优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              At the picnic, Tom and Becky visited the caves(洞穴) with the other children. However, they had left their friends behind before they noticed that. They took their  (1)   and walked down a small tunnel(隧道). They made some  (2)  on the wall, which would help them find their way back. A large number of bats were hanging on the roof. The  (3)  did not like the candlelight and attacked(攻击)the children. Tom and Becky were so  (4)  that they kept running until they ran away from the bats.

                   ‘It is a long time since I  (5)   the others. Let’s go back, Tom.’ said Becky.

              They tried to find a way back without going through the cave with bats.   (6)  ,they failed. Both children began to shout  (7)   ,but nobody answered.

                    Becky began to cry, ‘Tom, Tom, we’re lost. We’ll   (8)   get out of this awful place!’ Tom tried to calm(平静) her and gave her some cakes he had taken from the  (9)  . They went on shouting for help, without any  (10)  reaching them.

                    Suddenly, they heard somebody shouting far away. They shouted back and tried to get closer, but there was a big hole ahead of them and they could not go   (11)   it. The shouting went further away until it was gone.

                    Tom didn’t   (12)   hope. He tried another tunnel. With all his effort(努力), he got Becky and himself out at last   (13)   he was very hungry, tired and frightened.

                    They had been in the cave for three days. Tom saw a boat on the river and asked the people in it to take them to St. Petersburg.

                    The people in the town were very happy to see the   (14)   children. Both of them were very  (15)  and had to stay in bed for a few days to get strong again.

                    What a fantastic experience for the two! Life will never say ‘NO’ to those with great courage!

              (1) A. food                B. drinks                 
              C. candles          D. flashlight

              (2) A. pictures              B. notes                 
              C. marks(标记)    D. colors

              (3) A. birds                    B. animals                     
              C. ghosts             D. bats

              (4) A. pleased             B. afraid                   
              C. nervous           D. satisfied

              (5) A. caught              B. found                     
              C. heard            D. followed

              (6) A. Unpleasantly         B. Unluckily       
              C. Unexpectedly    D. Uncertainly

              (7) A. in surprise            B. with excitement         
              C. in confidence D. with fear

              (8) A. surely              B. never                 
              C. seldom           D. proudly

              (9) A. cave                    B. tunnel               
              C. picnic           D. Boat

              (10) A. reply                   B. noise                 
              C. students D. cheers

              (11) A. past               B. down              
              C. up             D. through

              (12) A. give in      B. give up               
              C. give out            D. give away

              (13) A. if                       B. although             
              C. unless            D. because

              (14) A. excited              B. strict                 
              C. serious            D. lost

              (15) A. surprised          B. sad                  
              C. weak          D. happy

            • 2.

              Mark Twain, the famous writer and speaker liked to play jokes on others .But once a joke was played ___(1)___  him.

                 One day, Mark Twain gave a lecture in a small town. At lunch a young man told him that his uncle _____(2)_ laughed. Nobody and nothing could make his uncle_____(3)_ .But Mark Twain said he was ______(4)_ he could make him laugh. He asked the young man to ______(5)_ his uncle to his house. That evening Mark Twain told some _____(6)_ stories. Everyone laughed , ______(7)_the old man never even smiled. Mark Twain told funniest stories, but the old man did not laugh, _______(8)_ At last, he stopped. He was very tired.

                Some days later, Mark Twain told a friend of ____(9)_ about this story, His friend laughed and said that he knew that old man. He was _____(10)_.

              (1) A. on 

              B. at

              C. with

              D. in

              (2) A. always

              B. never

              C. often

              D. sometimes

              (3) A. speak

              B. cry

              C. laugh

              D. read   

              (4) A. afraid

              B. sorry

              C. happy

              D. sure

              (5) A. leave

              B. carry

              C. take

              D. bring 

              (6) A. unhappy

              B. terrible 

              C. interesting

              D. sad

              (7) A. but

              B. so

              C. and

              D. or

              (8) A. either

              B. too   

              C. also

              D. already

              (9) A. theirs

              B. mine

              C. he’s

              D. his

              (10) A. blind 

              B. deaf 

              C. asleep

              D. dead

            • 3.

              He Jie was very sad when his lovely dog Whitey suddenly lose her ability to walk in December 2016, “She   (1)  okay one day, but the next moment she was dragging her butt(屁股) on the ground,” says Jie, a 44-year-old   (2)   of a company in Texas.

              “I was very  (3)  when I saw this.” He says. “So I want to help her.” After learning that a doggie wheelchair would cost several hundred dollars and take two weeks to be received. Jie   (4)   his own for his lovely dog.

              Soon, “Whitey was walking around in her new wheelchair,” he says. “It became like an extension(扩大) of her body. She lived   (5)   for another two years.”

              Some people encouraged Jie to   (6)   more wheelchairs for other dogs that can’t   (7)  with legs. Through his rolling Dog Project, West has sent about 80 wheelchairs to dogs’ owners across the country who can’t afford one.

              “I refuse to accept   (8)   from dog’s owners because, to me, that’s like blood money,” explains West.

              “I do this job   (9)  I know for many people, their pet is like a family  (10)  ,” West adds, “It’s all about giving dogs a new start in their life. It’s also saving them.”

              (1) A. sounded            B. seemed            
              C. heard              D. ate

              (2) A. teacher             B. student            
              C. child               D. worker

              (3) A. happy              B. angry             
              C. bad                 D. sad

              (4) A. bought             B. took               
              C. built               D. got

              (5) A. sadly              B. happily             
              C. friendly            D. quickly

              (6) A. sell                B. lend               
              C. use                D. make

              (7) A. walk               B. dance              
              C. take               D. play

              (8) A. money              B. help               
              C. invitation          D. information

              (9) A. so                  B. unless             
              C. because            D. but 

              (10) A. member             B. person             
              C. son                D. daughter

            • 4.

              Making apps is difficult, but some middle school students are inventing their own apps. Recently, an app   (1)  for middle school students was held in Shanghai, China. A group of middle school students from around China presented their   (2)  at the game.

              Zhang Shaolin, a student from WFLMS, has invented an app   (3)  Health Helper. His app is very useful. It   (4)  people when and how to do exercise every day.

              Zhang Jichen, a Grade Nine student from Beijing, was troubled by the bad     (5)  , so he invented an app that can calculate PM2.5   (6)  .

              “It is   (7)  to make an app. You have to be really careful and   (8)  . Sometimes, you have to try it again and again,   (9)  I enjoy doing it,” said Zhang Yuqi, another student from WFLMS. Many interesting apps have   (10)  a deep impression on the engineers from Google at the game.

              What kind of app do you want to make? You may try to make one, too!

              (1) A. game                B. show              
              C. shop                D. activity

              (2) A. inventions        B. books             
              C. experiences     D. skills

              (3) A. finished           B. called             
              C. acted               D. faced

              (4) A. asks                  B. knows            
              C. tells                 D. works

              (5) A. health               B. air                  
              C. habit               D. diet

              (6) A. easily               B. early               
              C. quietly            D. freely

              (7) A. interesting        B. surprising       
              C. important        D. difficult

              (8) A. bored               B. pleased          
              C. kind                D. patient

              (9) A. so                     B. or                   
              C. but                  D. and

              (10) A. found               B. lost                 
              C. bought            D. left        
            • 5.
              You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon ? But  __   (1)  ___ ! Youˈd better not . If a policeman sees you , youˈll have to pay a fine (罚款). 
                New traffic laws (交通法) say that  ___   (2)  ___ people cross the street when the light is red , they can be fined as much as 50 yuan . 
                Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year . Chinese cities have  ____   (3)  ___ cars than ever . Drivers and pedestrians (行人) must work together to make the streets  ___   (4)  ____ . 
                The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians . Divers have to  ____   (5)  __ down when they are close to crosswalks . If people are in a crosswalk , cars must  ___   (6)  ____ to let them pass . 
                There are rules for bus drivers , too . If bus drivers smoke , drink or make phone calls  ___   (7)  _____ driving, they can be fined . Buses that carry too many people are also against the law . 
                 Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law . They must cross streets at crosswalks . Also , they shouldnˈt climb over the fences (栅栏)  ____   (8)  ___ streets . 
                 Do you bike to school ? Itˈs not a good idea to  ___   (9)  ___ classmates on the back . You could be fined 50 yuan . And stay in the bike lane (车道) when youˈre riding . The big roads are for cars and buses . 
                 If you see a hit-and-run (肇事逃逸), tell the police . They may give you a reward (奖赏). And donˈt be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident . Donˈt worry about money . The new law says that  ___   (10)  ___ must take care of them even if they canˈt pay right away.

              (1) A. hurry B. look C. wait D. listen

              (2) A. if B. when C. so D. though

              (3) A. fewer B. more C. less D. larger

              (4) A. safer B. happier C. lighter D. slower

              (5) A. slow B. play C. run D. pass

              (6) A. like B. go C. turn D. stop

              (7) A. if B. while C. because D. as

              (8) A. through B. across C. into D. along

              (9) A. carry B. take C. bring D. move

              (10) A. policemen B. doctors C. teachers D. farmers

            • 6.

              Do you like reading stories? Maybe you will answer, “No, I am not a child any more!” Yes, children all over the world always love stories.

                     Chinese children are   (1)   in Monkey King’s story. It   (2)   a popular bedtime story in China for many years. In fact, adults also love the story a lot. For them, Monkey King has become a very   (3)   part in the memory of their childhood. The clever and humorous monkey   (4)   the hearts of many Chinese people. British boys and girls all know Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland well. As the name   (5)  , it’s a story full of dangerous but exciting trips. Children laugh, cry and even get frightened with Alice together while reading the story. Most American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by the famous writer Mark Twain. Everyone likes the brave boy who also has lots of   (6)  . Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster, for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually   (7)  . Of course in the end, they beat the bad ones.

                     You may also ask me   (8)   I like stories. Yes, I have liked them since I was very young. At that time, I often   (9)   all my pocket money on story books. For me, stories are much more   (10)   than chocolate! They help me learn a lot. So either young or old, let’s enjoy stories.

              (1) A. bored                       
              B. interested                
              C. worried                   
              D. surprised

              (2) A. can be                      B. was                      
              C. has been                 D. will be

              (3) A. unhappy                  
              B. comfortable                    
              C. forgettable             
              D. unforgettable

              (4) A. loses                       B. wins                    
              C. hurts                   D. breaks

              (5) A. spells                       B. seems                   
              C. shows                 D. looks

              (6) A. rules                        B. inventions            
              C. ropes                  D. risks

              (7) A. in danger              B. in peace                  
              C. in good condition      D. in silence

              (8) A. that                      B. what                    
              C. why                     D. if

              (9) A. paid                         B. took                     
              C. spent                    D. cost

              (10) A. delicious                  B. expensive                
              C. funny                       D. special

            • 7.

              It was on the evening of January 31. Bob didn’t watch TV after supper.   (1)  , he went outside with his family. The super(超级的) blue blood moon would   (2)   and he didn’t want to miss it.

                (3)   is it the super moon, Dad?” Bob asked.

              “ Because the moon runs to the   (4)  point to the earth, it’s much bigger and brighter than usual,” Dad answered.

              Bob continued to ask, “will the moon turn blue?”

              “Of course not,” Mom   (5)  . “The second full moon in a month is called the blue moon.”

              “How about the blood moon?” Bob didn’t stop asking.

              “Wait and see,” Dad looked at the dark   (6)   and said.

              From 7:48 pm on, the moon was covered bit by bit(逐渐地). “Look, Bob!” Grandpa said. “The Heaven Dog is eating the moon.” It was so funny   (7)   everyone laughed. “No,” Bob said. “It’s an eclipse of the moon(月食).”

              At about 8:52 pm, the whole moon was covered and it became red. Bob became  (8)  . “Look!” he shouted happily. “It’s the   (9)   moon!”

              Bob stayed out for a long time that night. From then on, he fell in love with   (10)  . He wanted to learn more about the magic nature from books.

              (1) A. Already          B. Recently          
              C. Instead             D. Probably

              (2) A. appear              B. hide          
              C. achieve        D. leave

              (3) A. Where               B. How          
              C. When         D. Why

              (4) A. smallest      B. closest         
              C. largest       D. furthest

              (5) A. agreed               B. refused      
              C. reminded      D. explained

              (6) A. star         B. sky          C. ocean        D. stone

              (7) A. before       B. after        
              C. that           D. though

              (8) A. excited        B. worried       
              C. angry          D. strange

              (9) A. bright       B. white          C. blood        D. blue

              (10) A. sleeping       B. running     
              C. riding        D. reading

            • 8.

              Once there lived a poor family in our town. They were so poor that there was almost(几乎)  (1)  in the house but a pot(罐)   (2)   a broken table. In it there was a little rice. They   (3)  the rice from their neighbour for the coming New Year. On New Year’s Eve(除夕夜), the wife already fell asleep, but the husband was    (4)  in bed, worrying about their life. Suddenly he heard someone breaking into the room.

               “It must be a thief(小偷),” he thought, “  (5)   it doesn’t matter. The thief can steal(偷) nothing.”He didn't shout or move. But he kept  (6)  over the thief.

              The thief came into the house and was only  (7)   in the rice under the table.

              “But  (8)  can I take it away?” the thief thought hard. Then he had an idea. He  (9)   his coat, put it on the ground between the bed and the table and turned around to take the   (10)   .

              Now the husband knew  (11)  the thief would do. He picked up the coat quickly and covered him-self with it  (12)  the thief turned back.

                  The thief took the pot, and poured(倒) the rice onto the coat. Then he began to feel it. But he was  (13)   to find that his coat was gone.

                 “Hey,” he shouted out. The  (14)  woke up the wife. She asked her husband, “Did you hear any sound? Maybe there is a thief in the room.”

                 “Shut up! (闭嘴)” replied her husband, “  (15)  to sleep. There is no thief in the room.”

                 “That's impossible,”the thief shouted loudly, “If there isn't a thief, then, where is my coat?”

              (1) A. nothing             B. anything         
              C. everything                D. something

              (2) A. on                        B. under                    
              C. behind               D. over

              (3) A. borrowed            B. asked                     
              C. lent                    D. took

              (4) A. speaking              B. lying                      
              C. talking                D. looking

              (5) A. but                B. so                 
              C. or                  D. and

              (6) A. searching             B. reaching                 
              C. watching             D. following

              (7) A. looked B. interested         
              C. liked               D. got

              (8) A. what                    B. why                       
              C. how                  D. when

              (9) A. took off                      B. put on                    
              C. brought             D. used

              (10) A. pot                       B. table C. bed D. shoes

              (11) A. why                            B. what                      
              C. where                 D. when

              (12) A. before                  B. after                     
              C. then                   D. because

              (13) A. afraid                  B. surprised                
              C. pleased             D. excited

              (14) A. sound              B. table            
              C. husband            D. pot

              (15) A. Get out               B. Get up                    
              C. Go down             D. Go back

            • 9.

              With the development of economic and technology, more and more pollution appeared in every part of the life .Many people know the air pollution and water pollution are   (1)  to people.   (2)  ,not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and it is bad for human beings too.

              People who work and live under noisy   (3)  easily become deaf .Scientists believe that 10 percent   (4)  the workers in Britain are being deafened(变聋)by the noise where they work .Many of the workers who print newspapers and books ,and who weave (织)cloth become deaf. Quite a few people   (5)  near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than   (6)  people, for these young people like to listen to pop music and most of the pop music is   (7)   noise.

              Nowadays the governments in many countries have made laws   (8)  or control noise and to make  (9)  less than 85 decibels(分贝).In China , the government is trying to solve  (10)   air and water pollution problems but also pollution problem.

              (1) A. bad             B. harmful        
              C. good             D. nice
              (2) A. But             B. So             
              C.  and             D. However
              (3) A. position        B. situation      
              C. conditions       D. instructions
              (4) A. in              B. to             
              C. of               D. with
              (5) A. live            B. to live        
              C. living           D. are living
              (6) A. 65-year-old     B. 65-years-old   
              C. 65 years old     D. 65 year old
              (7) A. some kinds of   B. a kinds of     
              C. kind of          D. a kind of
              (8) A.  reduce         B. reducing       
              C. to reduce        D. reduced
              (9) A. that            B. it             
              C. this             D. its
              (10) A. as well as      B. as soon as     
              C. not only         D. either
            • 10.

              Do you write your own blog(博客)?Do you often  (1)     others’blogs on the Internet?

              All over the world,not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experience and   (2)  advice or help.

              “I write my activities every day,  (3)   funny things or worries in my life.”says Lali,a 16-year-old high school student at Cambridge High School in Washington.“I like putting pictures on my blog because it can make my blog more  (4)   and more people will like it,It’s a good way to   (5)    my life to the world.”She has had her blog for eight months.

              Students like writing blogs.  (6)   they can write anything they want to,but don’t need to   (7)    any money.

              Once you start to write your blog,you will  (8)   that you open up a new world.But what you write down may trouble you   (9)  .So,use the blog carefully   (10)    you can keep yourself away from some trouble.The blog makes everybody’s life colorful.

              (1) A. read        B. write       C. forget      D. miss
              (2) A. learn from  B. deal with    
              C. ask for      D. depend on
              (3) A. without     B. between       C. including   D. besides.
              (4) A. common          B. modern     
              C. famous      D. interesting
              (5) A. show        B. send          C. bring       D. report
              (6) A. unless          B. while        
              C. until       D. because
              (7) A. save        B. spend         C. take         D. waste
              (8) A. dream        B. think       C. find         D. hope
              (9) A. sometimes       B. always      C. ever         D. never
              (10) A. only when       B. even though    
              C. so that      D. ever since
