优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A:Hi,Alice.Would you like to help save the environment?
              B:I'd love to.But I don't know how to do it.
              A:First,you can start by turning off the lights.
              B:(1) ______ .I'll do it from now on.What's next?
              A:Well.(2) ______ ?
              B:Yes,I can.I ride a bike to school every day.
              A:So second,ride a bike or walk.(3) ______ .The traffic is too heavy.
              B:I think so.What else?
              A:Third,you can save water.
              B:(4) ______ ?
              A:That's easy.Turn off the shower when you're not using it.
              B:You are an environmental protector.I'll learn from you!Thanks a lot.
              A:(5) ______ .
            • 2.
              space station, just, show, don't panic, month
              A: Hello! May I speak to Katy, please?
              B: Speaking! Who's that?
              A: This is Mary. Have you finished your homework?
              B: Yes, I've(1) ______ finished it. What's up?
              A: My teacher asked me to make a model of(2) ______ , but I don't know how to do it.
              B:(3) ______ ! You can search for some information on the Internet.
              A: Sorry, I don't have a computer.
              B: When does your teacher want your homework?
              A: Next(4) ______ .
              B: OK. I can help you find out some information, then(5) ______ it to you.
              A: It's very kind of you!
            • 3.
              B:Hello!This is Joan. (76) ______
              A:Hi,Joan!This is Maria.What's up?
              B:I want to go shopping this afternoon. (77) ______
              A:Oh,I'd love to. (78) ______ What do you want to buy?
              B:My schoolbag is too old.I need a new one.
              A:All right.When do you want to go?
              B:(79) ______
              A:It's OK for me,I am free this afternoon.
              B:(80) ______
              A:See you!
              A.I need some sports shoes.
              B.See you then.
              C.Who's this?
              D.How about 4 o'clock in the afternoon?
              E.Would you like to go with me?
            • 4.
              (Helen and Sally are talking about their living rooms)
              Helen: I have a large living room. What about you?
              Sally: My living room isn't large. (1) ______
              Helen: (2) ______
              Sally: No, there isn't.
              Helen: (3) ______
              Sally: There are some books on it.
              Helen: (4) ______
              Sally: They are English hooks and Chinese books.
              Helen: Do you like Chinese?
              Sally: Yes, I do. You have a nice living room, may I have a look?
              Helen: (5) ______
              Sally: OK.
            • 5.
              A:(1) ______ ?
              B: My throat (喉咙) isn't good, doctor.
              A:(2) ______ ?
              B: Since the weather got worse.
              A: (3) ______ ?
              B: Yes, my temperature is normal. (4) ______ .
              A: Coughing? Let me check carefully. Oh, I see. Maybe the bad weather caused your problem.
              B: I think so. There has been too much smog for several days.
              A: You're right. Smoggy (雾霾) weather can make people feel uncomfortable.
              B: What should I do then, doctor?
              A: Don't worry.(5) ______ Drink more water and you'll be all right soon.
              B: Thanks, doctor!
            • 6.
              A: Hello!(76) ______ ?
              B: Yes , please. I want to buy a dress,
              A: (77) ______ ?
              B: I'd like a pink one.
              A: I'm sorry we don't have pink ones. What about this yellow one?
              B: It looks nice. (78) ______ ?
              A:Sure.The fitting room(试衣间)is over there.
              B: Thanks.
              A: Oh , you look nice in it.
              B:(79) ______ ?
              A: It's only 60yuan.
              B: That's fine. (80) ______ .
              A; OK. Let me pack it for you.
            • 7.
              A:Hi,Peter.I see you wearing a pair of glasses.But you didn't wear them before,did you?
              B:(1) ______ But I'm afraid I have to wear them now.
              A:(2) ______
              B:Because I get sightedness(近视症).(3) ______
              A:(4) ______ What happened?
              B:My doctor said that I watched movies or played games on my iPad quite a lot.I suggest you not do that like me.
              A:(5) ______
              B:You're welcome.
              B.I'm sorry to hear that.
              C.No,I didn't.
              D.Thank you for your advice.
              E.Yes,I did.
              F.I can't see things clearly.
            • 8.
              Tom: Hi, Paul. I haven't seen you for years.(66) ______ ?
              Paul: Sorry, I don't know you. Who are you?
              Tom: I'm Tom, your cousin.(67) ______
              Paul: Let me see. Oh, you are Tom. I hear of you are in Cambridge University.
              Tom: Yes, but now I have finished the university.
              Paul: (68) ______ . But now you are thin and tall. So I couldn't……
              Tom: Really? I used to have sweet food. I ate too much. So I was very fat.
              Paul: (69) ______ .
              Tom: Yes. I still wear glasses.
              Paul: Where are you working now?
              Tom: I'm in Fudan University. I have been a teacher of the university.
              Paul: You are great.(70) ______ ? I can treat you a dinner.
              Tom: No, thanks.
              Paul: Oh, I see. We have changed a lot.
              A. You used to be short and heavy.
              B. What do you feel like eating?
              C. Don't you remember me?
              D. You used to like eating delicious food, didn't you?
              E. What happened to you?
              F. OK. I'd love to.
              G. Did you use to wear glasses?
            • 9.
              (They are talking on the Friendship Helpline.)
              A: Morning, This is Friendship Helpline.
              B: Hello.(1) ______
              A: Can I help you, Wang Fei?
              A: Please give me some advice on how to make friends.
              B: OK.(2) ______ When you smile, people think you are friendly to them.
              A: I agree with you. What else?
              B:(3) ______
              A: But how do I start a talk?
              B: First, you can say something nice about him.
              A: Good idea. Then, what questions can I ask him?
              B:(4) ______ For example, "What's his favourite singer?" "What sports does he enjoy?" and so on.
              A: Thank you for telling me so much.
              B:(5) ______
              A. The quickest way to make friends is to smile.
              B. Don't mention it.
              C. To learn to talk with others is also very important.
              D. This is Wang Fei speaking.
              E. Try to ask him some questions about himself.
            • 10.
              A: Hello, may I speak to Kate, please?
              B: Speaking.
              A: Hello, Kate! This is Lily speaking. It's Sunday tomorrow. (56)______
              B: Nothing much. Do you have any ideas?
              A: The spring has come. I hear many flowers in park bloom together. It must be very beautiful. (57)______?
              B: Good idea. My sister Lucy also likes flowers very much. Let's invite her to come with us.
              A: Why not? (58)______. So we can take some wonderful photos.
              B: Great. I like taking pictures. (59)______?
              A: Let's meet outside the school gate at half past nine in the morning.
              B: How shall we go there?
              A: Let's go there by bike.
              B: Oh, my bike is broken. (60)______?
              A: All right. See you!
              B: See you!
