优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. When is the party? ______
              A. August 12th
              B. August 20th
              C. August 24th
              A.August 12th
              B.August 20th
              C.August 24th
            • 2.
              Do you want to have a wonderful trip and see some cute animals with your children?Chimelong Safari Park (长隆野生动物世界) is the best place for you!Come and enjoy!
              Opening Hours:
              Monday~Friday 9:30a.m.~6:00p.m.
              Saturday~Sunday 9:30a.m.~6:30p.m.
              Ticket Prices:
              Children under 1m Free
              Children 1~1.5m and adults aged 65years old and above ¥175/person
              Adults and children taller than 1.5m ¥250/person
              How to Buy Tickets:
              •Buy tickets and pay online at Chimelong's official website (官网).
              •Buy tickets at the park's ticket office on the day of your trip.
              •Buy your tickets through travel agents
              •Visitors cannot bring food or drinks into the park.
              •There are different theme restaurants in the park.
              •For the health of the animals,visitors cannot feed animals in the park.

              (1) You can visit Chimelong Safari Park at ______ .
              A. 9:00a.m.on Monday
              B. 10:00a.m.on Saturday
              C. 6:30p.m.on Wednesday
              D. 7:30p.m.on Sunday
              (2) Jenny,who is 1.4m tall,is going to visit the park with her parents (both 35years old).They will need to pay ______ .
              A. ¥425
              B. ¥600
              C. ¥675
              D. ¥525
              (3) How many ways of buying tickets does the passage give us? ______
              A. One.
              B. Two.
              C. Three.
              D. Four.
              (4) Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage? ______
              A. e park opens earlier on weekends.
              B. sitors can feed animals in the park.
              C. sitors cannot eat anything in the park.
              D. e park opens nine hours a day on weekends.
              (5) Where can we most probably find this passage? ______
              A. On an animal park website.
              B. In a science magazine.
              C. a maths book.
              D. In a sports center.
            • 3.

              Dear Reader ,

              Imagine an 11-year-old girl washing clothes , looking after a baby , working hard in the field all day . Imagine a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner , who can’t fill her stomach with water because it’s polluted , and who has watched her father , little brother and sister die because the family is too poor to see a doctor . Is it hard to believe ? For Maria Pastora , these are the real life .

              Maria would gladly walk miles to school , but her mother needs her at home . If Maria grows up without going to school , what will be her future ?

              But for just 52 cents a day , you can sponsor a child like Maria . Through “ Save the Children ” , you can help Maria’s mother get the tools , the ways she can turn their poor food into a good dinner , the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for Maria .

              To help Maria most , you money is put together with that of other sponsors , so hard-working people can help themselves . Build a school , a hospital … bring in clean water . This is what “ Save the Children ” has been about since 1932 .

              For you there are many rewards(回报). Have the chance to write to or hear from your sponsored child . Receive photos or progress reports . Know you are helping another person . That’s how “ Save the Children ” works . But without you , it can’t work . Please take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like Maria and her village .

              It can make such a difference in her life and yours .

              (1) Maria did all the following chores except(除了)__________ .

              A. washing clothes B. working hard in the field

              C. looking after a baby D. planting trees

              (2) “ Save the Children ” is __________ .

              A. a group to help poor children get clean water

              B. an office of the government to collect money

              C. a program shown at theaters to help the poor

              D. a group who works for children in poor places

              (3) The underlined word “ sponsor ” means “__________ ” in Chinese .

              A. 回报 B. 资助 C. 感恩 D. 抢救

              (4) The last sentence in the letter tells us that __________ .

              A. we will get some money if Maria goes to school

              B. what we give is more than what we take

              C. both Maria’s life and ours will change a lot

              D. Marie and we can help each other at school

            • 4.

              Weekday mornings are very busy for US middle school students. When your school doesn’t have a bus, and you live too far away to walk, you need a carpool (拼车). A carpool is a group of people sharing the responsibility (责任) of driving to school in the morning. There are usually four or five kids in a carpool and their parents take turns to drive the kids in their cars.

              Someone’s car smells like wet dogs. Some kids get to eat desserts (甜点) for breakfast and some parents shout so much that all you try to do is to stay quiet and go unnoticed. When your mom or dad drives the carpool, your classmates get a close-up look at how strange your parents can be. It might be your first sociological (社会学) study and your first time to work with others.

              Teamwork is really important in the carpool because nobody wants to make everyone else late. It’s a great lesson in responsibility. Imagine (想象) sitting in the car outside of a classmate’s house, watching the clock and counting the seconds. Then you start to understand how your carpool friends might feel when you are still inside the house at 7:48. You really begin to learn all your real life lessons just moments before the start of school—in the carpool.

              (1) What is a carpool?

              A. Parents take turns to drive their kids to school.

              B. Parents drive kids to schools on their way to work.

              C. Kids go to school in their parents’ cars.

              D. Kids drive their own cars to school.

              (2) How many kids are usually in a carpool?

              A. Two or three. B. Three or four.
              C. Four or five. D. Five or six.

              (3) What can students learn from a carpool?

              A. How to drive a car.
              B. How to get along with others.

              C. What to do with parents.
              D. Real teamwork.

              (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. If kids live far away from school, they are always late for school.

              B. US children enjoy carpooling better than taking a school bus.

              C. Kids can learn real life lessons in a carpool.

              D. Kids often have enough time to study in a carpool.

            • 5.

              Trip 1   One Week In The Mountains

              Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue

              Mountains. You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing. This is also a protection area for wild animals. You can find many kinds of animals living in this area.

              Time: March 8-March 14 Tel:65329681 Adult:$120.00 Child:$60.00

              Trip 2 Four- Day Trip In The Country

              There are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful view in Green Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird-lovers.

              Time: March20-March 23   Tel:63347931     Adult:$48.0 0     Child:$24.00

              Trip 3 Flashlight Adventure

              Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight, and come for a night walk along the Moonlight Valley. It is a trip full of adventure(冒险).A guide will lead the tour. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.

              Time: March 12-March 16 Tel:64197029 Adult:$35.00 Not for children

              Trip 4 Five -Day Tour By The Sea

              Wear your sun hat, sunglasses and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to differe nt places for swimming.

              Time: March28- April1 Tel: 67538293 Adult:$80.00 Child:$40.00


              What number may you call if you and your friends want to enjoy the sunshine at theseaside? 

              A. 65329681. B. 63347931. C. 64197029. D. 67538293.


              David wants to stay in Green Valley with his wife, his five-year-old daughter and his seven-year-old son. How much will it cost?

              A. $144. B. $70. C. $240. D. $360.


              Malcolm loves sports. He will take his holiday from March 7 to March 15.What activity will he probably take part in?

              A. Hiking in the mountains.
              B. Fishing in the country.

              C. Watching plants at night.
              D. Swimming in the sea.


              Vivian is a college student. She is quite interested in science. She wants to know something about the life of plants at night. Which trip will she choose?

              A. Trip 1.       B. Trip 2.           
              C. Trip 4.                  D. Trip 3.  


              Which of the following is RIGHT?

              A. You need to wear sunglasses near the sea.

              B. Gloria will go rock climbing in Green Valley.

              C. Amanda will enjoy different plants in Moonlight Valley on the night of March 11.

              D. Mr and Mrs Brook will take their son to Flashlight Adventure.

            • 6.

              English Club

              We’re going to set up an English club. The numbers will practice spoken English in the school meeting room after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. If you want to join the club, please get in touch with us. Call us at 38761258.

              English Speech Contest

              The ninth-grade students will have an English speech contest on Monday, November 30. It will take place in the square before the classroom building. Those who want to take part in the contest please call 78625319.

              Math Exam

              We’re going to have a math exam on Thursday, November 26. The top ten in the exam will have an opportunity to take part in this year’s International Mathematics Olympiad. We want all the students in Grade Nine to take part in it. Those who want to take part in it can call 98763521, or go to room 306.

              (1) How many times can the students in English Club practice spoken English a week?

              A. Once   B. Twice    C. Five times    D. Three times

              (2) What will he do on the afternoon of November 26 if Jim is a student of this school?

              A. He will have an exam.   
              B. He will practice spoken English

              C. He will take part in a talk.  
              D. He will take part in a speech.

              (3) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

              A. The math exam is on November 26.

              B. Zhao Kai will give a talk on how to learn English well.

              C. You can call 78625319 to ask for some information about English club.

              D. The ninth-grade students can take part in the English speech contest.

            • 7.

              What did you do on April 23 , World Book Day ? Did you find any interesting books ? Here is a book list from China’s GAPP(中国新闻出版总署).

              (1) “ Don’t Blame Me , it’s Not My Fault” was written by __________ .

              A. Jimmy B. Yamamoto Ryoichi

              C. Randy Pausch                     D. Johanna Basford

              (2) The book Climate Change + 2 Degrees mainly tells us about __________ .

              A. a trip to a secret garden
              B. helping others reaching their dreams

              C. the future of global warming
              D. the argument between a father and a daughter

              (3) If you want to lower your pressure , you can choose __________ .

              A. Don’t Blame Me ,it’s No My Fault
              B. Secret Garden

              C. Climate Change + 2 Degrees
              D. The Last Lecture

            • 8.
              Violin Player Wanted (招聘)
              Are you a lover of music?Can you play the violin?Can you sing or dance?Join our Sunshine Rock Band(摇滚乐队).Please call Mike at 5487-6598or send an email to sunshine@yahoo.com.
              Hot Club
              Do you like to play table tennis?Do you want to play it well?Mr.Zhang is a good teacher.You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30to 5:30.
              Address:Room 15,Lantian Hotel
              Swimmer Wanted
              Can you swim?Do you like children?Can you teach them to swim on Sundays?Come and join us.Call Joe at 8472-9999for more information.
              Summer Job
              Do you like to talk with people?Do you like to write stories?Would you like to work for a magazine?Then come and work as a reporter.Please call Karen at 5561-8823.
              (1) Sunshine Rock Band needs ______ .
              A. a violin player
              B. a reporter
              C. a swimming coach(教练)
              D. a table tennis coach
              (2) If you can swim very well and like children very much,you will be more interested in the ______ advertisement(广告)
              A. first
              B. second
              C. third
              D. fourth
              (3) If you like writing,you can call ______ for a job.
              A. 8472-9999
              B. 8665-7868
              C. 5561-8823
              D. 5487-6598
              (4) Your classmate wants to learn table tennis,so you can advise(建议) her to call ______ .
              A. Joe
              B. Mr Zhang
              C. Karen
              D. Mike
              (5) The above ads(广告)are probably(可能)from ______ .
              A. a newspaper
              B. a story book
              C. a science book
              D. a history book.
            • 9.
              Name Ways of getting to school Time they need
              Lily By subway 25 minutes
              Mike Walk 20 minutes
              Mary By bus 15 minutes
              Gina By bus 10 minutes
              Tom By bus 15 minutes
              (1) What is the most popular means of transportation(交通方式) among the students ______ ?
              A. By subway.
              B. On foot.
              C. By bus.
              D. By car.
              (2) If Tom leaves home at 7:10am,when can he get to school ______ ?
              A. At 7:20am.
              B. At 7:25am.
              C. At 7:30am.
              D. At 7:35am.
              (3) Who spends the least time on the way to school ______ ?
              A. Gina.
              B. Mary.
              C. Tom.
              D. Mike.
            • 10. Which might be the best title of the reading? ______
              A. Farmers and Rice
              B. Buying and Selling Rice
              C. High Price of Rice
              D. Changes in Price of Rice.
              A.Farmers and Rice
              B.Buying and Selling Rice
              C.High Price of Rice
              D.Changes in Price of Rice.
