优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.











              Hi, Iˈm Sally. My family  (1)  in Green Neighborhood now. There is a sports club next to my neighborhood. My dad  (2)  plays tennis there. And there is a big  (3)  around here. It is on New Street,    (4)   the post office and the bookstore. My mom usually shops there on weekends. There  (5)  also a KTV behind my house. I enjoy   (6)   there with my friends.

              My school is  (7)   my neighborhood. To get there, I usually walk out and  (8)   left on Sunshine Road. Then I walk   (9)  the road. My school is on the right, across from the hotel. It  (10)    only ten minutes. So Iˈm never late for school.

              (1) ____________

              (2) ____________
              (3) ____________
              (4) ____________
              (5) ____________
              (6) ____________
              (7) ____________
              (8) ____________
              (9) ____________

              (10) ____________

            • 2.

              nice  walk  bad class  later  thirty  but  then  they  too  on

              Miss Smith is a teacher.She has   (1)  students.Their ages are from seven to eight.She is a good teacher and all her students like her.They think she is   (2)   friend.
              Miss Smithˈs home is not far from the school,so she goes to school   (3)  foot every morning.Today,itˈs cold and windy(多风的).When Miss Smith   (4)  to school,the wind goes into her eyes.Big tears(眼泪) begin running out.About fifteen minutes   (5)  ,Miss Smith gets to school.The   (6)  will begin soon.She opens the door of the classroom and goes into the classroom.It is   (7)  and warm there.Miss Smith is happy to see her students.The students are happy to see her,   (8)  
              Little Sam,one of Miss Smithˈs students,looks at her carefully.   (9)  he walks up to Miss Smith,gives her a big hug(拥抱) and says,"Donˈt cry(哭),Miss Smith.School isnˈt so   (10)  

              (1) _____

              (2) _____

              (3) _____

              (4) _____

              (5) _____

              (6) _____

              (7) _____

              (8) _____

              (9) _____

              (10) _____

            • 3.

              around    beauty    color    disappear down go

              hold      I         keep     luck        paint    work

                  A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world, In his opinion, he was (1). because almost everything bad always happened to him. So he wanted to find the secret to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a (2) palace. There, he met the king.

                  After learning why the boy had come, the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours. "At the same time, I want you (3) this spoon with milk," said the king. "As you walk around my palace, carry this spoon without spilling (溢出) the milk."

                  The boy (4) his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace. After two hours, be came back to the king. "Well," asked the king. "Did you see the wonderful (5). in my dining hall? Did you see the (6) flowers in the garden?" The boy felt sorry because be saw nothing. He only paid attention to the milk.

                  "Then go back and see the beauty of (7) world," said the king. This time the boy saw all of the (8) of art on the walls. He saw the great gardens and mountains all around. When he came back, he described everything be saw.

                  "But where is the milk?" asked the king. Looking (9) at the spoon he held, fire boy saw the milk was (10). "Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you," said the king. "The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon."











            • 4.

              while  important   protect  easy  world  be  visit  provide  fame  and

                               Liaohe Nature Reserve (保护区)

              LIaohe nature Reserve in Panjin is one of the  (1)  most important wetlands and the biggest wetlands in Asia. The reserve covers the large area of Panjin. The area   (2)   food and home for wildlife. It is an ideal (理想的)home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.

              Many birds live comfortably in Liaohe Nature Reserve all year round,   (3)   some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can   (4)   catch them for food. Panjin   (5)   “the home of the cranes” (丹顶鹤)for a long time. There are 16 crane species in the world. Eight of them are in China. Red-crowned cranes whose number is very small in the world are among them. Every spring and summer red-crownd cranes come to Liaohe Nature Reserve, and Panjin is  (6)   for them.

              Every year many  (7)  come to Liaohe Nature Reserve to watch birds. Photography lovers come to take photos of them, too. This year, members of a Bird Watching Club came to study the birds in Liaohe Nature Reserve  (8)   the changes in their numbers.

              The club does a bird count once a year. Many people do not understand the   (9)  of the wetlands. So they hope this information will help people understand and make them actively take action   (10)   wildlife.

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

              (6) ________

              (7) ________

              (8) ________

              (9) ________

              (10) ________

            • 5.


              used to   went to hospital     bad for   give some advice   for too long

              Good afternoon, parents and teachers. Thank you for attending this meeting. Last weekend, one of our students   (1)  . The student played computer games on the Internet all day Saturday, without stopping to drink, eat or sleep. Finally, he became very ill. Some students play computer games   (2)  . This is a serious problem. In the past, students   (3)   play outside more often, but now they spend more time in front of computers. This is (4).their health. Tomorrow weˈll have some experts here to talk to the students about the bad effects of playing computer games. Theyˈll also   (4)  on how to use computers for studying. I hope we can all work together to stop students from spending too much time playing computer games. Thank you for your time

              (1) ____________

              (2) ____________

              (3) ____________

              (4) ____________

              (5) ____________

            • 6.

              or      smoke     hit     open     afraid

               At once, the sky went dark. Black  (1)   came from the fire , and the ground under the fire began to   (2)  . Then the smoke went away, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it.

                    Aladdin was very   (3)   . He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and   (4)   him on the head.

                    For a minute or two, Aladdin could not speak   (5)   move. Then he cried, “Why did you do that, Uncle ?”

            • 7.

              find ,have to, health, on, success, rich, return, find, start, job

              Jack London is a famous American writer. He was born   (1)   January 12th,1876,in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, so Jack   (2)  leave school to make money. He worked very hard in many different   (3)  

              Later, Jack   (4)   to school, but he didn’t stay there. In 1897,he went to Alaska   (5)   gold. But he didn’t find any gold . Instead, he   (6)   ideas for his books and stories. He returned home and   (7)   to write. His works were   (8)  , and he became  (9)   and famous in his twenties. 

              Jack London was not a happy man. For poor   (10)  , he took his own life in 1916.He was only 40 years old.

            • 8.

              hear    how    success    place   hurt discuss  they  because   nature  life  


              Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don’t know how to deal with anger and conflict(冲突). Conflict is part of everyone’s   (1)   .It will show up at school, at work and at home. It’s OK to feel angry, annoyed or sad. These feelings are   (2)   , but different people deal with  (3)     in different ways. Some people shout, call people names, or even hit the person who has   (4)    them. Others do their best to keep away from disagreements but very few deal with conflict   (5) .    Dealing with conflict is a step by step process(过程). Before you start   (5)   the problem, calm down, count to 10 and imagine a relaxing    (6)   .Then, say what is really bothering you, but watch how you express yourself. Don’t complain. Share   (7)   you feel by using “I…”. For example, don’t say“ You are always ordering me to do this or to do that,” but “I feel sad   (8)  you don’t pay attention to what I think.”  You want people to   (9)   your opinion so make sure you practice what you want to say. Listen carefully to the other person and accept that he or she might see the problem in a different way. Be open-minded and willing to say sorry.











            • 9.

              believes   bad   alone  realized   games

              Last term, Peter was   (1)  at home. His parents were doing business in another city. He felt lonely, so be often turned on the computer and played computer   (2)  . However, sitting in front of the computer for a long time is   (3)   for him. And he spent little time on his study. He failed his exams. Luckily, his parents   (4)   his problem in time, They decided to come back home. Peter studies hard now. So far, he has made progress in his study. He   (5)   he can catch up with his classmates soon. 

              (1) _________
              (2) _________
              (3) _________
              (4) _________
              (5) _________
            • 10.

              a famous writer     as well as  hard work   was born  in England 

                 Few people are born famous. Most people become famous only after a lot of (1) .

                 Ludwig van Beethoven was a German pianist. He  (1)  in 1770. Before Beethoven was 5 years old, he already showed great talent  (2)  interest in music. When he was about 28, he went deaf(聋). However, although he could not hear, he still wrote great music.

                 Jane Austen was born  (3)  in 1775. When the was young, she leant more than most other girls. At the age of 12, the started writing her own stories. She continued to write and later became  (4)  .

