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            • 1. Have you ever heard of a rattlesnake?It is a poisonous (有毒的) American snake.When it is angry or afraid,it makes a noise like a rattle with its tail.It’s very scary.But Heather Ramirez and her husband,from California,in the United States,make a living in an unusual way.They are self-employed (自雇的) snake catchers!They catch snakes,especially rattlesnakes which have gone indoors,and return them to the wild.
              Heather describes her work as“protecting people from rattlesnakes-and protecting rattlesnakes from people!”In the area where they live,rattlesnakes often come face to face with people.They are found in stores,offices,houses and gardens.Heather explains that it’s not the snakes that are moving into places where people live,but it’s the other way round.The snakes lived in these places first and then the people built houses.
              Most people who see a rattlesnake are feared.If you keep your distance,however,the snake won’t bite (咬) you.In twelve years as a snake catcher,Heather has never touched a snake.She doesn’t take the risk.She picks up the snakes with a special tool.This doesn’t hurt them,but it keeps them at a safe distance so that they can’t bite her.
              Heather and her husband are very busy because they are never off duty.Catching snakes is a full-time job and they don’t often have a day off.People can get to them at any time of the day or night.Not everyone can do this job,but Heather doesn’t want to do anything else.“I just love my job,”she says.
              34.The Ramirezs make a living in an unusual way by    
              A.catching and selling snakes
              B.catching snakes as a part-time job
              C.protecting snakes in the wild
              D.being self-employed snake catchers
              35.In Paragraph 2,Heather explains why the rattlesnakes    
              A.never bite people
              B.are afraid of people
              C.are found where people live
              D.lived with people at first
              36.The underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3refers to    
              B.special tools
              C.people around
              D.the Ramirezs
              37.Which of the following is true according to the passage?    
              A.Heather catches snakes only at night.
              B.Heather is always ready to do her job.
              C.Heather risks touching snakes sometimes.
              D.Heather has been a snake catcher for 20years.
            • 2. (2015•永州) 
                Everyone has birthday.Ways of celebrating birthday are different.
                In America,parents have a party for their birthday kid.The birthday kid can get lots of presents and eat birthday cake with friends.In Brazil,special candles are needed for birthday.In England,the birthday kid is lifted up and put down by his classmates happily.In Thailand,two tall candles are lighted the night before birthday.
                As we all known,it is getting popular to have cake on birthday in China.But parents usually cook a big dinner for the kid on birthday.The birthday kid eats long noodles or eggs.Long noodles mean long life and eggs bring good luck.
                People in different countries have different ways to celebrate birthday.It is important for us to celebrate birthday.Everyone grows one year older after his or her birthday.Relatives(亲人)and friends feel happy for his or her growing up.

              46.How many countries are mentioned(提到)in the passage?    
              47.In    special candles are needed for birthday.
              48.Chinese parents usually cook    for the birthday kid.
              A.long noodles or eggs        
              B.long noodles chicken
              C.chicken or eggs
              49.In Thailand,two candles are lighted the night    
              A.on birthday    
              B.before birthday    
              C.after birthday
              50.One will    after he celebrates his birthday.
              A.grow one year older  
              B.grow up   
              C.become clever.
            • 3. A few years ago,Masaru Ibuka,the head of Sony,was at a company planning meeting.Suddenly he had an idea.He stopped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function(功能) and speakers and sold headphones with a tape player instead.Almost everyone thought he was silly.Still,Ibuka kept his idea and worked at it.The result,of course,turned out to be the successful Sony Walkman.
              Good ideas often start with a really silly question.Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day.As he stood there making cakes for his son,he asked himself what would happen if he put rubber into his mold(模具).Later,he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sports shoes we see today.Still,when he took this idea to several shoe companies,he was laughed at.In fact,every single company turned him down.Though rather disappointed,Bowerman went on to set up his own company,making NIKE sports shoes.
              We know today that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us live.The best questions are usually open-ended and are often“silly”.Children aren’t afraid to ask such questions,but adults usually are.Think how different the world might be if people never asked“silly”questions!

              61.At first,almost everyone thought Masaru’s idea was    
              62.Bill Bowerman got his idea    
              A.at a meeting
              B.while he was making breakfast
              C.from another company
              D.while he was making sports shoes
              63.What might the underlined phrase“turn down”in Paragraph 2mean in Chinese?    
              64.Bowerman felt very disappointed because    
              A.he didn’t make a cake for his son
              B.he had to set up his own company
              C.his idea was hard to come true
              D.no companies accepted his idea
              65.From the passage we know    
              A.it’s easy to make one’s idea come true
              B.adults like asking open-ended questions
              C.good ideas only start with a silly questions
              D.sometimes“silly”questions may cause successful inventions.
            • 4.
              51.The library will be closed because of    
              A.the repairs       
              B.the exams     
              C.public holidays
              52.How many days will the library be closed?    
              53.What time will the library open on June 22?    
              A.At 8 a.m.
              B.At 9 a.m.
              C.At 10 a.m.

              54.What is the most important rule of the library?    
              A.No smoking          
              C.Being quiet
              55.Which of the following is NOT true?    
              A.You must clean up before you leave
              B.You mustn't enjoy music 
              C.You are not allowed to drink water.
            • 5. (2015•永州)Life is not easy,so I'd like to say,“When anything happens,believe in yourself.“When I was a young boy,I was sad and I could do nothing.Later,something happened and it changed my life.It was a speech contest.My mother asked me to take part in it.What a terrible idea!It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school.
              “Come on,boy.Believe in yourself.You are sure to win the contest,“said my mother.Then my mother and I talked about many different topics.At last I chose the topic“Believe in yourself“.I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times.With my mother's great love,I did well in the contest.I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the used to look down on me,now all said“Congratulatings“to me.My mother hugged me and cried excitedly.
                Since then,everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I try to tell myself to be confident(自信的).I can succeed!

              41.What was the write like at first?    
              A.He was shy   
              B.He was outgoing    
              C.He was noisy.
              42.How did the writer feel when his classmates laughed at him?    
              A.He felt happy    
              B.He felt excited   
              C.He felt sad
              43.According to the passage,the writer and his mother talked about    before his speech.
              A.many topics     
              B.many famous people   
              C.many stories
              44.What does“look down“mean in the passage?    
              45.After the speech contest,the writer    
              A.changed nothing    
              B.changed himself    
              C.changed others.
            • 6. A 15-year-old student who invented a flashlight getting power (能量) from the holders’s body,She is going back home today from California,and she gets a big prize and a chance to do further research.
              Over ten thousand young scientists from around the world took part in the competition.The four winners were chosen from 15 final competitors from eight countries.Ann Makosinski was the only Canadian among the four winners.
              Winning the science competition was“a surprise”.Ann said,“I think it will have a great influence on my future.”
              Ann thanked her family for encouraging her interest in science and she said that her first toy was a box of transistors 
              Anns prize includes $25,000 and a“once in a lifetime experience”from the competition for her Hollow Flashlight,which has no moving parts or batteries.
              A video of Ann has been watched more than 1.4 million times on the Internet.
              Though Ann was successful,she did not make a decision about her future.Ann hoped that she could find a way to join her love of film and science together in the future.

              56.In which part of a newspaper can we probably read this passage?    
              57.Ann Makosinski came from    
              58.Ann won the science competition because of    
              A.a flashlight
              B.a film
              C.a transistor 
              59.What is Ann’s dream in the future?    
              A.She wants to get a big prize and a chance to do further research.
              B.She wants to invent a flashlight getting power from holder’s body.
              C.She wants to find a way to join her love of film and science together.
              60.According to the passage,we learn    
              A.it isn’t easy to win the international science competition 
              B.Ann has made a decision to be a scientist in the future 
              C.few people are interested in Ann’s invention.
            • 7. A story happened when the telegraph(电报)was the fastest method of long-distance communication.One day,a young man went to an interview for a job as a Morse code operator(莫尔斯电码报务员).
              Answering the ad in the newspaper,he went to the office address.When he arrived,he walked into a large,busy office filled with noise,including the sound of the telegraph.An office worker asked him to wait until he was called to go into the inner office.Seven other people were already in the waiting area for the interview.The young man sat down and waited with them.After a few minutes,the young man stood up,crossed the room to the door of the inner office,and walked right in.Naturally the other people wondered what was going on.They were sure that the young man made a mistake and would be refused.
              A few minutes later,however,the boss came out of the inner office with the young man and said to the other people,“Gentlemen,thank you very much for coming,but the young man has got the job.”
              The other  people  were surprised,and one of them said,“Wait a minute.I don’t understand.He was the last to come in,and we never even got a chance to be interviewed.Yet he got the job.That’s not fair!”
              The boss said,“I’m sorry,but all the time you’ve been sitting here,the telegraph has been sending out the following message in Mores code:‘If you understand this message,then come right in.The job is yours.’None of you heard it or understood it.This young man did.The job is this.”
              49.The young man got the information about the job from    
              A.the telegraph                  
              B.the newspaper
              C.an office worker               
              D.a friend
              50.What was the office like?    
              A.Large,busy and noisy           
              B.Busy,noisy and crowded
              C.Large,crowded but quiet        
              D.Busy,crowded but quiet
              51.How many people went for the job interview that day?    
              A.7           B.8         C.9          D.10
              52.The young man was offered the job because    .       
              A.he was young
              B.he knew the boss
              C.he heard the telegraph message and understood it
              D.he was the last one to walk into the inner office.
            • 8.
                      English Teachers Wanted
              Dear Sir/Madam,
              Our school set up in 2012is a high school.Now there is an urgent(迫切的) need for English teachers.We have posted(发布) our advertisement on our website.You can visit HYPERLINK“http://www/“http://www.wenhuaschool.com or call Alex at 845---6789for more information.If you are interested,please send your resume(简历) to us,and we will reply as soon as possible.
              You should:
              ●love teaching
              ●speak fluent (流利的) English
              ●be good at computer skills
              ●have good communication skills
              41.How can you get more information about the advertisement?    
              A.By visiting the website of Wenhua school.
              B.By calling Mike at 845---6789.
              C.By sending your resume to the school.
              42.Which of the following is not required according to the advertisement?    
              A.Good computer skills.
              B.Good communication skills.
              C.At least three-year teaching experience.
            • 9. Would you like to hear me tell a story?I will tell you where I live,what I do,and what I see.
              My little house is up in a tree.It has no doors or windows.I do not go up any stairs(楼梯) to get to my house.I fly into it when I have been out.
              I always go home early,and never sit up late at night. That is not good for me any more than it is good for boys and girls
              I go out very early in the morning to look for something to eat.That is  the best time to find worms(虫子),which I like very much.Now and then I find some food which some kind little boy or girl has put out for me.As I fly about,I see all kinds of things and people.I see horses,cows,sheep and rabbits in the fields.I see people going to work,and children going to school.You like to go out for a walk,but I go out for a fly.How nice it would be if you could fly home from school!I would like to meet you up in the air.But I know I can’t,for you have no wings.I can fly over the houses,over the trees,and over the hills and far away.I can not stay to tell you anymore now,I must fly to my sweet home.

              31.Who is“I”in the passage?    
              A.A bird    
              B.A boy    
              C.A girl      
              D.A worm
              32.How do“I”go home after going out?    
              A.Take a lift   
              B.Walk upstairs    
              C.Fly home    
              D.Swim home
              33.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?    
              34.What does the underlined sentece mean?    
              A.Boys and girls should go out and look for something to eat.
              B.Boys and girls can fly home from school every day.
              C.Boys and girls should go home early and never stay up late.
              D.Boys and girls can build a house up in the tree too.
            • 10.
              Missing since:June 3,2015
              Produce:young(2years old),curly hair,shy
              Last seen:Wuyi Square
              Please contact(联系):Sarah 839-6722
              Please do not run after the dog.It may run in fear.
              Lost and found items(物件)will be displayed(陈列)in the school hall.
              On Friday,June 15,2015
              During lunch 12:30-1:30
              Parents:If you know that your child has lost something,please remind(提醒)him or her.
              You are also welcome to have a look.
              43.What is Poodle like?    
              A.It’s brave         
              B.It’s lovely       
              C.It’s shy
              44.From the chart(图表)above,we know that    
              A.Poodle was lost two years ago
              B.we can call Sarah or email her if we find Poodle
              C.parents are not allowed to look at the display on June 15,2015
              45.How long will the display last?    
              A.Half an hour       
              B.An hour        
              C.Two hours.
