优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              It was another day to jump rope in gym class. Lynn and Mike turned the long rope in big, slow circles. The whole class hurried to get in line to wait for their turn to jump. Millie stood at the back of the line and frowned.

                     Nick went first. He watched the rope and ran in at just the right time. Everyone counted. He made it all the way to 30 jumps. One after another, the kids watched the rope, ran in, and jumped. Then it was Millie’s turn. She watched the rope go around and around, but she didn’t move. She felt like everyone was looking at her.

                     Millie’s friends cheered. “Go, Millie, go!”

                     Millie’s face turned red. At last, she gave it a try, but she failed.

                     The truth was that Millie had been jumping rope at home every day. With a short rope, she could jump 100 times without missing. She just didn’t know how to run in and start jumping with a long rope. Since she was the only kid on her street, there was no one to help turn the long rope.

                     Just then, Ms Miles, the gym teacher, brought out a bunch of short jump ropes.

                     "Letˈs see how long each one of you can jump without missing," she said as she gave each student a short rope, "Ready, set. Go!"

                     Millie smiled for the first time ever in gym class. As she jumped, she sang rhymes quietly to herself.

                     After a while, Millie realized that everyone was cheering, "Go, Millie, go!"

                     She was the only one still jumping rope! The surprise almost made her miss a step, but she kept going. When at last she was too tired to go on, she stopped. The whole class cheered. Everyone was looking at her and smiling. Millie smiled back!

              (1) What’s the meaning of the underlined word “frowned”?

              A. 坐 B. 藏 C. 微笑 D. 皱眉

              (2) What problem did Millie have at the beginning of the story?

              A. She didnˈt have any friends in her class.

              B. She felt sad because Nick made fun of her.

              C. She didnˈt know the cheers that the other kids knew.

              D. She didnˈt know how to start jumping with a long rope.

              (3) How might Millie feel when she stopped jumping at last?

              A. Happy. B. Sad C. Angry D. Shy

            • 2.
              Once upon a time, a hippo (河马) lived in a river next to a big tree. One day, a bird came and nested (筑巢) in the tree. The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envy that he couldn’t think of anything else. Every day he would think why he wasn’t born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer.
                  Finally, the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the river, climb the tree and start singing. However, when he tried to climb the tree, it was very clear that the hippo didn’t have wings, nor claws to climb with.
                  Realizing that he would never climb up the tree, he angrily hit the tree until it came crashing to the ground. Then he stepped onto the leaves of the fallen tree, and began singing.
                  Unfortunately, hippos can’t sing, either. All that came from his mouth were terrible noises, and when the other animals heard this, they all came around to make fun of the hippo.
                  He was so ashamed by this. He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over. He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again, and look after it until it completely recovered (康复).

              (1) The hippo envied the bird because ___________.

              A. the bird could fly high
              B. the bird could build a nest
              C. the bird could sing well
              D. the bird could live in the tree
              (2) After reading this passage, we know__________.
              A. the writer is telling us a true story
              B. the story happened on an autumn day
              C. the bird thought he was luckier than the hippo
              D. the hippo tried to do something against his nature
              (3) From the passage, we can infer that the hippo would ___________ later.
              A. be a good singer
              B. be good at climbing trees
              C. stop envying the bird

              D. not make friends with other animals

            • 3.

              Jack Green is 75 years old. He is not in a good condition. “I think I’m ill,”he tells his wife, “I feel bad. I’ve got a headache(头疼) and I don’t feel like eating.”

              “You’ve put on a lot of weight recently. You should see the doctor,”his wife says, “ask him how to lose weight. It’s not good for your breath(呼吸).”

              “OK.”says Jack. He goes to see a doctor.

              The doctor checks his heart and weighs him. Then he says, “You are too heavy. You need to do some exercise to lose about 30 kilograms. Run two miles a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me your weight.”

              A week later, the doctor receives a call from Jack. “Doctor, I ran two miles every day and I feel much better. But I have a new problem.”

              “What’s the matter?” asks the doctor.

              “I’m 14 miles away from home, and I can’t find my way home.”

              (1) Why does Jack feel bad?
              A. Because he is in good condition.        
              B. Because he has a headache.
              C. Because he feels like eating.           
              D. Because he works hard.
              (2) Who suggests that Jack should see a doctor?
              A. His wife.          B. His son.  
              C. His daughter.     D. His mother.
              (3) According to the doctor, how many kilograms should Jack lose?’
              A. Thirteen.          B. A hundred.   
              C. Thirty.    D. Fourteen.
              (4) What’s Jack’s new problem?
              A. He forgets how many miles to run.   
              B. He can’t find his way back home.
              C. He runs for such a long time.         
              D. He loses a lot of weight.
              (5) The passage is probably from a ______ .
              A. letter         B. poster    C. report    D. storybook
            • 4.

              Jennifer White is a school bus driver. This is the   (1)   of Jennifer. Jennifer gets up and gets dressed at 6:00 in the morning. She eats breakfast with her family at 6:40. There are four people in her family—Jennifer, her husband, and their   (2)   children. Jennifer   (3)  takes a shower in the morning. She only washes her face and   (4)    her teeth after breakfast.

              At 7:30 a.m. Jennifer sends the   (5)    to school. Then she  (6)    the school bus, “I often find lots of things in the bus. There are pencils, books, rulers and so on !” says Jennifer. Jennifer thinks her work is no   (7)   . She has much time to do other things. She likes it.

              Jennifer gets home at 5:00 in the afternoon. She   (8)   dinner for her family. She eats fruit and vegetables for dinner. After dinner, she usually   (9)    at 7:30. She either runs or takes a walk. Jennifer usually goes to   (10)    at 9:00 p.m. She has a very healthy life.

              (1) A. day              B. week           
              C. month          D. year

              (2) A. two            B. there            
              C. four           D. five

              (3) A. always          B. also           
              C. never            D. really

              (4) A. makes          B. finds              
              C. brushes            D. needs

              (5) A. doctors         B. musicians      
              C. children           D. workers

              (6) A. cleans            B. watches         
              C. takes             D. sells

              (7) A. interesting      B. relaxing              
              C. easy              D. busy

              (8) A. teaches          B. eats             
              C. makes           D. uses

              (9) A. exercises        B. dances          
              C. sings              D. writes

              (10) A. school          B. work             
              C. bed                D. library

            • 5.

              Good morning, boys and girls. I am  (1)  American  (2)  . My name is Bill Smith. Bill is my first name, and Smith is my  (3)  name. I am 14 years old now. I am from  (4)  .

              Here is a photo of my family. Look! There are  (5)  people in my family. This is my father.   (6)   name is Frank Smith. He is a  (7)   and teaches English in my school from Monday to Friday. This is my mother. She is 39 years old. She is a doctor and she is very busy every day. She often goes to work in the early  (8)  and comes back home very late. That is my  (9)  Kate. She is only 5 years old. My parents and I love her very much. Her favorite  (10)  is pink. My family members are very kind. I love my family.

            • 6.

              Hello,I am Frank Smith. My first name is Frank and my last name is Smith. I am an English boy. My parents, Carl and Emily, are teachers in a school.

              This is a pencil box. It’s mine. It’s white. What are in it? An eraser and two pens are in it. The eraser is white. It’s mine, too. The pens are red. They are my sister’s. My phone number is 6789-1231. You can call me.

              Here’s a photo. A girl and a boy are in it. The girl in it is Gina Miller. She is my friend. She can’t find her schoolbag. She lost it this morning. Her telephone number is 9929-9380. The boy’s name is Jim Green. I found his baseball in the classroom. We are friends, too.

            • 7.

              As I never had a job before, I really wanted to start it. I got my job at the age of 22,When I arrived, I was a little nervous at first, but everybody was so friendly that I felt at ease (舒适的) soon.

              My work at first was to help with auditing (审计) information on the computer. I was busy with lots of numbers all day. Being a friendly and great team of eight people to work with, the workers were always ready to help. That really made me know how to work effectively (有效率地) in my job.

              Before my work, I did not know what auditing was, but now I do better in the job. I become more confident (自信的) with learning something new for future jobs. I can say that you may feel nervous about your first day at work, but you will soon be a part of the team. Now I work here for three years, and I enjoy my job very much. I thank all the workers for making me feel welcome and a part of the team.

              I think people should have a work experience (经历) — it is an excellent way to get skills (技能) and make you feel more confident for future jobs.

            • 8.

              Hello. I’m from England. This is my new school. It’s near my home. I walk to school every day. There are some buildings in the school. The red building is our teaching building. There are twenty-eight classrooms in it. The offices are behind the classrooms. A sports hall, three dining halls and five science labs are in the yellow buildings in front of the library. I like playing basketball in the sports hall. There is a hospital in my school, too. It’s white. My new school is not big, but it’s my favourite school.

            • 9.

              Sports are important in English life. The people of England are sports lovers. Some of the world’s famous sports began here such as football and cricket.

                Football is a game played in winter and early morning. Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just for fun. With hundreds of year’s history,it is one of the most important sports in England. The English love football very much and they turned most of their main players into famous persons. David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became heroes for many children. The most interesting part of the English football year is the FA(Football Association)Cup Final each May.

            • 10.

              All around the world, people drink tea. But tea doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have different ideas about drinking tea.

              In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in teahouses. They prefer their tea plain, with nothing else in it.

              Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea ceremony. It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in Japanese homes.

              Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “teatime”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime.

              In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea--“iced tea”. Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda.

