优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Mr. Green is our foreign (外国)teacher . He is a good teacher. He often helps us a lot. And he is nice to every student. His lessons are very interesting. We usually have fun in his lessons. We all like him. He is a tall and strong man. He says he is 40 years old. But he looks very young. He comes from New York. Now he lives in Nanjing with his family. He has a daughter. She is a pretty girl. And she studies in our school, too. Mr. Green is very “in”. He can sing many English songs. We all like to listen to him singing. He also likes sports. He is in the school basketball team. Mr. Green likes reading. We often borrow books from him. I think we are lucky to have Mr. Green to teach us.


              Mr Green


              A  (1)   





              What he is like?

              Mr Green is tall and  (3)  . He looks young. His  (4)  are interesting


              Music, sports and reading .


              He has a pretty  (5)  . She studies in our school .

            • 2.

              The bald eagle(秃鹰)is the symbol of America. In fact, the bald eagle is not really bald. It just has white feathers(羽毛)on its head. The name “bald” is from old English, it means white. In 1782, the bald eagle became the symbol of the United States of America.

              What do they look like? They have a long yellow mouth and large eyes. They have white feathers on their head. The body has brown feathers. The feet are hard and strong. Eagles have about 7000 feathers. They can grow between 9 and 14 pounds(磅).

              Eagles look can fly very fast when they fly down. Eagles can also swim and they use their wings to swim through the water. They ofen eat fish, so swimming is necessary for them.

              Eagles look for food every day. They have very good eyes and they can see an animal from far away. They also eat small aninmals, like snakes and other birds.

              Eagles can live up to 20 to 30 years in the wild. Like most animals, they usually live longer in cages(笼子).

              (1) Is the bald eagle really bald? _____________________________________

              (2) When did the bald eagle become the symbol of America? __________________________

              (3) What’s the color of the bald eagle’s body? _____________________________________

              (4) Why is is necessary for the bald eagle to swim? _____________________________________

              (5) How long can the bald eagle live in the wild _____________________________________

            • 3.


                  There is a nice girl in our class. She is 13 years old. (1)She is a girl with two big eyes. She is short but she is very lovely. She has curly hair and wears glasses.(2)She is good at telling stories. So she wants to join the story telling club.

              (1) ___________________________________________________________________

              (2) ___________________________________________________________________

            • 4.

                My father is a music teacher. He gets up early. He often gets up ①_________ five o’clock. After brushing his teeth, he eats breakfast. After that, he often plays the violin. ②他每天早上开车去上班

                  School begins at nine o’clock. He is busy in the morning. He eats lunch with other teachers in the school. He has no classes on Thursday and Friday. He usually goes to the violin club. There he helps kids with the violin. Oh, my father plays the violin very well. Father comes home at 6:00 every day. He often talks with us when we eat dinner.

                  ③Do you love to play the violin? Do you want to join the violin club? Please call my father at 6587221 at 7:00 in the evening.


              (1) 在画线①处填入一个恰当的介词。__________________________________________

              (2) 把画线②处译成英语。___________________________________________________

              (3) 把画线③处译成汉语。___________________________________________________

              (4) What does my father often do after breakfast?___________________________________

              (5) What time can you call my father?____________________________________________

            • 5.

              Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don’t truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.

              Stay in the present

              When listening to a family member, do not think about anything else. Put your phone away and give the speaker your full attention. It’s important to try to stay in the present to make your family member feel heard and valued.

              Pay attention to what is being said. Make understanding the speaker’s thoughts the most important thing at the moment.

              Use body language

              If you want the family member to feel valued, make sure to show that you are listening. You can do it by using body language. Nod as the speaker talks. Smile when it is suitable. Keep eye contact.

              Do not cut in

              Cutting in can prevent you from communicating effectively. No matter how excited you feel about a subject, do not start talking until the family member has finished. Always allow a few seconds of silence after the speaker finishes talking before offering your reply. This allows you to make sure the speaker has finished, and gives the speaker a chance to fully express himself.

              Ask questions

              Part of listening is understanding. If there is anything in the conversation you don’t understand, please ask after the family member finishes. This shows you are truly listening to him and value his thoughts.

              Ask questions that encourage open discussions. For example, “What do you think of the situation?” Don’t ask “why” questions, which might make the speaker feel uncomfortable.

              Follow these tips, listen actively to your family to help communication run smoothly and build strong family relationships.

              Title: How to be a good   (1)   to your family

              Reason for working on listening skills

              Working on your listening skills helps you have better   (2)   and form stronger family relationships.

              Tips for improving listening skills

              Stay in the present

              When listening to your family member, do not think about   (3)   things. It is the most important thing to understand the speaker.

              Use body language

              Listening as the speaker talks and keeping eye contact can show that you are listening.

              Do not cut in

              A moment of silence is needed to allow the speaker to fully   (4)   himself.

              Ask questions

              Ask questions that encourage open discussions.


              Listen   (5)   to your family and build strong family relationships.

              (1) ___________

              (2) ___________

              (3) ___________

              (4) ___________

              (5) ___________

            • 6.

              Eye contact means looking into another person’s eyes. This is a very important part of body language. It can be the key to communication. Eye contact can show feelings such as friendliness, interest and understanding.

                     In Western countries, using eye contact in conversations is very important. If you do not use eye contact, Westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that you are lying.

                     However, in many Asian countries, looking down when talking with an older person, like a teacher or a parent, is polite. These differences can cause problems. For example, an Asian person might look down while listening to a Western speaker. The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying.

                     Not using eye contact can cause problems, but using too much is not polite either. In many countries, watching other people, especially strangers, for a long time is impolite. This may make them feel nervous.

              (1) What does eye contact mean?

              (2) Why is eye contact the key to communication?

              (3) If you do not use eye contact in Western countries, what may happen?

              (4) Do Asians use eye contact as often as Westerners?

              (5) What kind of eye contact is impolite in many countries?

            • 7.
              Ma Yun became one of the richest men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock(股票)market with a value of around 140 billion-the largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him on the way to success. 
                Ma made his first trip to the a US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After searching for“beer”, he saw that no results came up about China. Then he searched for“China” and still saw no results. He decided to set up a Chinese website--the seed for Alibaba was sown(播种).
                Ma said he was refused many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and few companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times.
                It was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager because of limited resources. However, he found that he could learn English well by giving tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it for nine years. Ma said that tourists opened up a new world for him because everything they said and did was so different from what he had been taught at school and by his parents.
                Ma’s hero is Forest Gump who never gives up. When he made a speech about his success at Davos(达沃斯论坛)in 2015,Ma said,“Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get.”

              (1) When did Ma Yun make his first trip to the US.


              (2) How many times was Ma Yun refused by Harvard University?


              (3) How did Ma Yun learn English well when he was a teenager?


              (4) Did Ma Yun make a speech at Davos in 2015?

            • 8.

              Do you keep fish in your classroom at school? Do you ever have a class in a boat? Do you put the food you leave over into a compost(混合肥料)box? That’s all part of a school day at Barnard School.

              Barnard School is a “green” school in America. (A)This school wants to tell kids the importance of caring about the environment. The students can also learn a different way to live a healthier life.

              With the special lessons, about 300 students in the school study the environment all day long. They learn about turtles and many other animals in their classrooms. Students throw some lunch leftovers(剩饭菜)into a compost box in a greenhouse. They use the compost to help plants grow.

              At Barnard School, almost everything has something to do with the environment.

              (B)_______Their art work also has something to do with the environment. (C)甚至他们的数学课也与环境有关。

              (1) From the passage, we know almost everything has something to do wit h______ ______at Barnard  School.

              (2) What do the students do with the compost?


              (3) 将文中(A)处画线句子翻译成汉语。


              (4) 将文中(C)处画线句子翻译成英语。


              (5) 从A、B、C、D四个句子中选择一个恰当的句子放在文中(B)处。

              A. Students sing songs about the environment.

              B. Students never cut off the young trees.

              C. The kids must care about the grass.

              D. The kids need to learn math.

            • 9.

              The Kongming Lantern is very popular all over Asia. It is a kind of paper lantern with a closed top and a small candle inside. The candle heats the air inside the lantern and makes it rise. People use the Kongming Lantern on important days and during festivals.

              During the time of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang used such lanterns to give signals in battles. The Kongming Lantern led to the invention of the hot-air balloon.

              (1) What does the Kongming Lantern look like?


              (2) How does the Kongming Lantern work?


              (3) When do people use the Kongking Lantern?


              (4) Why did Zhuge Liang use such lanterns?


              (5) What invention did the Kongming Lantern lead to?


            • 10.

              It seems that everybody tells lies. Not all lies are big. In fact, some lies are “white lies”. We were often taught not to tell lies when we were young. But telling white lies isn’t really bad. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect friendship or they don’t want to hurt someone. Here are some ways they do it.

              ★Giving false excuses.

              Sometimes people lie because they don’t want to do anything. For example, someone invites you to a party. You think it will be boring, so you say you’re busy.

              ★Lying to make someone feel good.

              Often we don’t tell the truth to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it tastes terrible. Do you say so? No! You probably say “Mmm…this is delicious!”

              ★Lying to hide bad news.

               Sometimes, we don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a terrible day at work, but you don’t want your family to worry about you. So if your parents ask you about your day, you will just say everything is fine.

              (1) We were often taught not to ____________ when we were young.

              (2) Most of the time, people tell white lies because they want to ______________ or they don’t want to hurt someone.

              (3) When you want to refuse a boring party, you may say ____________________.

              (4) When your friend cook dinner for you, you probably say that’s delicious though ___________________.

              (5) You have a terrible day but you don’t want your family to worry about you. You may say ____________ if your parents ask you about your day.

