优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              For ten weeks , in a great house on the island of St Thomas , Dr John C. Lilly tried to teach a six-year-old dolphin to speak English . Margaret Howe , an experiment(实验)helper , would live day and night with Peter , a dolphin . And they would eat , bathe , sleep and play together from Sunday to Friday , so Margaret can only rest on Saturdays . She lived her life in swimming clothes – with a coat on colder evenings --- and cut her hair short so that she could get on with Peter more easily .

              After a few days , Peter was becoming more and more interested in winning her attentions . He threw a ball against Margaret to get her to play . As time went by , he only wanted to play balls with her and not on his own .

              The problem was that , just at the time Peter and Margaret began to get on well as two best friends , the experiment ended and the lab(实验室)was closed . After a few weeks , Margaret received the sad news that Peter had killed himself by refusing to breathe , and sinking to the bottom of his pool .

              Dolphins may not speak English --- but , just like humans , they know all about broken hearts .

              (1) Margaret worked __________ days a week during the experiment .

              A. four B. five C. six D. seven

              (2) Margaret couldn’t __________ to live with the dolphin .

              A. cut her hair short
              B. have a common life like others

              C. wear swimming clothes
              D. eat , bathe and play together with him

              (3) What’s the ending of the story ?

              A. Margaret didn’t leave the lab .

              B. The lab was closed and the dolphin died .

              C. The dolphin could speak English at last .

              D. Dr John C. Lilly was satisfied(满意)with the experiment .

              (4) We learn from this passage that __________ .

              A. dolphins aren’t useful for science

              B. dolphins can’t be humans’ good friends

              C. dolphins can’t communicate with humans

              D. dolphins may have feelings just like humans

            • 2.

              Weekday mornings are very busy for US middle school students. When your school doesn’t have a bus, and you live too far away to walk, you need a carpool (拼车). A carpool is a group of people sharing the responsibility (责任) of driving to school in the morning. There are usually four or five kids in a carpool and their parents take turns to drive the kids in their cars.

              Someone’s car smells like wet dogs. Some kids get to eat desserts (甜点) for breakfast and some parents shout so much that all you try to do is to stay quiet and go unnoticed. When your mom or dad drives the carpool, your classmates get a close-up look at how strange your parents can be. It might be your first sociological (社会学) study and your first time to work with others.

              Teamwork is really important in the carpool because nobody wants to make everyone else late. It’s a great lesson in responsibility. Imagine (想象) sitting in the car outside of a classmate’s house, watching the clock and counting the seconds. Then you start to understand how your carpool friends might feel when you are still inside the house at 7:48. You really begin to learn all your real life lessons just moments before the start of school—in the carpool.

              (1) What is a carpool?

              A. Parents take turns to drive their kids to school.

              B. Parents drive kids to schools on their way to work.

              C. Kids go to school in their parents’ cars.

              D. Kids drive their own cars to school.

              (2) How many kids are usually in a carpool?

              A. Two or three. B. Three or four.
              C. Four or five. D. Five or six.

              (3) What can students learn from a carpool?

              A. How to drive a car.
              B. How to get along with others.

              C. What to do with parents.
              D. Real teamwork.

              (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. If kids live far away from school, they are always late for school.

              B. US children enjoy carpooling better than taking a school bus.

              C. Kids can learn real life lessons in a carpool.

              D. Kids often have enough time to study in a carpool.

            • 3.

              “Come on, Dad! It’s 7:20 a.m. now,” said Harry.

              “Today I can’t drive you and Jane to school, because I need to wash the car now,” Mr. Smith said. “You have to walk to school this morning, OK?”

              “But the school is a little far,” said Jane.

              “Walking is good. Now get your schoolbags and go!”

              Then Jane and Harry walked to school. It took 30 minutes. When they got to school, they were very tired.

              In the evening, Jane and Harry had dinner with their grandpa. They told him they were not happy to walk to school. Grandpa said, “That’s good for you. I used to (过去常常) walk two kilometers to school every day.”

              “Really?” Jane said. “But I don’t like walking.”

              Grandpa said, “Kids need to walk or run every day. It’s good for your health. Remember it’s very important to be healthy for kids. ”

              “Oh, I’ll start walking every day,” Harry said. “I want to keep fit.”

              “I will join you, Harry,” said Jane.

              (1) Who usually took Jane and Harry to school?

              A. Their father.      B. Their mother.          
              C. Their sister.           D. Their grandpa.

              (2) How did Jane and Harry get to school this morning?

              A. They rode a bike. B. They took the subway.
              C. They walked.        D. They took a bus.

              (3) Jane and Harry_______with their grandfather in the evening.

              A. had dinner         B. took a walk             
              C. went swimming        D. watched TV

              (4) The Chinese meaning(意思) of the word “fit” is _______ here.

              A. 高大 B. 健康 C. 漂亮 D. 时髦

              (5) Which of the following is right according to this article(根据这篇文章判断下列那一句是正确的)?

              A. Jane and Harry were not in the same school.

              B. It took Jane’s father 30 minutes to wash his car.

              C. Jane’s grandfather told the kids to ride to school.

              D. Harry would start walking every day because he wanted to be healthy.

            • 4.

              Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活).   

              There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. You can exercise at fitness centers.

              They have a lot of equipment(装备)there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.

              Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play s ports together. How do you exercise?

              (1) In the passage, the writer tells us that we all need to _________.

              A. sleep                  B. exercise             
              C. work                       D. study

              (2) Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?

              A. Fishing.              B. Running.           
              C. Walking.                   D. Swimming.

              (3) Doctors say exercising makes your body _________.

              A. healthy               B. fat                          
              C. weak                       D. thin

              (4) _________ is enough for exercising.

              A. Once a week        B. Twice a week       
              C. Three times a week     D. Four times a week 

              (5) The phrase “fitness centers” in the passage means _________.

              A. 商务中心                 B. 健身中心          
              C. 医疗中心                 D. 娱乐中心

            • 5.

              I have a special job. I help a boy, Sam.

              Every day I take Sam to school. I stay with Sam at school all day. In P.E. class, I always walk and run next to Sam. I don’t want Sam to fall down! I like Sam’s music class a lot. All the children sing, so I sing with them. Everyone thinks I am very funny. They like making friends with me.

              After school I take Sam to buy an ice-cream. He always gives me some of his ice-cream. I love ice-cream! Then we sometimes walk home together or take the bus. The people on the bus always smile and tell me, “Good boy!”

              In the evening, I relax next to Sam’s chair. He eats dinner and then he does his homework. At night, Sam sleeps in his bed. I sleep on the floor next to him. I don’t want to leave him! It’s my job to take care of him.

              (1) The writer’s job is to ______ Sam.

              A. teach B. help C. listen to D. look at

              (2) All the children in Sam’s class ______.

              A. are funny            B. are boys          
              C. like the writer(作者) D. like ice-cream

              (3) From the third paragraph(段) we know Sam is ______ the writer.

              A. good to               B. bad to              
              C. strict with                 D. not friendly to

              (4) The writer and Sam ______ walk home after school.

              A. always                            B. never               
              C. sometimes            D. usually

              (5) Which of the following is true according to the last paragraph(根据最后一段判断下列那一句是正确的)?

              A. The writer and Sam sleep in the same bed. 

              B. The writer helps Sam with his sports.

              C. The writer sleeps on the floor next to Sam.

              D. The writer sleeps on the chair.

            • 6.

              Do you like reading stories? Maybe you will answer, “No, I am not a child any more!” Yes, children all over the world always love stories.

                     Chinese children are   (1)   in Monkey King’s story. It   (2)   a popular bedtime story in China for many years. In fact, adults also love the story a lot. For them, Monkey King has become a very   (3)   part in the memory of their childhood. The clever and humorous monkey   (4)   the hearts of many Chinese people. British boys and girls all know Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland well. As the name   (5)  , it’s a story full of dangerous but exciting trips. Children laugh, cry and even get frightened with Alice together while reading the story. Most American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by the famous writer Mark Twain. Everyone likes the brave boy who also has lots of   (6)  . Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster, for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually   (7)  . Of course in the end, they beat the bad ones.

                     You may also ask me   (8)   I like stories. Yes, I have liked them since I was very young. At that time, I often   (9)   all my pocket money on story books. For me, stories are much more   (10)   than chocolate! They help me learn a lot. So either young or old, let’s enjoy stories.

              (1) A. bored                       
              B. interested                
              C. worried                   
              D. surprised

              (2) A. can be                      B. was                      
              C. has been                 D. will be

              (3) A. unhappy                  
              B. comfortable                    
              C. forgettable             
              D. unforgettable

              (4) A. loses                       B. wins                    
              C. hurts                   D. breaks

              (5) A. spells                       B. seems                   
              C. shows                 D. looks

              (6) A. rules                        B. inventions            
              C. ropes                  D. risks

              (7) A. in danger              B. in peace                  
              C. in good condition      D. in silence

              (8) A. that                      B. what                    
              C. why                     D. if

              (9) A. paid                         B. took                     
              C. spent                    D. cost

              (10) A. delicious                  B. expensive                
              C. funny                       D. special

            • 7.

              Matt jumped into bed. His father sat down beside him.

                  "What kind of day did you have?" he asked.

                  "It was a bad day for me," Matt answered. "I had a fight with Ned. The teacher sent a note home about me. And Mom talked about it with me."

                  "Yes, part of the day was bad," Mr. Gold said. "But there were good parts, too. Now it's time to go to sleep. So, tell me about the best thing today."

                  Matt smiled. "After school I went fishing," he said. "No one wanted to go with me. So I had to go alone. I didn't think I would have any But I did! I caught a fish!"

                  "I'm glad you had a good time," Mr. Gold said. "Think about it until(直到) you go to sleep. Happy dreams!"

                  "Good night, Dad," Matt said.

                  His father kissed(亲吻) him good night.

                  Every night, Mr. Gold and Matt have a little talk like this.

                  Every night, Matt answers the same question. "What was the best thing that happened to you today?"

                  Every night Matt goes to sleep thinking about the best thing. He has many happy dreams!

                  Sometimes he has to think hard to find the best thing. Sometimes it is a very small thing. But he always finds one good thing to think about.

                  Matt's father taught his son a good way to end his day. You may want to try it. If you do, why not begin this every night?

              (1) At home, ________ talked with Matt after he had a fight with Ned.

              A. Ned B. Mrs. Gold C. Matt's brother D. Matt's classmate

              (2) What does Matt do every night?

              A. He has a talk about the best thing with his father.

              B. He has a talk about the bad day with his father.

              C. His father teaches him a good way to study.

              D. His father teaches him a good way to fight.

              (3) Which of the following is NOT true?

              A. Matt tries to think about the best thing every night.

              B. Matt had a good time after school on that day.

              C. Matt has nice dreams every night.

              D. Mr. Gold was angry about Matt's fight.

              (4) The best title(标题) for this article might be ________.

              A. A Bad Day B. A Fun Day C. Happy Endings D. Sad Endings

            • 8.
              Li Dong is a farmer.He has a very big (1) .On the farm,he grows oranges,grapes and bananas.Many people come to (2) his farm.He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.
              In 2003,he went back to his hometown (3) he finished middle school."What work can I do?"he said to himself.Then he had an idea."I'm interested (4) farming.I can grow fruit!"He began to watch many (5) on TV about growing fruit.He also read a lot of books about it.Then he went to (6) on Mr Wang's farm for two years.He learned a lot there.
              In 2005,he started his own fruit farm. (7) ,Li Dong's farm was small.But now,his farm is much (8) .His fruits are very good.He sends them to many big (9) in China,such as Shanghai,Beijing and Guangzhou.He also grows vegetables and raises chickens on his farm.His family eats very (10) food.He has a very happy family.

              (1) A. farm B. park C. school D. shop
              (2) A. look B. take C. visit D. notice
              (3) A. since B. after C. though D. so
              (4) A. in B. on C. at D. for
              (5) A. games B. concerts C. programmes D. plays
              (6) A. see B. play C. eat D. work
              (7) A. At last B. At that time C. At this moment D. At once
              (8) A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. biggest
              (9) A. villages B. schools C. cities D. farms
              (10) A. healthy B. bad C. terrible D. unhealthy
            • 9.

              Last week, students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard to make their English Week very successful.

              There   (1)   a lot of activities including an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt.   (2)   students put on an English play. Other students   (3)   an English singing competition.

              A speaking competition was also   (4)  . The students had to speak on a topic in English   (5)   two minutes.

              Henry was the winner and we spoke to him. “I’ m so happy that I   (6)  ,” he said. “I advise people to speak slowly.   (7)   they want to be good public speakers, they’d better speak clearly and   (8)  .”

              We also spoke to several other students about English Week. One of   (9)   was Amy.

              “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance to learn new   (10)  . In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. It’s well   (11)   doing,” she said.

              On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a   (12)   to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on   (13)   to improve their English. “You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you   (14)  . You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television   (15)  . Above all, you should enjoy English!” he said.

              (1) A.  are                  B.  were               
              C.  is                            D.  was
              (2) A.  Some              B.  No                
              C.  All                         D.  Few
              (3) A.  took in            B.  took place      
              C.  took part in           D.  took care of
              (4) A.  playing           B.  played           
              C.  holding                 D.  held
              (5) A.  on                   B.  at                  
              C.  for                         D.  by
              (6) A.  did                 B.  won              
              C.  lost                        D.  had
              (7) A.  Although        B.  Since              
              C.  Until                      D.  If
              (8) A.  confidently    B.  quietly          
              C.  quickly                  D.  patiently
              (9) A.  us                   B.  you                
              C.  them                      D.  others
              (10) A.  abilities    B.  words           
              C.  friends                  D.  books
              (11) A.  enough           B.  known          
              C.  dressed                 D.  worth
              (12) A.  speech           B.  decision               
              C.  task                        D.  help
              (13) A.  where             B.  how               
              C.  whether                D.  when
              (14) A.  must               B.  need               
              C.  should                   D.  can
              (15) A.  programmes   B.  parts               
              C.  stars                       D.  stations
            • 10.

              It was Mother's Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.

                 As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I want a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents. A rose costs two dollars." The man smiled and said, "Come into the shop with me, and I'll buy you a rose."

                 He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his mother's flowers. As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home. She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother." She brought him to a cemetery (墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave.

                 The man was moved. He returned to the flower shop, pick up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred miles to his mother's house.

              Today is the day for your mother. Send a flower to your kind and beautiful mother.

              (1) The man went to the shop to ________.
              A. have a rest    B. help the girl
              C. buy some food    D. order some flowers
              (2) The man's mother lived ________ away from him.
              A. 2 kilometers    B. 20 miles
              C. 200 miles    D. 200 kilometers
              (3) The girl was crying on the road because ________.
              A. she was hungry B. she got hurt
              C. she couldn't afford a rose D. she couldn't find her way home
              (4) After the man bought the girl a rose, they went to ________ together.
              A. the cemetery    B. his shop
              C. the girl's home    D. his mother's house
              (5) We can infer (推断) that _______ from the passage.
              A. the girl loved flowers very much
              B. the girl loved her mother very much
              C. the shopkeeper sent the flowers to the man's mother
              D. the man didn't understand the girl well
