优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              first aid           

            • 2.

              We don’t like hamburgers.


            • 3.

              in time                          

            • 4.

              video game               

            • 5.

              ※ 8-year-old boy becomes a CEO.

              Harli Jordean, an 8-year-old boy from Stoke Newington, London loves marbles (弹珠)very much. With his mother’s help, he set up his own website named marbleking.co.uk. He sells all kinds of marbles online and his online store is very popular. Harli’s dream is to become the owner of one of the biggest toy stores in the world.

              ※ Matt Cardle-from an unknown (不知名的) painter to a hot singer

              Matt Cardle, a 27-year-old young man from a small town in England liked music very much, but he had to do different jobs to make a living. He worked as a postman, milkman and a painter. Life was not easy, but Matt _____________________________①(从没有放弃过他的梦想)— to be a singer. In 2010, he took part in a famous British singing talent show (歌唱真人秀) and won  first place.

              ※ ②________________________________

              The Zapps are from Argentina. With the help of their old 1928 cars, they began their tour on January 23, 2000. In ten years, they traveled to over 40 countries with their four children. When people asked what made them travel the whole world, they answered, “It’s just one dream, a big one, from Argentina to the whole world.”

              Truly, all of us have dreams. ③Each one of us can make our dreams come true if we start it now


