优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A: Hey, Jim! Can you 71_____?

              B: No, I 72_______ draw.

              A: 73_______ can you do? 

              B: I can74 _______ the piano.  

                   A: Good! What club do you want to75 _______? The art club 76____ the sports club?

              B: The 77____ club. I want to learn to draw. What78 _____ you?

              A: Well, I don’t know.

              B: Can you play79_____?

              A: Yes , I can. I can play it very80_______.

              B: I think you can join the chess club.

              A: You are right.

            • 2.

              A: Excuse me. 71.                                               

              B: No, there isn’t. The post office is quite far from here.

              A: 72.                                                

              B: It’s on the Bridge Street. It’s between a museum and a hotel.

              A: 73.                                                 

              B: You can take the No. 5 bus.

              A: Where is the nearest bus stop?

              B: It’s quite near. Go down this road and turn left.74.                                                

              A: Thank you very much.

              B: 75.                                                  Bye.

              1  You are welcome.

              2  Is there a post office near here?

              3  How can I get there?

              4  It’s near the pay phone(付费电话).

              5  Where is it?

              6   Goodbye.

              7   No, thanks.

            • 3.

              A: Hi, Mary. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreams a lot recently?

              B:   (1)  

              A: Do you have any idea for the future? I mean what your dream is.

              B: Yes. I have a lot of dreams. But the greatest one is that I want to be an artist.

              A: Sounds nice.   (2)  

              B: Well, I'm going to study hard and take some art lessons.

              A: Anything more?

              B: And I'm going to play more sports to keep fit.

              A: Where are you going to work?

              B: I'm going to work in the center of Anqing.   (3)   I think to be an artist is very great.

              A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start?

              B:   (4)  

              A: That's great.   (5)  

              B: I hope so. Thank you.

              (1) A. I hope you can achieve your dream
              B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there
              C. Are you good with children
              D. I'm going to finish high school and college first
              E. But how are you going to do that ?
              F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing
              G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present
              (2) A. I hope you can achieve your dream
              B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there
              C. Are you good with children
              D. I'm going to finish high school and college first
              E. But how are you going to do that ?
              F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing
              G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present
              (3) A. I hope you can achieve your dream
              B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there
              C. Are you good with children
              D. I'm going to finish high school and college first
              E. But how are you going to do that ?
              F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing
              G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present
              (4) A. I hope you can achieve your dream
              B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there
              C. Are you good with children
              D. I'm going to finish high school and college first
              E. But how are you going to do that ?
              F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing
              G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present
              (5) A. I hope you can achieve your dream
              B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there
              C. Are you good with children
              D. I'm going to finish high school and college first
              E. But how are you going to do that ?
              F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing
              G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present
            • 4.

              A: Hello, Mr. Wang.

              B: Hello, Susan. I haven’t seen you for a long time!   (1)  

              A: I’ve been back to my home in London.

              B:   (2)  

              A: Because my mother was ill and I had to go back to see her.

              B:   (3)   How’s your mother now?

              A: She’s fine. Thank you. By the way, are you still teaching in that language school?

              B: Yes. We miss you very much.   (4)  

              A: No, I won’t. A university has offered me a job and I will teach spoken English there.

              B:   (5)   I’m going to have a party to welcome you back this Saturday.

              A: Thanks so much. We can enjoy some British food I brought back from London.

              B: Wow! I’m sure all of our friends must be very happy!

              (1) A. Where are you?
              B. The same to you.
              C. Will you come back and work with us?
              D. Why did you go back?
              E. That’s great!
              F. Sorry to hear that.
              G. Where have you been?
              (2) A. Where are you?
              B. The same to you.
              C. Will you come back and work with us?
              D. Why did you go back?
              E. That’s great!
              F. Sorry to hear that.
              G. Where have you been?
              (3) A. Where are you?
              B. The same to you.
              C. Will you come back and work with us?
              D. Why did you go back?
              E. That’s great!
              F. Sorry to hear that.
              G. Where have you been?
              (4) A. Where are you?
              B. The same to you.
              C. Will you come back and work with us?
              D. Why did you go back?
              E. That’s great!
              F. Sorry to hear that.
              G. Where have you been?
              (5) A. Where are you?
              B. The same to you.
              C. Will you come back and work with us?
              D. Why did you go back?
              E. That’s great!
              F. Sorry to hear that.
              G. Where have you been?
            • 5.

              A  Good morning ,Jim .You don’t look well .What’s wrong ?


              A:What’s it?

              B:I saw a terrible accident just now .A car hit an old man at a crossing .48.______The driver called 120 at once .


              B:Yes, he was .I think we must be careful when crossing the road.


              B:Yes, I agree. You are quite right .

              A. The driver was driving very fast, wasn’t he ?

              B. And everyone should obey(遵守) the traffic rules.

              C. It seemed that the old man got badly hurt.

              D. I have something terrible to tell you.

              (1) A. The driver was driving very fast, wasn’t he ?
              B. And everyone should obey(遵守) the traffic rules.
              C. It seemed that the old man got badly hurt.
              D. I have something terrible to tell you.
              (2) A. The driver was driving very fast, wasn’t he ?
              B. And everyone should obey(遵守) the traffic rules.
              C. It seemed that the old man got badly hurt.
              D. I have something terrible to tell you.
              (3) A. The driver was driving very fast, wasn’t he ?
              B. And everyone should obey(遵守) the traffic rules.
              C. It seemed that the old man got badly hurt.
              D. I have something terrible to tell you.
              (4) A. The driver was driving very fast, wasn’t he ?
              B. And everyone should obey(遵守) the traffic rules.
              C. It seemed that the old man got badly hurt.
              D. I have something terrible to tell you.
            • 6.

              Sam: We are doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions?

              Joanna: Sure.

              Sam: (1) ________________

              Joanna: I usually study for tests by asking my teachers for help.

              Sam: (2) ________________________________

              Joanna: I like science best.

              Sam: (3) ________________________________

              Joanna: Because I want to be an inventor.

              Sam: (4) ________________________________

              Joanna: I want to invent a machine that can make me happy all the time.

              Sam: I think youˈll be a great inventor.

              Joanna: Thank you. (5) ________________________________

              (1) A. Have you ever invented anything?
              B. I hope so
              C. How do you study for tests?
              D. What do you want to invent?
              E. What’s your favorite subject?
              F. Why do you like science?
              G. How long have you studied for tests?
              (2) A. Have you ever invented anything?
              B. I hope so
              C. How do you study for tests?
              D. What do you want to invent?
              E. What’s your favorite subject?
              F. Why do you like science?
              G. How long have you studied for tests?
              (3) A. Have you ever invented anything?
              B. I hope so
              C. How do you study for tests?
              D. What do you want to invent?
              E. What’s your favorite subject?
              F. Why do you like science?
              G. How long have you studied for tests?
              (4) A. Have you ever invented anything?
              B. I hope so
              C. How do you study for tests?
              D. What do you want to invent?
              E. What’s your favorite subject?
              F. Why do you like science?
              G. How long have you studied for tests?
              (5) A. Have you ever invented anything?
              B. I hope so
              C. How do you study for tests?
              D. What do you want to invent?
              E. What’s your favorite subject?
              F. Why do you like science?
              G. How long have you studied for tests?
            • 7.

              Daming: Hi, Tony. 82___________________________________

              Tony: Hi, Daming. I’ve just made a model spaceship for our school project. 

              Daming: I haven’t started yet, because I’m not sure how to make it.  83__________________________ 

              Tony: Sure, no problem. Have you heard the lasted news? Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. The journey has taken several months.

              Daming: 84_______________________________

              Tony: Yes, it has arrived already. That’s why it’s on the news. Daming: So have they discovered life on Mars?

              Tony: No, they haven’t yet. 

              Daming: 85 _______________________________

              Tony: No, there aren’t. 

              Daming: Why? Astronauts have already been to the moon. 

              Tony: Yes, 86____________________because Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon. Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day.

              Daming: That’s interesting! How can I get information on space travel?

              Tony: You can go online to search for the information. Daming: I will. Thank you, Tony!

              (1) ________
              A. but no one has been to Mars yet.
              B. Can you help me?
              C. Has it arrived yet?
              D. Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? 
              E. What are you up to?
              (2) ________
              A. but no one has been to Mars yet.
              B. Can you help me?
              C. Has it arrived yet?
              D. Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? 
              E. What are you up to?
              (3) ________
              A. but no one has been to Mars yet.
              B. Can you help me?
              C. Has it arrived yet?
              D. Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? 
              E. What are you up to?
              (4) ________
              A. but no one has been to Mars yet.
              B. Can you help me?
              C. Has it arrived yet?
              D. Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? 
              E. What are you up to?
              (5) ________
              A. but no one has been to Mars yet.
              B. Can you help me?
              C. Has it arrived yet?
              D. Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? 
              E. What are you up to?
            • 8.


              A: Hello, Linda.

              B: Hello, Mary. (66) ________

              A: I'm making a toy car.

              B: Wow, it looks beautiful. (67) ________

              A: It's made of waste boxes.

              B: Wonderful! You are helping protect the environment.

              A: Yes. My parents always tell me to recycle things in my daily life.

              B: (68) ________

              A: Well, I recycle all kinds of things, such as waste bottles, used cans and waste boxes.

              B: (69) ________

              A: By making new things.

              B: Sounds great! Could you tell me how to make a toy car?

              A: Yes, of course. (70) ________

              B: Thank you very much.

              A. When did you make it?

              B. What are you doing?

              C. Let me tell you what to do next.

              D. What is it made of?

              E. How do you deal with them?

              F. I will show you how to make it later.

              G. What kind of things do you recycle?

              (1) A. When did you make it?
              B. What are you doing?
              C. Let me tell you what to do next.
              D. What is it made of?
              E. How do you deal with them?
              F. I will show you how to make it later.
              G. What kind of things do you recycle?
              (2) A. When did you make it?
              B. What are you doing?
              C. Let me tell you what to do next.
              D. What is it made of?
              E. How do you deal with them?
              F. I will show you how to make it later.
              G. What kind of things do you recycle?
              (3) A. When did you make it?
              B. What are you doing?
              C. Let me tell you what to do next.
              D. What is it made of?
              E. How do you deal with them?
              F. I will show you how to make it later.
              G. What kind of things do you recycle?
              (4) A. When did you make it?
              B. What are you doing?
              C. Let me tell you what to do next.
              D. What is it made of?
              E. How do you deal with them?
              F. I will show you how to make it later.
              G. What kind of things do you recycle?
              (5) A. When did you make it?
              B. What are you doing?
              C. Let me tell you what to do next.
              D. What is it made of?
              E. How do you deal with them?
              F. I will show you how to make it later.
              G. What kind of things do you recycle?
            • 9.

              A:How is your school?

              B: It’s bad.   (1)         

              A: Oh.   (2)  

              B: Yes,I do. We can’t wear other clothes.

              A:   (3)  

              B:In the dining hall of our school.

              A:   (4)  

              B: No, we can’t go home for lunch, and we can’t eat outside

              (1) A. Do you have to wear uniforms?
              B. I don’t like the rules
              C. Can you have lunch at home ?
              D. Where do you often eat ?
              (2) A. Do you have to wear uniforms?
              B. I don’t like the rules
              C. Can you have lunch at home ?
              D. Where do you often eat ?
              (3) A. Do you have to wear uniforms?
              B. I don’t like the rules
              C. Can you have lunch at home ?
              D. Where do you often eat ?
              (4) A. Do you have to wear uniforms?
              B. I don’t like the rules
              C. Can you have lunch at home ?
              D. Where do you often eat ?
            • 10.
              Where does he work?
              A. Good idea.   
              B. Yes, she does.      
              C. Sure. My name is Mike.    
              D. On a farm.    
              E. She is a teacher.  
