优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying “Friends are God’s way of taking care of us. ” But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

              The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.

                  First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be king and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you can not be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives. But things cannot always be happy. Even the best have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter.

                  There are three steps to being friends again:

                  Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.

            • 2.

              Even in early time, people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that 

              dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will find a way to

               bring it into reality (现实).  

              Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for being naïve. Many great men were 

              dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas  Edison. He used to be ostracized(排斥)when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than everyone

               else’s in his time.  

               Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. The world is

               full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreams big and their dreams 

              changed their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good 

              examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress to human 

              besides making money for themselves.  

               Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human 

              mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality. Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company (KFC) in the 

              world.   To dream is a wonderful ability which can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream. No one is too 

              young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.

            • 3.

              veryone feels unhappy sometimes. But it’s not a good idea to stay in those bad feelings. If you learn how to keep yourself happy, you’ll likely avoid a lot of problems.

              l Talk to your parents, friends, or teachers, and tell them what is going on. It is amazing how much better you feel after talking about your problems.

              l Do something you enjoy. This will improve your mood.

              l Keep a “Happy Moments”journalwhere you write down your best memories, successes, and the moments you felt great. When you feel down, read them and remember how great you are.

              l Go for a 15-minute run, then take a nice shower, and pick out a new movie to watch!

              l Do something crazy. Dance in the dark. Scream (尖叫) as loud as you can. Eat a big bowl of something you know you shouldn’t.

              l Think about your goals (目标) in life, and how happy you’ll be when you complete them.

            • 4.

              Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are yourstudies sometimes not successful? Well, friend, cheer up and smile all the time.If you see the world with your warm heart, you'll find that the whole world smiles to you.

              While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teacher's face when you did a good job?

                   One day it is fine.Just before you want to go out, it suddenly starts to rain.Maybe you would feelvery sad and start complaining about the weather.But dear friends, why don't you sit down and listen tothe free concert that the nature offers you? And with the timely rain, crops (庄稼) in the fields will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.

                   Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failures can't beavoided.I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope.When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do.As a popular saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success."

                  Attitude decides everything.With a positive attitude life is easy and pleasant.

            • 5.

               While Leonardo Da Vinci was working on the famous painting-- The Last Supper, he decided to use live models for Jesus Christ (耶稣基督)and twelve Apostles. He chose the model for Jesus first when he found a man with a beautiful and kind face. Several years later, Leonardo completed all of the Apostles except Judas. Finally, he found a man whose face seemed full of all bad characters. After he finished painting the man as Judas, the man asked if Leonardo remembered him. When Leonardo said no, the man replied, “I am the same man you painted years ago as the model of Christ.”

                This story tells us a truth. No matter how old or young we are, the appearance of our faces can often show the condition of our souls. However, it is never too late to change your face, your heart and your life. It is never too late to fill your soul with love and let it shine through your eyes and actions. I only hope that my own face is always the face of love no matter how old it gets. I hope it is a face of kindness, goodness, gentleness, helpfulness, hopefulness and joyfulness. 

            • 6.

              Dear Lisa,

                Whenever my teacher calls on me in class, my heart beats(跳) quickly. I’m afraid I’ll give the wrong answer and everyone will laugh. So I say “I don’t know”.


              Dear Candy,

                You are not the only kid who feels this way, Talk to a parent or your teacher for ideas. You can also set small goals(目标). Try your best to answer questions and put up your hand in class once a day. Remember, it is really OK to be wrong sometimes.

              Dear Lisa,

                My friend is starting to hang out with a girl who used to bully(欺负)her! And my friend doesn’t seem to want to be around me at all anymore.


              Dear Wendy,

                It’s normal for friendships to change, and it’s possible that the girl has become kinder over time. Try not to worry about that, and pay attention to how your own friendship is changing. Hanging out, just the two of you, might help to mend your friendship.

              Dear Lisa,

                I want to be a writer. But when I go back to reading a story I’ve written, it sounds stupid and I don’t want to finish it. Should I keep trying to write?


              Dear Nick,

                Every writer has been where you are –--- a place where nothing he writes sounds right. What’s important is keeping writing as much as you can. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Also, keep reading. You can learn a lot about writing by reading.

            • 7. Ever since I was a little child, my parents have told me to be honest because it is the right thing to do. As I got older, I realized something very important. If just once you are  deceitful and tell a lie, it will greatly change people’s opinions about you and their way of acting toward you. When you tell a lie, you lose that person’s trust forever or have to work your whole life to get it back.
                 It is my personal goal to achieve great things in life and honesty(诚实) will sure help me get there. For me right now losing somebody’s trust would be a truly terrible thing. My parents would be stricter on the things they let me do and the places that they used to let me go to. My friends would never again tell me a secret or believe many things I told them. Whatever you do for a living or wherever you live, honesty is something very important.
                Honesty gets you much higher in life while telling a lie can make you get into more problems. I can already tell that the great people I have met so far are all honest people.
                 I hope that I’ll never fall into a situation where I’ll lie. Honesty is just as important to me as my family. Already, I know it is something that will improve my future and my relationship with all people. It is something about myself that I hope never to lose no matter what happens. Honesty will help me no matter whether I’m at school, home or just hanging out with friends. It is something that I hope my children will also have and value.
            • 8.

                  Mike was kind of guy you love to hate. He was always happy and always had something interesting to say. If someone asked him how he was doing, he would reply, “Couldnˈt be better!” He was really a care­free young man and never felt tired.

                   Mike used to say, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘Mike, you have two choices (选择) today. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be upset.’ I choose to be happy. Each time something happens, I am always ready to learn a good lesson. I choose to learn from life.”

                    I tried to understand what he said. Indeed life is all about choices. Every situation is a choice. The bottom line is: Youˈre living your life and you make it either happy or sad.

                  Several years later I had a car accident and my legs were seriously injured. When I was lying on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or choose to die. I chose to live.

                    People like to say, “Choose the one you live and love the one you choose.” Why not choose the one we love and live happily?

            • 9.

               Do you want to make friends with others? Please remember to keep your words all the time. In this way, people around you will get along well with you.

              To make friends and keep them, you have to keep your words. If you agree to meet someone at a certain time, you should arrive at the place on time or a little earlier. If you agree to help others, you must do it. Of course if there is something unexpected(没有预料到的) happening and you can’t do what you have agreed to do, your friends will understand this.

              He is always lying or making excuses for breaking his words. Would you like to have him as one of your best friends? You wouldn’t. And your own friends feel the same way.

              So, be more careful when you have to agree to do something for your friends. Don’t have“Maybe”in your mind when you say something about what you are going to do.

            • 10.

               A young man wastaking a walk with a professor. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path. They thought it belonged to a poor man who worked in a field nearby.

                    The studentturned to the professor, saying, “Let us play the man a trick: we will take away his shoes, andconcealourselves behind those trees, and wait to see what will happen when he cannot find them. That must be very interesting.”

                    “My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never play jokes on others because of their being poor. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery changes him.”

                    The studentdid so, and they both hid themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came back. While putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes. Feeling something hard, he bent down to see what it was and found the coin. He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He put the money into his pocket. When he put on the other shoe, his surprise doubled on finding the other coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to the sky and said aloud some thanksgiving words to the person who gave him the coins.

                    The studentstoodthere deeply moved, and his eyes were filled with tears. “You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understand before: “A small act of kindness brings great joy.” he said.

