优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              The Ways to Keep in Good Health


              ◆She goes to _____(1)______ on foot every day.


              ◆She runs every morning before ______(2)_____.


              ◆She dances after school every ____(3)______ and Wednesday because she thinks it’s interesting.


              ◆He thinks playing ____(4)_____ is a good way to keep healthy.


              ◆He swims ____(5)___ a week.

            • 2.
              A:Tony,Lin Tao invited us to have dinner with his family.Would you like to go?
              B:Really?I'd love to.(81) ______
              A:Sure.In China people put all the dishes on the table and everyone shares the food together.
              B:That's interesting.I hear they usually use chopsticks.Do they use spoons?
              A:Yes(82 ) ______
              B:Anything else about the table manners?
              A:Er…sometimes Chinese will use their own chopsticks to put food in your bowl to show their politeness.Don't refuse that.
              B:(83 ) ______
              A:Just say"thank you"and leave the food there.
              B:(84 ) ______
              A:Put them on the table or on your bowl.(85) ______  it's impolite.
              B:I got it.Thank you.
            • 3.
              (At the doctor's)
              A:Good morning,doctor!
              B:(46) ______ What's wrong?
              A:I have a sore throat.(47) ______
              B:(48) ______
              A:Since yesterday morning.
              B:(49) ______
              A:Yes.My temperature is OK.
              B:Open your mouth.Say"Ah…".You have a cold.
              A:Is it serious?
              B:Nothing serious.(50) ______ You'll get better soon.
              A:Thank you,doctor.
              A.I am feeling terrible.
              B.I'm sorry to hear that.
              C.Good morning,young man!
              D.Have you taken your temperature?
              E.How long have you been like this?
              F.Take this medicine three times a day.
            • 4.
              A:Mary,how do you think of this food?
              B:(61) ______ It's more delicious than the food I ate last time.
              A:To tell you the truth,I cooked it.
              B:(62) ______ It's unbelievable.
              A:(63) ______ He was very strict with me,so I learned a lot.
              B:So you asked me to taste your food.
              A:(64) ______ Would you like to be the first customer to eat my new food for free?
              B:Yes,I'd love to.
              A:But will you please give me some advice next time?
              B:(65) ______ .

              A.You're right.
              B.With pleasure.
              D.Very delicious.
              E.I learned from a famous cook in Sichuan.
            • 5.
              A:So Tara, here we are at the end of junior high. We can't see each other for a long time.
              B:Yes, Annie. (66) ______ I'll miss you.
              A:Me, too. (67) ______
              B:Fm going to visit my grandparents in a beautiful village. I go there every summer.
              A:Sounds great. I've never been to the countryside. What do you usually do there?
              B:I can do many things. (68) ______
              A:It's fantastic! (69) ______
              B:My brother. By the way, what's your plan?
              A:I'm going to take part in a summer camp.
              B:(70) ______ Have fun!
              A:Thank you. Hope to see you in September.
              B:Hope to see you then.
              A:Who are you going with?
              B:What do you hope to do in the coming summer vacation?
              C:What an excellent plan!
              D:That makes me sad.
              E:How often do you go there?
              F:And I will help with the farm work.
              G:Certainly, I will.
            • 6.
              A.What is it?
              B.That's great.
              C.Oh,to buy DVDs?
              D.You are welcome.
              E.But where is the bus stop?
              Ann:What are you going to do this afternoon?
              Ken:I'm going to buy some DVDs about Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road.
              Ann:(46) ______ Why not go to the Film Fans'Room?
              Ken:The Film Fans'Room?(47) ______
              Ann:It is a place where students can exchange their DVDs with others.I think you can get what you want there.
              Ken:(48) ______ How can I get there?
              Ann:It's next to Donghu Cinema.You can take the No.13 bus.
              Ken:OK.(49) ______
              Ann:There is one just outside Huaqiao University.You can get on the bus there.
              Ken:Thank you very much.
              Ann:(50) ______ .
            • 7.
              A:Hi,Tony!What are you doing here?
              B:Hi,Judy!(71) ______
              A:Travelling?(72) ______
              B:Yes,Summer is the best time for travel and I'd like to stay in a cool place.
              A:That'll be great!Have you decided where to go?
              B:Not yet.Any suggestions?
              A:(73) ______ It's quite cool and the food there is also special.
              B:(74) ______ Thank you.What's your plan for the vacation?
              A:(75) ______ I'll help my father with his business.

              A.I will stay at home.
              B.How about Dalian?
              C.Are you planning for your summer vacation?
              D.I'm making a travelling plan.
              E.That's a great idea.
            • 8.
              steal matter friend valuable attend
              Sandy:Mom,I’m really worried.
              Mom:Why?What’s the (56) ______
              Sandy:I can’t find my schoolbag.
              Mom:Well,where did you last put it?
              Sandy:I can’t remember!I (57) ______ a concert yesterday so it might still be in the museum hall.
              Mom:Do you have anything (58) ______ in your schoolbag?
              Sandy:No,just my books,my pink hair band and some tennis balls.
              Mom:So it can’t be (59) ______
              Sandy:Oh,wait!I went to a picnic after the concert.I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.
              Mom:So could it still be at the park?
              Sandy:Yes.I left early,before the rest of my (60) ______ .I’ll call them now to check if anybody has it.
            • 9.
              A.How is a day at work?
              B.What is hard about your job?
              C.Why do you love your job?
              D.How much are you usually paid?
              E.What skills do you need to be a trapeze (高空秋千)artist?

              Reporter:(71) ______
              Michael:I perform in the evenings,but luckily I don’t have to get up early.So in the mornings I sleep in,then practise on stage for 45 minutes.I have to do a lot of exercise before each show.
              Reporter:(72) ______
              Michael:Because it’s like a dream of flying.When you do a great performance on the trapeze,it’s an unbelievable feeling.
              Reporter:(73) ______
              Michael:Working at such a high level every day.Sometimes you wake up with a stomachache,but you have to perform.
              Reporter:(74) ______
              Michael:You need to be strong to deal with physical training.You mustn’t be heavy,or your partner can’t catch you easily.You can’t be at all nervous when there are 5000 people watching you.
              Reporter:(75) ______
              Michael:We get paid per show and the amount depends on your contract (合同).Of course,we can get extra money for extra performances.
            • 10.
              Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue.You have one more answer.Each choice should be used only once.
              (On Monday morning)
              A:Morning,Li Lei!I called you on Sunday afternoon,but nobody answered.
              (46) ______
              B:I was searching for the information about Beijing Subway Line 5.
              A:Why did you do that?
              B:We were told to collect some information about it by our teacher.
              A:(47) ______
              B:Sure.It's reported that Subway Line 5will have its test run at the end of this year.
              A:Great!How long is it?
              B:(48) ______
              A:Then,how about the ticket price?
              B:Well,it still remains unknown.(49) ______
              A:Hope not.(50) ______
              B:By the way,what did you call me for?
              A:I wanted to ask you about our physics homework.But later I worked it out.
              B:Oh,I know.It's time for class.Let's go.
              A.When will it be put into use?
              B.But I hope the ticket won't be expensive.
              C.Could you please tell me something about it?
              D.I'm looking forward to taking the subway to school.
              E.It has a total length of 38.8kilometers.
              F.What were you doing at that time?
