优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              ______Ferry wants to know something about lions,bears,kangaroos and birds.

              A. Music classroom

              You can take lessons on the piano,the guitar and the violin.Please call Ms Wang at 13560686068.

              B. English teachers wanted

              Good English and be good with kids.Call Li Yang at 7277899.

              C. Lilyˈs gift shop

              There are beautiful cards,cute dolls,nice music boxes,key rings and so on.

              D. Jennyˈs clothes shop

              We have many coats and sweaters for the season!Come and see for yourself.

              E. Sale

              Donˈt wait! Different kinds of lovely T-shirts are on sale.

              F. The NBA match

              Bulls VS Rockets Time:6:00p.m.

              Place:Club of American Association

              G. CCTV:

              18:30World News,19:00Pop Songs,

              19:30Animal World

            • 2.

              A: What are you doing, Susie?

              B: I'm looking for information for my report this week.

              A:   (1)  

              B: Try to guess! What is black and white and warm all over?

              A:   (2)   What?

              B: A penguin (企鹅) in a sweater! Look! Isn't it cute?

              A: It is cute.   (3)  

              B: The sweater is keeping it warm!

              A: Why does that penguin need to keep warm?

              B: An oil spill(石油泄漏)in the ocean hurt the penguin's feathers(羽毛). So its feathers can't keep it warm.

              A:   (4)  

              B: Right! Lots of penguins were hurt by the oil spill. They couldn't get dry and warm.

              A:   (5)  

              B: Volunteers made the sweaters. Then they donated (捐赠) them.

              (1) A. I don't know.

              B. What is it about?

              C. I don't believe it.

              D. Who made the sweaters?

              E. Volunteers began to make plans for it.

              F. But why is that penguin wearing a sweater?

              G. So the sweater helps the penguin stay warm instead.

              (2) A. I don't know.

              B. What is it about?

              C. I don't believe it.

              D. Who made the sweaters?

              E. Volunteers began to make plans for it.

              F. But why is that penguin wearing a sweater?

              G. So the sweater helps the penguin stay warm instead.

              (3) A. I don't know.

              B. What is it about?

              C. I don't believe it.

              D. Who made the sweaters?

              E. Volunteers began to make plans for it.

              F. But why is that penguin wearing a sweater?

              G. So the sweater helps the penguin stay warm instead.

              (4) A. I don't know.

              B. What is it about?

              C. I don't believe it.

              D. Who made the sweaters?

              E. Volunteers began to make plans for it.

              F. But why is that penguin wearing a sweater?

              G. So the sweater helps the penguin stay warm instead.

              (5) A. I don't know.

              B. What is it about?

              C. I don't believe it.

              D. Who made the sweaters?

              E. Volunteers began to make plans for it.

              F. But why is that penguin wearing a sweater?

              G. So the sweater helps the penguin stay warm instead.

            • 3.

              A: Hi, Li Qiang. I haven’t seen you for days.   (1)   

              B: I have been to Beijing.

              A: What did you do there?

              B:   (2)   

              A: Really? How did you perform?

              B:   (3)   

              A: Congratulations! You’re always the best. Whose poem did you choose?

              B: I chose Li Bai’s. He is my favorite poet.

              A: I love his poems, too.  (4)   

              B: Fantastic. You know, our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We should learn more.

              A:   (5)   It’s our duty to keep and spread our traditional culture.

              B: That’s right.

              (1) A. Why did you go there?         
              B. I agree with you.
              C. Where have you been?         
              D. I won the first prize.
              E. Do you like Li Bai?            
              F. And what do you think of the competition?
              G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.
              (2) A. Why did you go there?         
              B. I agree with you.
              C. Where have you been?         
              D. I won the first prize.
              E. Do you like Li Bai?            
              F. And what do you think of the competition?
              G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.
              (3) A. Why did you go there?         
              B. I agree with you.
              C. Where have you been?         
              D. I won the first prize.
              E. Do you like Li Bai?            
              F. And what do you think of the competition?
              G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.
              (4) A. Why did you go there?         
              B. I agree with you.
              C. Where have you been?         
              D. I won the first prize.
              E. Do you like Li Bai?            
              F. And what do you think of the competition?
              G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.
              (5) A. Why did you go there?         
              B. I agree with you.
              C. Where have you been?         
              D. I won the first prize.
              E. Do you like Li Bai?            
              F. And what do you think of the competition?
              G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.
            • 4.
              Betty:Hi,Alex!   (1)  
              Alex:Iˈm going to go cycling.   (2)  
              Betty:Iˈd love to,but I canˈt go out.
              Betty:   (3)  
              Alex:How old is your grandma?
              Betty:   (4)  
              Alex:Oh,I see.Iˈm not going to go cycling.   (5)  
              Betty:Really?Thank you very much!
              Ale x:Youˈre welcome.

              (1) A. Would you like to go with me?
              B. Iˈm going to look after your grandma with you.
              C. Because my parents arenˈt at home,and I have to look after(照顾) my grandma.
              D. She is eighty years old.
              E. Iˈm going to buy some clothes.
              F. What are you going to do on Sunday?

              (2) A. Would you like to go with me?
              B. Iˈm going to look after your grandma with you.
              C. Because my parents arenˈt at home,and I have to look after(照顾) my grandma.
              D. She is eighty years old.
              E. Iˈm going to buy some clothes.
              F. What are you going to do on Sunday?

              (3) A. Would you like to go with me?
              B. Iˈm going to look after your grandma with you.
              C. Because my parents arenˈt at home,and I have to look after(照顾) my grandma.
              D. She is eighty years old.
              E. Iˈm going to buy some clothes.
              F. What are you going to do on Sunday?

              (4) A. Would you like to go with me?
              B. Iˈm going to look after your grandma with you.
              C. Because my parents arenˈt at home,and I have to look after(照顾) my grandma.
              D. She is eighty years old.
              E. Iˈm going to buy some clothes.
              F. What are you going to do on Sunday?

              (5) A. Would you like to go with me?
              B. Iˈm going to look after your grandma with you.
              C. Because my parents arenˈt at home,and I have to look after(照顾) my grandma.
              D. She is eighty years old.
              E. Iˈm going to buy some clothes.
              F. What are you going to do on Sunday?
            • 5.
              What time do you get dressed?

              A. I ride my bike.

              B. Yes,they can .

              C. I want to join the music club.

              D. I always get dressed at 7 o’clock.

              E. It takes about one hour.  

            • 6.

              ______ Susan wants to be a pianist.But she canˈt play the piano well.

              A. Music classroom

              You can take lessons on the piano,the guitar and the violin.Please call Ms Wang at 13560686068.

              B. English teachers wanted

              Good English and be good with kids.Call Li Yang at 7277899.

              C. Lilyˈs gift shop

              There are beautiful cards,cute dolls,nice music boxes,key rings and so on.

              D. Jennyˈs clothes shop

              We have many coats and sweaters for the season!Come and see for yourself.

              E. Sale

              Donˈt wait! Different kinds of lovely T-shirts are on sale.

              F. The NBA match

              Bulls VS Rockets Time:6:00p.m.

              Place:Club of American Association

              G. CCTV:

              18:30World News,19:00Pop Songs,

              19:30Animal World

            • 7.
              You used to be short, didn’t you?
              A. Sounds like a good idea.
              B. He is tall and thin.
              C. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.
              D. Yes, I did.
              E. I am sorry to hear that.
            • 8.

              I broke my bike on my way home yesterday.

              A. Sounds like a good idea.
              B. He is tall and thin.
              C. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.
              D. Yes, I did.
              E. I am sorry to hear that.
            • 9.

              Hip-hop Planet

                 (1)   Countries like France, Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture. But where did this strange speaking-singing style come from? Many centuries ago, in West Africa ,traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories. When this tradition travelled from West Africa to the USA, it developed into different musical styles. For example, blues and jazz.   (2)   And in the 1970s,there were many poor areas in New York. There wasn’t any money for music lessons in schools, so kids made their own music. Teenagers Afrika and DJ Here played their records outside in the streets. Everybody joined in.MCs had rapping(说唱) competitions. Everyweek, there were talented new dancers, new DJs and new MCs. Hip-hop culture was born. 

                 (3)   It was 1980.I was at a party in New York.There was a young DJ at the party.He was playing records.While he was putting a record on,a kid picked up a microphone(话筒) and began rapping. Some other kids were break-dancing to the music. It was loud and boring, and I hated it.I preferred jazz. 

                 (4)   Today’s successful American artists like Missy and her friend Tim heard it on the radio when they were growing up. 

              The last time I heard hip-hop, I was in West Africa.   (5)   I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist. He told me there are hundreds of rap groups in Africa today. We live on a hip-hop planet. 

              (1) A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

              B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

              C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

              D. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

              E. During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

              (2) A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

              B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

              C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

              D. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

              E. During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

              (3) A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

              B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

              C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

              D. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

              E. During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

              (4) A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

              B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

              C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

              D. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

              E. During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

              (5) A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

              B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

              C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

              D. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

              E. During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

            • 10.

              W:Hi, Michael! Would you like to do something with me on Sunday?

              M:Sure!   ___  (1)  ___

              W:I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?

              M:  (2)  ____

              W:It sounds good to me. Which movies shall we see?

              M:Ice Age 4.

              W:__  (3)  ___    It’s for kids and it’s boring. How about Mad Doctor Brown. I hear it’s quite a funny movie.

              M:OK! Let’s go to see that. When will it be on?

              W:_  (4)  __     Shall we have something to eat before the movie?

              M:Sure. What about going to the new Italian restaurant?

              W:__  (5)  _    Let’s meet there at 6:00.

              M:OK!  See you!

              (1) A. I don’t love it a lot.
              B. What shall we do?
              C. Great idea!
              D. I love it very much.
              E. It’ll be on at 8:00 this Saturday.
              F. Why don’t we see a movie? 
              (2) A. I don’t love it a lot.
              B. What shall we do?
              C. Great idea!
              D. I love it very much.
              E. It’ll be on at 8:00 this Saturday.
              F. Why don’t we see a movie? 
              (3) A. I don’t love it a lot.
              B. What shall we do?
              C. Great idea!
              D. I love it very much.
              E. It’ll be on at 8:00 this Saturday.
              F. Why don’t we see a movie? 
              (4) A. I don’t love it a lot.
              B. What shall we do?
              C. Great idea!
              D. I love it very much.
              E. It’ll be on at 8:00 this Saturday.
              F. Why don’t we see a movie? 
              (5) A. I don’t love it a lot.
              B. What shall we do?
              C. Great idea!
              D. I love it very much.
              E. It’ll be on at 8:00 this Saturday.
              F. Why don’t we see a movie? 
