优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Although Amy was born in a _____________ (wealth) family, she never felt happy.

            • 2.

              I hope you can do your homework___________ (quick).

            • 3.


              (1)Mr Green enjoys_______________ (work) in China.

              (2)The _______________ (perform) is from Australia. He is also popular in China.

              (3)There are a lot of_______________ (visit) in Lijiang.

              (4)Chinese is_______________ (little) difficult than English.

              (5)Please tell him _______________(wash) his hands before meals.


              (1)Last Sunday we didn’t go out_______________(因为)the rain.

              (2)Did you write a(n) _______________(日记) yesterday?

              (3)It’s_______________(必要的)for us to exercise every day to keep healthy.

              (4)—Which_______________ (节目) do you like best?

                —Avenue of Stars.

              (5)You can ask the teacher for more_______________(信息). 

            • 4.

              Look, the doctor is examining the little boy ____________. (careful)

            • 5.

              The ________________(swim) who come from Beijing will stay here for another two days. It’s really nice to meet them.

            • 6.

              The shirt is only 4 dollars. I think it’s ____________(expensive).

            • 7.

              ______________ (luck), I didn’t arrive late.

            • 8.

              Theresa May           (success) became the 2nd woman Prime Minister of Britain.

            • 9.

              Because of her            (care), she failed to win the first prize.

            • 10.

              Do you think the bag is one of those_______________(climb)?               

