优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A few years ago, the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I've always loved running, so I was really   (1)  when I found out the apartment they had rented for us was next to Central Park. This   (2)   that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work.

               Because a lot of people had told me to be   (3)   of thieves(窃贼) in the park, so usually I didn’t take anything with me. What could they   (4)   from me if I didn’t have anything? But one morning, my wife gave me a $10 bill and asked me to buy some   (5)  on the way.  So I took a $10 note out of my wallet.

              While I was running through the park, another jogger   (6)  into me. He said sorry to me and  continued running. I thought it was a bit   (7)   so I checked my pocket and found that the money was missing, I started to run after him right away. I   (8)   caught him by his arm. I started shouting and told him to give me the $10. I am not usually a hot-headed person,    (9)   I got really angry this time. This seemed to frighten him, and he  quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money. Then he ran away as fast as he could.      

               I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I began to tell my wife my story. “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I   (10)  . She stopped me, “I know, you  left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

              (1) A. angry         B. happy              
              C. sad                    D. lonely

              (2) A. made            B. explained             
              C. meant                   D. avoided

              (3) A. careful                 B. sure                   
              C. proud                  D. afraid

              (4) A. hide                B. borrow            
              C. steal                D. receive

              (5) A. coffee         B. milk                  
              C. fruit                  D. bread

              (6) A. bumped B. looked C. turned D. moved

              (7) A. crazy          B. natural                     
              C. strange             D. rude

              (8) A. suddenly      B. finally            
              C. politely            D. slowly

              (9) A. and             B. but                   
              C. though              D. until

              (10) A. started          B. added                 
              C. asked                    D. replied

            • 2.

              Several months ago, a couple with a little girl moved in next door to me. The girl seemed too quiet to make any noise, while the parents were always   (1)  her loudly. Whenever we met my new neighbors, I always spoke, but the only   (2)   I ever got was a hello from the 4-year-old girl.

              I usually go out for breakfast and one day when I returned, they were just coming from their home and the little girl was holding the door open for others. I stayed in the car doing unnecessary things as I wasn’t in a   (3)  . The parents were telling her to get into the car immediately. I looked up and saw the little girl was still holding the door open, waiting for me.

              As a disabled man, I can’t hurry at   (4)  , but I hurried as much as I could and thanked her. She was smiling like a lovely angel. I was so    (5)  by her small act of kindness. That afternoon I was shopping and I saw a white bear. I thought of the girl and said to myself. “I believe she would like that” so I bought it.

              The next day there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her parents. She was so    (6)   of her bear and thanked me as if I had never been thanked before. The mother and father both thanked me. 

              Now when we meet, we all speak, and in a friendly manner I might add. As time passes, I don’t hear that shouting as often.    (7)  , hardly at all.

              Last night we had about four inches of snow. I looked out at my car and wondered   (8)   I was going to keep my doctor’s appointment(约会). When I opened the outside door, there was my car with all the snow cleaned. I can’t express how I felt at that moment. The man next door was the only person I knew in the whole building,   (9)  when I saw him the next day, I asked him if he was the good man that cleaned my snow. He said No. He wanted to but his wife said she wanted to do it.

              Isn’t it amazing that a 4-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? It is said that good things usually come from   (10)  .

              (1) A. shouting at     B. worrying about 
              C. playing with        D. laughing at

              (2) A. answer                B. sound               
              C. act                      D. present      

              (3) A. mood B. mess             
              C. hurry               D. surprise

              (4) A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

              (5) A. worried               B. moved         
              C. surprised                D. enjoyed

              (6) A. proud                    B. afraid               
              C. short                   D. full

              (7) A. In all          B. After all       
              C. In fact         D. For example

              (8) A. why                 B. how                 
              C. where                     D. that

              (9) A. but B. so C. or D. yet

              (10) A. small acts      B. nice presents          
              C. little children          D. neighbors

            • 3.

              Long longago,there was a beautiful little girl.She was (1) because she had no family and no home.She only had her clothes and some bread.But she was very kind. 

              A man asked her   (2)   she had something to eat.She gave him her   (3)   

              A child cried and told her that his   (4)   was very cold.So she gave him her hat. 

              Then,she met a child with no coat.She gave him her coat.

              One day,in the cold   (5)   forest,she met another child who   (6)   her dress.The little girl thought that it was dark and   (7)   could see her,so she gave her dress away.Atlast,she had almost nothing:nofamily,nowhere to live,nothing to eat and little to wear.   (8)   ,stars fell from the sky.These stars became beautiful pieces of money.With the money,she   (9)   a new dress and a coat. 

              The little girl was rich for the   (10)   of her life and she still helped the people in need with her money. 

              (1) A. alone                   B. kind                    
              C. poor

              (2) A. where                   B. if                         
              C. when

              (3) A. clothes                 B. home                  
              C. bread

              (4) A. neck                     B. back                  
              C. head

              (5) A. noisy                   B. dark                    
              C. bright

              (6) A. asked for             B. took off              
              C. gave away

              (7) A. someone             B. nobody              
              C. anybody

              (8) A. Suddenly             B. Certainly            
              C. Recently

              (9) A. chose                   B. borrowed            
              C. bought

              (10) A. end                     B. beginning          
              C. rest

            • 4.

              Elephants are big animals. An elephant wants to have some   (1)  . He sees a   (2)   in a tree. “Can you be my friend?”  (3)   the elephant. “You are too big. You can’t swing (摇荡) in the tree   (4)   me.” Then the elephant   (5)   a rabbit. “Please be my friend,” he says. “How can I? Sorry, sir. You are too   (6)  .” The elephant is very  (7)  . Then he goes home.

              The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. The monkey says a tiger is near   (8)  . He will come to eat the animals. The elephant goes to the tiger. “Please, Mr. tiger.  (9)   eat the animals.” “Go away!” says the tiger. The elephant is not happy and kicks (踢) the tiger. Then the tiger goes away. At last, all the animals want the elephant to be   (10)   friend.

              (1) A. fruits B. friends C. animals D. books

              (2) A. monkey B. bird C. cat D. dog

              (3) A. smiles      B. asks        C. stops        D. looks

              (4) A. like        B. about       C. after         D. for

              (5) A. makes B. helps C. meets D. learns

              (6) A. long B. short C. small D. strong

              (7) A. sad B. happy C. kind D. new

              (8) A. home B. here C. away D. there

              (9) A. Can’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t D. Didn’t

              (10) A. my       B. your       C. his         D. their

            • 5.

              Do you like having a picnic with your family? I like it very much.   (1)   Sundays, I often go to the countryside(乡下)   (2)   a picnic with my family. We   (3)   some food and drinks there. My mother   (4)   cook. And my father helps her to   (5)   water. They are    (6)   to play with us. My sister and I sing   (7)  . My brother   (8)   a kite with his dog. After meal(饭), we go   (9)  . We are all  (9)  . I love my family.

              (1) A. In                              B. On                          
              C. At

              (2) A. at                             B. in                              
              C. for

              (3) A. takes                       B. take                        
              C. to take

              (4) A. have to                       B. has to                        
              C. would like

              (5) A. get                           B. gets                         
              C. takes

              (6) A. free                        B. has time                    
              C. not free

              (7) A. some songs                B. any songs                   
              C. some song

              (8) A. fly                            B. to fly                     
              C. flies

              (9) A. fishing                     B. fish                        
              C. to fishing

              (10) A. nice                        B. sorry                          
              C. happy

            • 6.

              Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came out. She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt very ___(1)___ , but he told her it was a sparrow (麻雀) and got back to reading.

              Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again. Mike got a little angry but ___  (1)  ___ answered her question. After a little while, his mother did the same thing once more. This time Mike could not ___  (2)  ___ his anger. He shouted at her for asking him the same thing again and again. The old lady silently ___  (3)  ___ an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike. Though he was a little ___  (4)  ___, Mike began to read it.

              “Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a bird on the ___  (5)  ___ and asked me what it was. I ___  (6)  ___ at him, said it was a sparrow and kissed him. After a while, Mike asked me what it was again. I ___  (7)  ___ answering his question and kissing him every time.”

              Something gently ___  (8)  ___ Mike’s heart. His face turned red with ___  (9)  ___ for being so impatient with his mother, and he hugged (拥抱) her tight. Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that until they are gone.

              (1) A. angry                              B. lonely                         
              C. surprised

              (2) A. still                                B. always                           
              C. already

              (3) A. show                                B. control                                  
              C. discover

              (4) A. set out                            B. put out                                  
              C. drew out

              (5) A. awkward                   B. impatient                        
              C. joyful

              (6) A. grass                                   B. square                            
              C. playground

              (7) A. laughed                      B. shouted                          
              C. smiled

              (8) A. continued                      B. stopped                          
              C. tried

              (9) A. touched                        B. hit                                 
              C. captured

              (10) A. interest                         B. happiness                       
              C. shame

            • 7.

                  It was Sunday yesterday. Steve   (1)   a relaxing weekend.   (2)   Sunday morning, he played computer games with his friends at home. It   (3)   pretty good. In the afternoon, he   (4)   with his mother. They bought many kinds of food and vegetables. It was really relaxing and exciting. In the evening, he   (5)   a talk show with his parents and listened to some songs by a   (6)   singer.   (7)   Ann had a busy weekend. She   (8)   stopped working. On Sunday morning, she cleaned her bedroom and did her homework. In the afternoon, she went to visit her uncle and   (9)   him do some farm work. In the evening, she cooked dinner for her parents. After dinner, she washed the dishes. Then she went out   (10)   a walk with her dog.

                  What about your weekend?

              (1) A. has B. have C. had D. was

              (2) A. In B. At C. For D. On

              (3) A. be B. is C. was D. were

              (4) A. grew flowers B. went shopping
              C. rode a horse D. went fishing

              (5) A. watched B. visited C. cooked D. worried

              (6) A. tall B. medium C. popular D. long

              (7) A. But B. Because C. Or D. So

              (8) A. often B. always C. usually D. never

              (9) A. helped B. liked C. asked D. told

              (10) A. at B. for C. from D. on

            • 8.

                I used to have this serious problem. I would remember something selfish (自私的) or stupid I did   (1)   I was younger and the memory would hurt. In fact, I don’t know if it was pain in my     (2)   or just physical pain, but it would hurt.

                       I would be eating dinner or taking a shower and I would feel the memory pouring out suddenly. There was no way I could   (3)   it. All I could do was wait until the memory went away. It took me a long time to recognize I was   (4)   a type of grief (悲伤) and that the way I was dealing with it wasn’t   (5)  . I’d stop and clench (攥紧) my fists until the   (6)  of the memory passed: half fighting it, half letting it overcome me. It was truly like a person who   (7)   

              roller coasters (云霄飞车) riding a roller coaster: I would hold it firmly while on the ride, scream (尖叫), let it move quickly, and then just wish it would be over.

                       Then, one day I realized there had to be   (8)  better than letting the past disaster of my life hurt me whenever it wanted to. I finally decided to deal with the problem   (9)   next time. That next time turned out to be a cold winter morning as I walked across the parking lot from the subway station. I could feel   (10)   and shame start to hit me. But this time, I didn’t react in an unhealthy way.   (11)   , I stopped walking, closed my eyes, and opened my   (12)   as if I was about to give someone a hug.

                       I   (13)   the memory of a time when I acted stupidly and selfishly and hurt other people. I remembered all the details and then I   (14)  what I had done. Though all the things showed the fact that I was not   (15)  , I learned to forgive (原谅) myself. As a result, I stopped letting the memory control me.

              (1) A. when B. since C. unless D. though

              (2) A. head B. stomach C. mind D. body

              (3) A. believe B. meet C. afford D. stop

              (4) A. experiencing B. expressing C. mentioning D. discovering

              (5) A. traditional B. honest C. common D. healthy

              (6) A. pain B. time C. value D. history

              (7) A. loves B. fears C. chooses D. avoids

              (8) A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

              (9) A. easily B. secretly C. carefully D. differently

              (10) A. risk B. regret C. doubt D. pressure

              (11) A. Instead B. However C. Still D. Besides

              (12) A. windows B. doors C. arms D. eyes

              (13) A. separated B. welcomed C. encouraged D. performed

              (14) A. translated B. introduced C. recorded D. accepted

              (15) A. impolite B. patient C. perfect D. stupid

            • 9.

                I talked to my children about my life 40 years ago. I ____  (1)  ____ lots of things when I was young. I was ____  (2)  ____ in the countryside in America .We lived with my grandparents on their farm. Then we moved to Des Moines, Iowa, a small farming town (城镇), because my dad ____  (3)  ____ his job. That year, I was eight years old, ____  (4)  ____ my first school was in Des Moines, Iowa.

                  I had to ____  (5)  ____ the bus to school. I had to stand on the ____  (6)  ____ by our farm at 7:00 am and wait. lf the bus was late, I waited for the bus. lf I was late, the ____  (7)  ____ waited for me! If I was sick (生病), someone went down to the road to tell the driver I wasn't coming. There were only about thirty students in the school, ____  (8)  ____ of the students came from farms, so we soon made friends and had good time ____  (9)  ____.It was good to be with my friends.

                  Not long after I left the school, they closed it because it ____  (10)  ____ too much to run for only about thirty students. Sometimes I come back to my school in my dream (梦)!

              (1) A. live    B. learn    C. forget    D. remember
              (2) A. begin    B. born    C. keep    D. treat
              (3) A. saved    B. returned    C. changed    D. prepared
              (4) A. so    B. because    C. if    D. but
              (5) A. by    B. on    C. sit    D. catch
              (6) A. room    B. yard    C. road    D. station
              (7) A. farmer    B. police    C. teacher    D. driver
              (8) A. few    B. much    C. more    D. most
              (9) A. alone    B. together    C. noisy    D. happy
              (10) A. cost    B. brought    C. took    D. saved
            • 10.

              One Sunday morning, I go to the zoo to see  (1)  with my friend, Amy. At 9:30, we meet  (2)   at my home. At 9:50, we go to  (3)   . We see  (4)   monkeys. I give them  (5)   bananas to eat. Monkeys are  (6)   favorite animals. They are so  (7)  . They can act  (8)   men. Then we see elephants. Elephants are Amy’s favorite animals. They are so kind and they have long   (9)  . We see many other animals, too. At 11:30, we say  (10)   to the animals and go home.

              (1) A. shoes B. books C. animals D. doctors

              (2) A. other       B. each       
              C. them          D. each other

              (3) A. the shop B. the zoo C. the hospital D. the office

              (4) A. many B. much C. a little D. little

              (5) A. any B. a C. some D. a lot

              (6) A. I B. me C. mine D. my

              (7) A. clever      B. strong       C. short          D. tall

              (8) A. to         B. at C. like D. of

              (9) A. eyes B. noses C. arms D. eye

              (10) A. hello B. goodbye C. sorry D. no

