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            • 1.
              A.reach B. seat C. awful D. turn off E. arrive
              When you go to the movies, you should always remember a few important rules. Talking during the movie is really (1) . It can make the people sitting around you really upset. If you are talking, then they can"t hear what is going on in the movie. It is also a good idea to (2) your cell phone. Nothing is more upsetting(令人心烦的) than having a phone ring in the middle of a film. The final thing to remember is to (3) at the cinema on time. If you are late, you have to walk in front of people to get to your (4) . They will have to stand up and let you pass. The next time you go to the movies, keep these thoughts in mind and everyone will have a good time.
            • 2. Colors and moods
              Some people believe that colors can (1) (影响) our moods.You may wonder whether it is true or not. In fact,colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad,energetic or (2) (瞌睡的).This article explains what colors can do and what characteristics they represent.
              CALM COLORS
              Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were (3) (粉刷)blue. Blue is a calm color. It brings (4) (平静)to our mind and body. Blue can also mean sadness, so you may say "I"m feeling blue" when you are feeling sad. White is (5) (另一种)calm color. It is also the color of purity. Many women like to wear white on their wedding days.
              WARM COLORS
              Some colors,such as orange and yellow,can make you feel warm.People in cold areas (6) (更喜欢)warm colors like orange and yellow in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.
              ENERGETIC COLORS
              When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colors like green. Green can give you energy, as it is the color of (7) (自然) and the symbol of new life. However, it is also the color of envy, so we may say someone is "green with envy".
              STRONG COLORS
              If you (8) (要求) strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. Red is the color of (9) (热). It means power and strong feelings. Wearing red can also make it (10) (更容易的)to take action. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.
            • 3.
              from;hour; one; since;look;student;well;June; teach;be
              Wang Yaping is a Chinese spacewoman. She has made history when she was thirty-three years old-she has been China"s (1) teacher in space. Wang (2) Chinese primary and middle school students on Earth physics phenomena(现象)in space. She prepared (3) for the lecture and expressed full confidence about the lesson. Meeting the media, she said, "We are all (4) facing the space. We are (5) forward to encouraging our young friends to learn and research the beautiful space. "
              Wang was born in (6) 1980. She is (7) east China"s Shandong Province. She was a pilot in the People"s Liberation Army Air Force with experience of 1,600 (8) of flying.
              Except the space lecture, Wang (9) responsible(负责的) for monitoring(监测) the conditions of spacecraft, space experiments and operation of equipment, among others.
              Wang has served the People"s Liberation Army(人民解放军) (10) August 1997. In May 2010, Wang become a member of the second batch of Chinese astronauts. Wang was chosen to be the member of the Shenzhou-10 space group in April 2013. She was China"s second woman astronaut who was sent into space after Liu Yang who flew with the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft. How great Wang Yaping is!
            • 4.
              give, tradition , break , prepare,they , knife , take , be,kind , dish
              Tony is Chinese American. His family members gather together and serve a (1) Chinese meal once a week. Last week Tony invited his friend Amy for it.
              Tony"s family was (2) dinner when Amy arrived. The family was cooking vegetables with hot oil. The kitchen was filled with many good smells. "You can help me set the table." Tony told his friend. They gave each person a pair of chopsticks,a soup bowl,a soup spoon,and a rice bowl on a plate.
              "Where are the forks and (3) ?" Amy asked.
              "Oh, you won"t need those. Tony explained. "I will show you how to use chopsticks. Don"t worry." Tony"s mother put different foods which (4) unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates. She asked the kids to carry the food-filled plates out to the table. Amy carried roast duck. It was one of the few (5) she recognized.
              Amy was a little nervous about eating with chopsticks. Tony gave her instructions on how to do it. Amy finally managed to hold the chopsticks. Just when she picked up a piece of chicken in her chopsticks, her fingers suddenly lost control of (6) , and the chicken flew across the table. It landed in Tony"s soup with a splash (飞溅). Everyone at the table smiled.
              Tony"s father (7) brought out a fork and a knife. He handed them to Amy. Amy felt more comfortable. She ate the rest of her dinner easily. It was delicious!
              At the end of the meal, Amy was (8) a fortune cookie (签语饼干). She (9) it open and read the small note inside, "If you practice hard, you will learn many things." Amy laughed and said, "If you let me (10) home a pair of chopsticks, my fortune may come true!"
            • 5.
              as,beautiful ,see,happy,my,young,time ,agree,first ,suggest,
              I began going skating at the age of twelve. I went skating in the park near my home with others. After many years, I realized that I was the oldest skater there, but I didn"t mind. I knew that someone had to be the (1) and someone had to be the oldest in a group.
              At (2) I asked the parents to skate with their children. Some of them always told me that they were too old to do it. However, I couldn"t (3) with them. "If I can do it, so can they!" I thought to (4)
              About a year ago, I went skating with a group of students. For the (5) time, I found that it was hard for me to follow them and keep my balance. It made me feel very (6) So I realized I had to move on to the next stage (阶段) of my life.
              To make me happy, my wife (7) that I should help children with their skating.
              I did (8) she advised. I found it made me feel good to help children skate. (9) them skating made me think of the days when I did quite well in skating. I came to realize that each stage of life has its own (10)
            • 6. A) hidden B) is made up of C) customs
              D) traditional E) dinner
              One of the most exciting events at Christmas is of course the Christmas dinner. Due to different culture and (1) . people around the world enjoy very different Christmas dinners.
              Americans usually have a (2) turkey Christmas dinner much like British people. They also drink eggnog----a thick drink made from eggs, sugar, milk, spices and liquor. A rich Christinas pudding is a traditional dessert at British tables. It (3) dried fruit and a variety of spices. If you are lucky, there might be a shiny coin (4) in it somewhere.
            • 7. A) unusual    B) about   C) order   D) includes   E) sell
                  The French enjoy a comfortable dinner party. Christmas dinner in France is usually enjoyed shortly after midnight on Christmas Eve. The menu(1)______famous French dishes such as oysters (牡蛎),lobster meat and foie gras(鹅肝酱).
                  Perhaps the most(2)______ Christmas dinner of all is "kiviak" in Greenland. People put the raw flesh of Arctic birds in seal skin for months before eating it. For those who don't like dead birds, they can also eat "mattack"--- whale skin.
                  Kentucky Fried Chicken has been customary in Japan ever since the American fast-food giant launched a "Kentucky for Christmas"marketing campaign(营销活动)in 1974. The fried chicken meal, which comes with cake and champagne, costs (3)______3,336yen (RMR 175). It is so popular that many fans (4)______ it months in advance to avoid two-hour waiting lines on Cliristmas Day.
            • 8. 根据短文内容,将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次.
              A. full of B. say goodbye to C. young D. chance E. lonely F. alone
              Sometimes, children want to grow up quickly. That"s because adults have no school rules to follow at all and they are allowed to do many things such as driving cars, staying out late and so on. But there"s one place in Japan where children want to stay (1) forever.
              Adults are not allowed to visit Japan"s Future Sweets Factory. It is a magical place (2) something sweet and delicious. Only young students are asked to visit the factory (3) , leaving their parents behind in the waiting hall.
              Future Sweets Factory is in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. After kids pass through the gate, they will be in a waiting hall. They must (4) their parents there. Then they go through a special kid-sized door to the place where all the magic happens. The factory is decorated to suit the kids" tastes - with cartoon characters and robots. Inside the factory, kids can taste sweets and they also have a (5) o learn how sweets are cooked.
            • 9.
              A. more B. communication C. experience D. because E. express F. so
              After kids get out, they are asked to describe their exciting adventures to their parents. In fact, this (1) between parents and children was Cook Susumu Koyama"s wish to start Future Sweets Factory. "Nowadays, adults are busy (2) they don"t spend much time listening to what their children are saying," he said. "I hope parents will be (3) serious about talking with their kids in everyday life."
              Future Sweets Factory is a wonderful idea. It teaches kids to (4) themselves bravely and gives children an exciting (5) to remember. It"s really popular in Japan now.
            • 10.
              know  hang  care  buy  she  think  for  a  work  on  when  sell
              Few people would even think of beginning a new job at the age of 76, but one of American's most famous artists did just that. Anna Mary Robertson, better(1)______as "Grandma Moses", turned to painting (2)______ she was too old to work on her farm.  Grandma Moses was crazy about painting soon after she picked it up and worked hard on it. She painted (3)______  and her works were nice. She first painted only to please(4)______, and then began to sell her works (5)______ a little money. In 1993, a collector, Louis Caldor happened to see several of Grandma Moses' works (6)______in a shop. He liked them, (7)______ them at once, and set out to look for more. Caldor held (8)______ show to introduce the(9)______ of Grandma Moses to other artists. Grandma Moses died (10)______ December 13,1961, at the age of 101.
