem is that a house full of people might be too noisy for me.I prefer to have my own space.The city has some nice apartments,but they are also too expensive.However,if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate,that would make it more affordable.I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet.You know I can’t live with someone who is loud and messy.I don’t have a car,so I also need to think carefully about the location.I probably need to look for somewhere near a bus stop or an underground station.That way I will have more time to study and spend less time travelling..
              I’m looking forward to your reply.
              26.Victor feels excited because    
              A.he has a new house to live in         
              B.he can decide where to live
              C.he is going to see Alan              
              D.Alan helped him out with his problem
              27.Victor wants to share the house with a (an)    person.
              A.neat and quiet         
              B.outgoing and messy          
              C.neat and loud          
              D.quiet and messy
              28.If Victor finds a roommate,he will    
              A.waste money         
              B.buy a car                    
              C.save money           
              D.have more time to study
              29.Victor doesn’t have a car,so he wants    
              A.a two bed-room apartment            
              B.to ask Alan for help
              C.to have his own space                
              D.a place with convenient traffic
              30.According to the passage,the underlined word“travelling”means     in Chinese.
              A.观光旅行           B.路途奔波                    C.广为流传           D.跋山涉水.
            • 5. Today is Sunday,June 14th.Andy is planning a trip to South Island with his family.He loves doing water sports,especially swimming.However,his parents won’t allow him to swim when the highest temperature is below 30℃.Here is the weather forecast(预报) for South Island for the coming week.
              26.On which days can Andy go swimming?    
              A.June 17th and June 18th.
              B.June 19th and June 20th.
              C.This Tuesday and Wednesday.
              D.Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
              27.What should Andy’s family take with them if they go to South Island on June 21st?    
              D.Sun hats.
            • 6. Once upon a time,a wealthy villager hid a huge piece of gold in a nearby rice field to protect it from robbers(强盗).
              Many years later,the wealthy man died and no one else knew about the gold.One day,a poor  farmer began to plough(犁)the field.After ploughing for some time,his plough struck(碰、撞)the long forgotten treasure.
              At first,he thought it must be a very hard tree root.However,when he went closer to look,he saw that it was a large piece of beautiful shining gold.
              Waiting until midnight,the farmer started to take the gold home.He tried to lift the gold but it was too heavy.He tried to pull it out with ropes,but it was so huge that he could hardly move it.He became frustrated and thought how lucky he was to have found treasure,but unlucky too,as he could not move it.He even tried kicking the gold but it would not budge!
              He sat down and began to use his head.He decided to break the gold into smaller pieces.This would enable him to carry the gold easily.
              He thought to himself,“I will use one part for my daily needs,I will save the second part for a rainy day. I will invest(投资)the third part in my farming business.I will use the fourth part to help the poor and needy.”
              Follow this,he calmly divided the huge piece of gold into smaller pieces.Finally,he took all the gold home easily and lived happily ever after.

              46.The wealthy villager hid the gold in the rice field to    
              A.plough the field            
              B.keep it safe            
              C.donate it to the farmer
              47.The poor farmer found     when the ploughted the field.
              A.a hard tree root           
              B.the piece of gold         
              C.rice crops
              48.When the farmer     the gold,we know he was annoyed.
              49.The word“budge”in the passage means“    
              50.The underlined parts in“I will save the second part for a rainy day.”means“    
              A.use the gold to keep the rain out
              B.use the gold when it rains
              C.use the gold when money is in great need.
            • 7.
              W&P Music Store
              •Buy CDs new or used
              •Listen after you buy
              •Piano lessons offered
              •Pop,country and rock music
              Love Coffee Shop
              •Different kinds of coffee
              •Sandwiches,pies and cakes
              •Open 24hours on Saturday and Sunday
              •Jazz music every weekday
              Path Market
              •Fresh meat and vegetables
              •Open Friday and Saturday
              •Free hot milk for children under 15
              Brown’s C&C
              •We have different kinds of rooms
              •Feel like home when you are away from home
              •No free breakfast
              31.You can     at W&P Music Store.
              A.learn pop music history        
              B.receive piano lessons
              C.borrow new or used CDs     
              D.listen to music before you buy
              32.If your friend is coming for a visit,he can stay in    
              A.W&P Music Store             
              B.Love Coffee Shop
              C.Brown’s C&C                
              D.Path Market
              33.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the table?    
              A.You can have breakfast without paying money.
              B.Your father can get hot milk for free.
              C.Brown’s C&C is not comfortable enough.
              D.You can listen to Jazz music on Thursday.
            • 8. (2015•玉林)One morning a boy went home with his father.They noticed a pair of old  shoes by the roadside.They thought the shoes might be a poor man’s.In fact,the owner of the shoes was working in the field nearby,and he had nearly finished his work.
              The boy said to his father,“Let’s play a trick on the man-we hide his shoes,and wait to see what he will do when he can’t find them.”
              “My boy,we should never have fun by tricking other people like that,”answered his father.“Instead,let’s put a coin in each of the shoes,and watch he will do.”
              The boy did so,and then they hid nearby.
              The man soon back to get h is shoes,but when he put his foot into one of his shoes,he felt something in it.He bent(弯曲)down and found the coin.
              Surprise appeared on his face.He looked at the coin for a minute,and then looked around,but nobody could be seen.He then went on to put on the other shoe,but he was even more surprised to find the second coin.
              He then went down on his knees,looked up to the sky and said thanks aloud.He said his wife was ill and his children were hungry.He wanted to buy some bread for them.
              The boy was deeply moved.
              “Now,”said his father,“you must be much more pleased than if you had played your trick.”
              The boy replied,“You have taught me a lesson which I’ll never forget.Now I understand these words,which I didn’t understand before:It is more blessed(神圣的)to give than to receive.”

              49.How did the boy want to deal with the shoes at first?    
              A.To hide the shoes.
              B.To steal the shoes.
              C.To put coins in the shoes.
              D.To return the shoes.
              50.How many coins did the man find?    
              51.What would the man do after he got the coins?He would    
              A.give them to his wife
              B.buy a pair of new shoes
              C.give them back to the boy
              D.buy some bread for his family
              52.At last,the boy knew    
              A.it was funny to play tricks
              B.it was good to help each other
              C.it was better to give than to receive
              D.it was wrong to put coins in the shoes.
            • 9. Today’s Fruit Supply in Hong Xing Supermarket
              Fruit(水果)Price(价格)Producing area(产地)
              apple16 yuanShanxi
              orange8 yuanGuangxi
              watermelon5 yuanGuangxi
              pineapple(菠萝)4 yuanYunnan
              pear12 yuanShanxi
              mango(芒果)10 yuanGuangxi
              Lychee(荔枝)20 yuanGuangxi
              banana7 yuanHainan
              66.The apples are     a kilo today.
              A.16 yuan            B.12 yuan             C.8 yuan
              67.The price of the banana is     that of the orange.
              A.higher than              B.lower than              C.the same as
              68.You can only buy     with 4 yuan.
              A.a kilo of pineapples     B.a kilo of pears          C.a kilo of watermelons
              69.The apples and the pears are from    
              A.Hainan           B.Guangxi              C.Shanxi
              70.The     is the most expensive fruit today.
              A.mango            B.lychee            C.pear.
            • 10. Host city                                                  London,England,
              United Kingdom
              Motto                                                      Inspire a Generation
              Nations participating(参加)                                182(qualified)
              Athletes participating                                     10,500(estimated)
              Events                                                     302 in 26sports
              Opening ceremony                                           27 July
              Closing ceremony                                           12 August
              Stadium                                                    Olympic Stadium

              26.How many athletes will probably take part in the London 2012 Olympic Games?    
              27.Which is the choice for Li Hua if he has an eight-day holiday to watch the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games in Olympic Stadium?    
              A.From 17July to 24July.
              B.From 25July to 1August.
              C.From 2August to 9August.
              D.From 9August to 16August.
