优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A. I have to study for the test.
              B. What program do you like ?
              C. Did you watch TV last weekend ?
              D. What else did you watch ?
              E. What else did you watch ?
              F. Let"s study together after school.
              G. I like Shen Xingyi best.
              A: Hello ,Julie. (1)
              B: Sure ,I watched the soap opera"Nothing Gold Can Stay"(《那年花开月正圆》),it was so interesting.
              A: Yes , I couldn"t stop watching it. Who do you like best ?
              B: (2) because he is the bravest(勇敢)in the play.What about you ?
              A: I like Zhou Ying best. I think she"s the smartest woman in the play. (3) Did you watch China"s Got Talent ?
              B: No , I think it"s a little boring. (4)
              A: Yeah ,you"re right.But I think we should just have fun and don"t take it seriously.
              B: Of course.So what do you plan to watch tonight ?
              A: Tonight ? No , (5)
              B: All right , study is much more important.
            • 2. 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容.
              A: Hi, Frank. Long time no see.
              B: Hi, Jim. You are taller and more handsome than before. By the way, (1)
              A: I watched the movie Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨孙漂流记》last weekend.
              B: (2)
              A: It"s a fantastic movie. It"s a kind of sitcom with some adventurous plots(情节)
              B: Jim, I remember that you love watching movies. (3)
              A: I go to the cinema once a week. Frank, how about going to the cinema with me now?
              B: That"s a good idea. (4)
              A: Wanda cinema is the best one. It has the best service and the most comfortable seats.
              B: Wow. (5)
              A: It"s only 15minutes" walk. Let"s go and have fun!
            • 3. 根据上下文补全对话,每空一词.
              Teacher : (1) me, Anna. Are these your pencils?
              Anna: (2) , they are Bob"s.
              Teacher: And is this his green pen?
              Anna: No, it isn"t. The blue pen is his.
              Teacher: What (3) this ruler?
              Anna: It"s Helen"s. And the green pen is hers, (4)
              Teacher: Thank you for your help, Mary.
              Anna: You"re (5)
            • 4. A:Hello, Mom! (1)
              B:Oh, Jim. I"m cooking.
              A: (2)
              B: I"m making a cake. Uncle Wang is coming tomorrow.
              A: Oh, good. But he doesn"t like cakes.
              B: (3)
              A: No, he likes rice and meat, but he doesn"t like cakes.
              B: Oh, so what can I do with this cake?
              A: (4)
              B: OK! Here you are. But don"t forget your sister. Let her eat some, too.
              A: (5)
              B: She is doing her homework in her room.
              A. What are you cooking?
              B. Can you give it to me?
              C. Where is she?
              D. Doesn"t he like cakes?
              E. What are you doing?
            • 5. A.Is that your computer game?
              B.Where is your brother?
              C.Is it on your desk?
              D.Where is he?
              E.What"s that in English?
              F.Can you spell it?
              G.What"s your brother"s name

              W: (1)
              W: (2)
              M:No.It is on my brother"s desk.
              W: (3)
              M:No,it isn"t.It is my brother"s.
              W: (4)
              M:His name is Barry.
              W: (5)
              M:Yes,I can.B-A-R-R-Y.
              M: It is a computer ga
            • 6. Peter: Hello, this is Peter. May I speak to Alice?
              Alice: (1)
              Peter: Hi, Alice. (2)
              Alice: Not bad! Are you having a vacation in Harbin now?
              Peter: Yes, I am. Is it sunny and hot in Australia?
              Alice: Yes, it is. (3)
              Peter: It"s windy and snowy here. I am making snowman with my friends now. (4)
              Alice: Oh, I"m sitting by the pool and drinking some orange juice.
              Peter: I hope you have a good day.
              Alice: (5) . Bye!
              Peter:Bye, Alice.
            • 7. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的.
              A.Did you see any popular stars?
              B.What do you think of Beijing?
              C.What does Jackie Chan look like?
              D.I will bring them to school tomorrow.
              E.It was great!
              F.And I took some photos with him!
              G..I went there by plane.
              A:How was your vacation,Li Lei?
              B: (1) I went to Beijing with my parents.
              A:Cool!Where did you go in Beijing?
              B:We went to the Summer Palace,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall and so on.
              A: (2)
              B:It"s interesting.I really like the Palace Museum.It has many beautiful things from different dynasties(朝代).
              A: (3)
              B:Yes,I did.I saw Jackie Chan on the Great Wall. (4)
              A:Wow,that"s great!Can you show me the photos?
              B:Of course, (5)
            • 8. Anna : Hi, larry, (1)
              Larry: I usually have dance and piano lessons on weekends.
              Anna: (2)
              Larry:Swing dance,it"s fun.i have class every Saturday morning.
              Anna: (3)
              Larry :Twice a week ,on Saturday and Sunday.
              Anna: (4)
              Larry: Yes ,I do, I often go shopping with my friends. But do you want to come?
              Anna : (5)
            • 9. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择适当的句子完成下面对话.
              Tom: Hi! Alice, you look so sad. (1)
              Alice: I failed the English exam.
              Tom: (2) But you don"t need to worry about it all the time.
              Alice: I really don"t know how to study English well. (3)
              Tom: I think you"d better study with a group.
              Alice: Oh , that"s a good idea. (4)
              Tom : Certainly. And we can learn from each other.
              Alice: Sounds good. When can I join you?
              Tom: (5)
              Alice: That"s very kind of you.

              A.What should I do?
              B.It"s wonderful.
              C.Could I join your group?
              D.What"s wrong?
              E.I"m sorry to hear that.
              F.How do you learn English?
              G.Tomorrow if you like.
            • 10. A.I"m good at it.
              B.Would you like to help me with it?
              C.I like English best.
              D.How are you?
              E.Why do you like it?
              F.Why?I think it is very difficult.

              Simon:Hi,Millie. (1)
              Millie:I"m fine.Nice to meet you.
              Simon:Which is your favorite subject,Millie?
              Millie: (2)
              Millie:Yes.I like it very much.
              Simon: (3)
              Millie:Because it is interesting. (4) What about you?
              Simon:I like Maths.
              Millie: (5)
              Simon:Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.
              Millie:I"m not good at it. (6)
              Simon:I"d love to.
              Millie:Thank you very much.
              Simon:You are welcome.
