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            • 1. Isaac Newton,the great British scientist,is often so deep in his thoughts that he will forget to eat his dinner.
              One day his friend came to have dinner with him.Dinner was put on the table but Newton didn't come out of his study(书房).His friend sat down and waited for him.After waiting for quite a long time,he decided that Newton must be so deep in some new theory that he forget all about his dinner.So he began to eat the chicken without Newton.
              When he finished,he thought he would play a joke on his friend.He put all the chicken bones(骨头) back on the dish and covered them with the dish cover.Then he left Newton's house.He was quite certain that his joke would work.
              Several hours later,Newton came out of his study,feeling very hungry.He saw the table was ready for dinner and so he sat down.When he lifted the cover and saw the bones of the chicken,he was greatly surprised.He turned,looked at the clock,and saw that it was long past his usual time for dinner.
              "Well,well,"he said to himself,"I thought I ate nothing,but I am wrong."He got up from the table and went back to his study and began to work again.

              Judge the following statements True(T) or False(F).
              31.Newton comes from America.    
              32.Newton's friend didn't have dinner with him.    
              33.Newton's friend put all the chicken bones back on the dish.    
              34.Several days later,Newton came out of his study.    
              35.Newton has eaten the chicken.    
            • 2. Once upon a time,there lived a teacher in a small town.He often taught his students in special ways.Once he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons.The first student went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the last in autumn.
              After the four students came back,the teacher called them together.They pictured (描述)their feelings to the teacher.The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees.It made him very disappointed.The second student said his eyes were full of light green.It made him feel hopeful.The third one disagreed."What are you talking about?How pretty the trees were!The sweet smell of the beautiful flowers spread (传播)here and there."The last one shook his head.He only saw a lot of apples on the beautiful trees.
              The teacher smiled and told his students none of them were wrong.They each just saw one season.He continued,"The trees are not the same in different seasons.You can't judge (判断)a tree by only one season.Don't let the regret of one season destroy the beauty of the rest."
              Everything has different sides in our life.Don't hurry to make a conclusion (结论)before seeing the whole of it.

              41.Four students were sent to see apples in different seasons.    
              42.The first student left for the small farm in winter.    
              43.The last student saw the beautiful trees with many apples.    
              44.The teacher thought his four students were completely wrong.    
              45.The passage mainly tells us that we should judge things by only one sied.    
            • 3.     Siena is an old city in the north of Italy.It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.Around the year 1100,Siena became an important business center in Italy.In 1472,the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.
                  Today Siena is famous for keeping its"old face".For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before.Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo,the most important meeting place of the city.Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years.Now people still go to the open space for sharing news,shopping,or playing sports.There is one more thing that helps keep Siena's old face:cars cannot enter the city most of the time.
              True,Siena is old,but it's beautifully old.People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.

              51.The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.    
              52.Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.    
              53.People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.    
              54.Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.    
              55.Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.    
            • 4. Once upon a time,a fox was walking along a road.He saw some beautilul grapes hanging over a high wall.He stopped to look at the grapes.They looked nice to eat.The fox wanted to eat the grapes very much,but he couldn't reach them.So he jumped as high as he could.Sometimes his nose touched a grape,but his mouth could not reach it.The fox jumped and jumped until he was very tired.
              Finally he stopped jumping and walked away with his nose held high.He said,"I don't need those grapes.They look nice but I'm sure they are sour."
              In our dailly life,when people can't get something they want,they may say,"The grapes are sour."

              51.The fox was walking along a river.    
              52.The grapes were beautiful and looked nice to eat.    
              53.The fox didn't want to eat the grapes very much.    
              54.The grapes were too high for the fox to get.    
              55.Today,when people can't get what they want,they often say it's not good.    
            • 5. Every year,in late March or early April,a boat race takes place on the Thames River,England.This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain-the Oxford(牛津大学)and the Cambridge(剑桥大学).
              The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends-Charles Merivale,a student at Cambridge,and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford.They decided to set up a boat race between the two universities.On March 12,1829,Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford first.
              When the first boat race took place in a small town by Thames,eight students from each university became the competitors.Crowds of twenty thousand traveled to watch.It was so exciting.And the Oxford was clear winners.Later on,not only did the students from the two universities take part,but also some social groups attended the event.By 1845,with the small town becoming too crowded,the boat race had moved six miles up to the village-Putney.From 1856 on,the race has been held every year except war years.This boat race is considered to be"the world's oldest sporting challenge".
              The race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the competitors often face difficulties.It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the big days.In the past,the Oxford was mostly the winners.But things have changed from 1993 on.The Cambridge has won more.

              56.The boat race takes place between the Oxford and the Cambridge.    
              57.On March 12,1829,Oxford sent a challenge to Cambridge first.    
              58.Eight students from each university became the competitors of the first boat race.    
              59.From 1856on,the boat race has been held every year with no stop.    
              60.It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the boat race.    
            • 6. Building friendships is a lifelong job but is worth spending time.Also,it's important to keep in touch with friends.
              Advice on making new friendsAdvice on keeping friends
              *Try to be open to new experiences and relationships.
              *Join clubs or volunteer organizations.These activities will give you a chance to communicate with people who share similar interests.
              *Go on with it-even if you don't feel comfortable.It takes time to build friendships.
              *Be a good listener.Don't offer advice unless you're asked.
              *Respect (尊重) the other person's opinion,even when you don't agree.
              *Your friends need to know they can trust you.
              16.Building friendships doesn't take long.    
              17.Volunteer activities can help you make some new friends.    
              18.You should respect your friend's idea.    
              19.Offer your friends advice if you are not asked.    
              20.The passage talks about how to make new friends and keep friends.    
            • 7. Students are very interested in computers,the Internet and mobile phones.Using new technologies in the classroom can be very helpful for them.
              Mobile phones can be very useful in the classroom.When students speak or act,teachers can use them to record students,take photos and show them to students.Using mobile phones in class is a fun way of doing some interesting language work.
              Students like the photos on your mobile phone.So try your best to take more photos for students.Photos can help students to practice speaking,listening or writing in an interesting way.
              How to use the Internet and mobile phones in class?Please remember the following key points(要点).
              •Use the Internet with your students in many different ways,if possible.
              •Try to find good websites for your students.
              •Use your mobile phone in class to record your students,take photos and play recordings.
              •Ask your students to listen for the pronunciation mistakes when you play the recordings back to them

              46.Students are interested in new technologies.    
              47.Mobile phones are useful but boring in language learning.    
              48.Teachers should find good websites for students.    
              49.Mobile phones can be only used to record students and take photos in class.    
              50.The key points to remember are for students.    
            • 8. Have you ever seen a horse with toes?Millions of years ago,horses had many toes.They had four toes on each front foot.They had three toes on each back foot.The horses were no bigger than the cats.These small horses lived in the forest.The toes helped the horses run on the soft,wet ground.
              At first,it was very hot in the forest.But the weather changed.It became very cold.Many trees could not live in cold weather.The trees died and fell.Open fields took the place of forests.The sun made the ground dry and hard.
              Horses began to change,too.They began to get bigger.This took a long time.On the dry,hard land,horses needed only their middle toes for running.Their middle toes became hard.After a long time,horses had only one hard toe on each foot.Now we call this hard toe a hoof(蹄子).

              Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
              61.A horse had fourteen toes in total millions of years ago.    
              62.At first the weather in the forest was very hot.    
              63.The horses were much bigger than the cats millions of years ago.    
              64.On the dry,hard land,horses needed only their middle toes for running.    
              65.Horses didn't have any changes over the years at all.    
            • 9. Most of us probably live without vegetables,but how about a world without chocolate?Now that would be possible!According to chocolate makers it could happen if we don't act soon.
              There are two main causes of the chocolate shortage(短缺)-chocolate's growing popularity and less production of cocoa(可可豆),the plant from which chocolate is made.With more and more people in India and China loving chocolate,not much can be done about the first cause.
              Therefore,the only thing we can do is to increase cocoa production.However,new plant diseases and little rain in Ivory Coast and Ghana,the world's largest producers,have reduced cocoa production by 40percent in the past 10years.What's worse,many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber(橡胶).This way,the farmers can make more money.
              To prevent more farmers from changing,researchers at the newly opened International Cocoa Control Center,in the UK,are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing.But first they must make sure the new plants are safe to grow.This takes a long time.
              First,each new plant is stored at the Control Center for six months to make sure it is healthy.It is then planted in the Center's fields,studied and tested for another two years.Only after scientists are certain that they're disease free,will the plants be sent to farmers in West Africa or wherever else they are needed.
              To create new stronger types of cocoa,scientists at the Control Center are combining(结合) the best parts from different cocoa plants.Though the world is facing a serious chocolate shortage,there is now hope!
              41.The first paragraph tells us that the world could soon be without vegetables.    
              42.Chocolate has become more popular in China and India.    
              43.Cocoa farmers are choosing to grow rubber,corn and bananas because these crops can make them more money.    
              44.It takes scientists at the Control Center 3years to make sure a cocoa plant is safe to grow.    
              45.One of the purposes of the Cocoa Control Center is to produce stronger types of cocoa plants.    
            • 10. Welcome to Huaxing Drugstore,a good shopping place for medicine.Are you worried and annoyed when you can't sleep well?Do you always try to sleep by saying one,two,three…one hundred,but still find yourself awake with your eyes open?Don't worry.We have Dreamer!Please have a try.It can help you fall asleep fast and it's also good for your memory.You can even remember things well.Just take one piece half an hour before going to bed.You'll get a good sleep at night and feel very well the next day.Also,you can ask your doctor if Dreamer is right for you.For more information,please call 8008668866or visit happygo.com.If you call us now,you can get Dreamer without paying for 7nights.
              Do you want to fall asleep fast?Do you want to sleep like a baby?Do you want to have a good dream?If your answer is"Yes".Dreamer is your best choice!Don't wait.Come and get your dreamer today!Your Dream,Our Dreamer!

              61.Huaxing Drugstore is a good place to buy medicine.    
              62.Take two pieces half an hour before going to bed.    
              63.Dreamer is a kind of medicine.    
              64.People are happy when they can't sleep well.    
              65.Dreamer can help you fall asleep fast but it is bad for your memory.    
