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            • 1. The story went that some time ago, a man had a very lovely little daughter. One day the man   (1)   his 3-year-old daughter for   (2)  a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became angry when the child tried to decorate a     (3)  to put under the Christmas tree.   (4)  , the little girl brought the gift to her  father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy."
                 The man was embarrassed by his earlier   (5)  , but his anger flared(骤然爆发)again when he found out the box was   (6)  . He shouted at her, saying, "Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there   (7)  to be something inside?" The little girl looked   (8)  at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty   (9)  . I blew kisses into the box. They are all for you, Daddy."
                 The father was crushed(征服,说服). He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her   (10)  Only a short time   (11)  , an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and   (12)   he was discouraged, he would take out an   (13)  kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each one of us, as human beings, has been given a gold container   (14)  with unconditional love and kisses...from our children, family members, friends and God. There is simply no other possession(财产)anyone could have, more   (15)  than this. 
            • 2.

              Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they know it would be more   (1)   to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys went away with their tent and food.

              Carrying their heavy load, the two brothers walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance. They were eager(渴望) to reach their destination(目的地) before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot(地点). Peter wanted to   (2)   close to the river at the edge(边缘) of the woods,   (3)   Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. Unwillingly(不情愿), Peter followed his brother deeper into the  (4)  . “This is really a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They   (5)  the tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way   (6)   to the river to catch some fish.

               “Are you sure that this is the right way?” whispered Peter shakily(颤抖). “I’m sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago.” Paul walked   (7)   silently. “Look, there it is again. We’re lost, aren’t we?” complained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didn’t know where they were.   (8)   , they were a long distance from where they were   (9)   to be. They were not even   (10)   of where they had set up their camp. They stood in   (11)   for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why don’t we look for clues the way trackers(追踪者)   (12)   in the movies? We weren’t careful about how we walked, so I’m sure we would have left   (13)   some broken tree branches and leaves. ”

              Carefully, the boys   (14)   the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off   (15)   the direction of the river.

              What would their parents think of their adventure?

            • 3. Mr Chen is a farmer who    (1)   in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he discovered that he had cancer. The doctor told him that he needed   (2)  at once. And he said the operation would   (3)  thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Mr Chen and his wife. They had no job and   (4)  were at school. The situation seemed   (5)  .
                  Two weeks later, however, Mr Chen got some    (6)   news. He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for poor patients in   (7)  China. They only   (8)   to pay half the cost or even less. Thanks to the project and the kindness of   (9)  family and neighbors, he was able to receive an operation just   (10)   to prevent the illness from getting worse.   (11)  he has returned to his family.
                  The   (12)  of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far, the project has helped more than 5,000 people   (13)  medical aid. The Chinese government is   (14)  working together with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model   (15)   China.

              As our country develops, we must remember the responsibilities of caring for the weakest members.

            • 4. As kids,we learn how to write,maybe play a musical instrument and draw.So why don't we learn to code(编码) computer programs too?What coding has in common with writing,playing music and creating art is that it lets you bring your ideas to life.Coding is all about creativity and that's why I love it.
              Creating with code
              CoderDojo helps young people around the world to learn computer programming for free.When I went to my first CoderDojo class in Dublin City University in Ireland,at age nine,I didn't know anything about coding or even what it was.But I remember making my very first web page that first day,and being surprised that I could create such a thing.It was a great feeling that I think every young person should experience!
              By going to CoderDojo every week,I learned how to make websites,apps and games.One of my apps is called Auto-Journalist.It can help journalists(记者) and interviewees do interviews even if they are both really busy or live in different time zones.It is still in development,and it first appeared at an event called Coolest Projects Awards,where young people get to show the public what they have created with code.It's so much fun to share one's creations,and to see what everyone else has made too.
              Learning environment
              For the past three years I have also been helping to teach other young people at CoderDojo DCU.In recent years I have also noticed many more girls attending CoderDojo DCU to try out coding.This has a lot to do with the CoderDojo girls'classes-girls and young women take part in it with their friends,and it doesn't feel like coding is a"boy thing".It is really wonderful to see this,because we need more girls and women in STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering and Math).It's a good way to learn more about technology.
              Start early
              One of the main things I have learned in the last few years is that coding is not only for adults,coding is for young people,too.And when you are a child,it is a great time to start coding,because your imagination is the limit(限制) for what you can create!
              Want to learn more?Find out if there is a CoderDojo near you at www.coderdojo.com or set one up yourself!Also check out Code.org which has lots of fun drag-and-drop coding games.

              42.In the writer's first coding class,she    
              A.made apps and games
              B.created a web page
              C.wrote for newspapers
              D.did some interviews
              43.Why do more girls begin to learn coding?    
              A.There are coding classes for girls.
              B.Girls want to learn a"boy thing".
              C.There are more girls in STEM.
              D.Girls can meet cool boys there.
              44.What does the writer think of coding?    
              A.It is better than playing music.
              B.It limits children's imagination.
              C.It stops people from learning fast.
              D.It helps children with their creativity.
              45.What is probably the best title for this passage?    
              A.Start Coding as Early as Possible
              B.Come for Fun in CoderDojo Class
              C.Kids Should Have Chances to Learn to Code
              D.STEM Is Calling for More Girls and Women.
            • 5.
              It's Mango Time!
              --How much do you know about one of the world's most popular fruits?
              Some people call mangoes the"king of fruit,"while others just call them delicious!Those who love mangoes anxiously wait for the first ripe ones of the season.And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you!
              Did you know…
              -People think mangoes were first planted over 5,000years ago in India.
              -The countries of India and the Philippines have announced mango their national fruit.
              -A mango tree can live up to 300years.
              -Countries that are major mango producers
              include Mexico,Egypt,Pakistan,Brazil,Indonesia,Australia and Israel.
              -A cup of the fruit has only 100Calories and is nearly fat-free.
              -Mangoes are a vital food source for millions of people.
              -One cup of mango contains 100percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C.
              -Mangoes contain over 20vitamins and minerals,making them a"superfood."
              -The fruit can be eaten raw,cooked,dried or canned.
              So treat yourself to a mango today!
              A good night's sleep
              Do you get the sleep you need?
              When the morning sun looks in through our window,do you jump out of bed or go on lying?
              Having enough sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one!
              Here are the tips for a good night's sleep:
              First,go to bed and get up at the same time,even if you haven't gotten a good night's sleep.
              Sleeping late for just a few days can change your body clock to a different cycle.
              Also,avoid big meals at night.Eating heavy rich food within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake,Your stomach works hard because of those fatty foods,and that may keep you up.Your body
              produces a chemical called melatonin that helps you sleep.Light changes the amount of melatonin.It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime.So at night turn off your TV and PC.Also,don't read from abacklit device(有背光的设备) like an iPad.Some scientists think that the light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin.So turn those screens off at least an hour before bedtime.
              After a good night's sleep,you'll be able to face a new day.
              31.According to the passage,we can learn that    
              A.Australians consider mango as the national fruit
              B.mangoes are rich in fat to meet people's daily need
              C.there are all kinds of vitamins and minerals in mangoes
              D.People enjoy mangoes because they are healthy and tasty
              32.According to the second passage,we can make our body produce more melatonin by    
              A.surfing the Internet on the computer or iPad
              B.changing our body clocks to different cycles
              C.turning off TVs at least an hour before sleeping
              D.enjoying some outdoor activities in the open air
              33.These two articles may come from    
              A.a story book
              B.a magazine
              C.a guide book
              D.a news report.
            • 6. A new study warns that about 30% of the world people may not have enough water by the year 2025.
              A private American organization called Population Action International (PAI) did the new study.It says more than three hundred and thirty-five million people lack enough water now.These people live in twenty-eight countries.Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.
              PAI researchers Robert Engelman says by the year 2025,about three thousand million people may face water problems.At least 18more countries are expected to lack enough water.The need for water keeps increasing.Yet the amount(数量) of water on the earth stays the same.
              The report says lack of water in the future may cause several problems.It may increase health problems.Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe.Mr.Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases,such as cholera,which are carried in water.Lack of water may also lead to more international conflict(冲突).Countries may have to fight for water in the future.Some countries now get sixty percent of their water from other countries.This is true of Egypt,the Netherlands,Cambodia,Syria,Sudan,and Iraq.And the report says lack of water would influence the ability to improve their economies(经济).This is because new industries often need a great amount of water when they are beginning.
              The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem.One
              way,it says,is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose.Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water.A third way is to use less water for agriculture.
              The report also says a long-term solution to the water problem is to control population growth.It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have.

              33.The PAI study shows that     countries will lack water by the year 2025.
              A.at least 46
              B.at most 46
              34.Which of the following problems is NOT true according to the passage?    
              A.It may bring about a lot of health problems.
              B.It may cause more international conflict.
              C.It may lead to the improvement of new industries.
              D.It may influence the development of economies.
              35.What is the way to solve the water problem in the long term?    
              A.To use water in different ways.
              B.To realize the water problem.
              C.To reduce water for farming.
              D.To limit the rising birth rate.
              36.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?    
              37.After reading the passage,many people will probably    
              A.begin to fight for water
              B.try to find ways to save water
              C.increase the amount of water
              D.move house to the Middle East.
            • 7.
              Add:635Grand Road
              Open:Mon.to Fri.10:00a.m.-2:30p.m.; 5:00p.m.-9:00p.m.
              Sat.& Sun.7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.;  5:00p.m.-10:00p.m.
              History Museum
              Add:69Hong Kong Road
              Open:Mon.to Fri.9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
              Sat.& Sun.9:30a.m.-3:00p.m.
              Grand Buy Department Store
              Add:520Beijing Road
              Open:Mon.to Fri.10:00a.m.-11:00p.m.
              Sat.& Sun.9:30a.m.-10:30p.m.
              Home Inn
              Tel:887-6111                 Add:218East Huangshi Road
              Coffee Shop:Mon.to Fri.7:00a.m.-10:00p.m.
              Sat.& Sun.8:00a.m.-10:00p.m.
              56.If you want to drink coffee,you can go to    
              A.Café and History Museum      
              B.Grand Buy Department Store and Home Inn
              C.Café and Grand Buy Department Store  
              D.Café and Home Inn
              57.If you want to buy some new clothes,you can go to    
              A.635Grand Road   
              B.69Hong Kong Road
              C.520Beijing Road    
              D.218East Huangshi Road
              58.How long can you sit in Café on Friday?    
              59.On Sunday morning,the coffee shop in Home Inn doesn't open until    
              60.If you want to get some information about History Museum,you can call    
            • 8.
              According to the SARFT,live-action animation(动画真人电影) Monster Hunt《捉妖记》,had raked in more than 1.35billion yuan in box office by Sunday,just ten days after its public launch(放映).Though there are famous movie stars like Jing Boran,Bai Baihe,Zeng Zhiwei,computer animated baby Huba has turned out to be the film's biggest attraction.
              CNIV 2015-7-26,Sunday
              On October 29th,2015,Chinese government planed to end its one-child per family policy(政策),instead let families have two children.The statement(声明) said the change is meant to(为了) balance population development,stop a declining(下降的) birth rate and strengthen the country's work force(劳动力).But some Chinese say,"Two kids,thanks but no.It will take me one million yuan to bring up (养育) a kid."
              Six years ago,within seconds,for just 1.1yuan,a university student from Hangzhou,Yang Jiangming,was the owner of a 800,000yuan ($117,000)apartment in Chengdu.The property(房产) was his at the click(点击) of a mouse,thanks to a new online phenomenon called"seckilling(秒杀)"
              60.When was Monster Hunt launched in China?    
              A.July 26.               
              B.July 16.
              C.October 30.          
              D.December 28.
              61.Who became the biggest attraction in Monster Hunt?    
              A.Jing Boran.            
              B.Bai Baihe.
              C.Zeng Zhiwei.          
              62.What's the aim of Chinese two children per family policy?    
              A.To balance population development.
              B.To stop a declining birth rate.
              C.To strengthen the country's work force.
              D.All of above.
              63.How much did Yang Jiangming pay for the property in Chengdu?    
              A.1.35billion yuan.       
              C.One million yuan.      
            • 9.

              Resolutions are promises to 31  .They can help you to make you a better person and make your your life  32  . Kate’s brother Danny 33  some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. This year, he is going to learn 34  the guitar. She is going to take the guitar lessons and  practice every day. Next, he wants to get good  35. He is going to study  36 and he is going to do all his homework  37 .The third resolution is about 38  his relationship with his family and friends.He is going to be friendlier 39  them.Finally,he will also learn 40  to do better at school.   

            • 10. The best way to show gratitude(感谢) to your parents
              Wherever we are today,whatever we are,we owe it to (归功于)our parents who have given and taught us so much.We have only one set of parents,and we should show them how grateful (感激的)we are for everything that they have taught us.Whatever we do to express(表达) our thanks,the important thing is that they know how much we love them.Let's see how some people show their thanks to their parents.
              JETT PANGAN:I like making my mom proud of me.My mom is a widow(寡妇)and retired,so I'll always be around her.I won't make her feel lonely.
              MIGUEL MENDOZA:The best way I can show my gratitude is to write a song for them and sing it.
              NAR CABICO:I will thank my parents by doing well in school in order not to make them worried.
              RAJO LAUREL:My parents taught me that the best way to reward(回报) them is to help those in need.So I will become a man for others.
              YANAH LAUREL:By showering(给…一连串的) my parents with lots of hugs and kisses.By telling them I love them.
              Information Card
              ReasonsThey have (81)     us so much.
              We have only one set of (82)    
              Different people's waysJett will be around his mother in order not to make her feel (83)    
              Nar will thank his parents by (84)    
              Yanah gives her parent lots of (85)    
