优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              There was an eight-year-old girl named Jane Eyre who parents had passed away.Jane used to live with her aunt and her three spoiled(宠坏的) children.Her cousin always got her into trouble so her aunt did not want to look after her anymore.Soon,Jane was sent to a school far away home.
              On her first day at school,the headmaster,Mr.Brock introduced Jane to the other pupils.He told them that no one was allowed to talk or sit beside Jane because she was a winched(坏) child.He punished her by making her stand in a comer that day.She was very sad and lonely.Nobody dared to disobey(不服从)Mr.Brock or they would have to clean the school hall all night.The pupils had no enough food to eat and they were usually hungry.Jane felt very miserable there.
              Ten years later.Jane completed her schooling.She was glad get away from the school.She worked for a rich man named Mr.Rochester.Jane was asked to look after his young daughter,Adele.Jane liked working in the house.However,Mr.Rochester was a strange man.He was very quiet and always looked sad.Jane felt sorry for him and was kind to him.Jane would spend time talking to him.Soon,little by little,his sadness lifted.
              (1) Who did Jane live with before she was sent to a school? ______
              A. Her parents. B. Her grandparents.
              C. Her aunt and cousins. D. Her brothers and sisters
              (2) How would Mr.Brock punish the pupils who disobeyed him? ______
              A. He would take away their meals.
              B. He would ask their parents to the school.
              C. He would make them stand in a corner all day.
              D. He would make them clean the school hall all night.
              (3) What does underlined word" miserable"mean in this passage? ______
              A. 荣耀的 B. 不幸的 C. 满足的 D. 遗憾的
              (4) According to this passage,which of the following is NOT TRUE about Mr.Rochester? ______
              A. He was a very rich man.
              B. He asked Jane to look after his daughter.
              C. He was very strange and quiet.
              D. He was a happy man and liked to help others.
            • 2.
              I am Alice.My sister and I spent our last summer holidays with our uncle who is a geologist (地质学家) and loves to collect stones.
              One day he bought us two backpacks and asked us to go to the mountain with him.We walked the whole day.Every now and then he put stones in our backpacks.To our surprise,he also took some stones out from them.But we thought he had just found better stones.
              When we returned to the house,we were very tired.The backpacks were so heavy that we felt relief (轻松)when we took them off.Yet our uncle's backpack was half empty.
              "Why did you give us so many stones?"we asked.
              "I didn't.You did."he said."You didn't know it,but I gave you a little attitude(态度) test today.I listened to every word you said.Whenever you were complaining (抱怨),I added a stone to your backpacks.Whenever you talked about something with positive (积极的) thinking,I took out a stone.And now look at your backpacks."
              Our backpacks were full of stones.
              "Your negative( 消极的) thoughts are just like stones.You carry them in your mind just like those stones in your backpacks.The mote negative thoughts you have,the heavier your mind will be."said our uncle.
              With great love,our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons it life---the power of the attitude.
              (1) Alice's uncle likes to ______ .
              A. collect coins
              B. collect stones
              C. collect stamps
              D. collect books
              (2) When Alice's uncle took out some stones from her backpack,she thought ______ .
              A. she said too many words
              B. her uncle had found better stones
              C. her uncle wanted her to feel a sense of relief
              D. she talked about something with positive thinking
              (3) Alice's and her sister's backpacks were full of stones because they ______
              A. complained (抱怨) too much on the way
              B. were hard working
              C. enjoyed collecting stones very much
              D. chose wrong backpacks to carry the stones
              (4) The underlined word"them"refers to" ______ "in the passage.
              A. the stones
              B. the backpacks
              C. the positive thoughts
              D. the negative thoughts
              (5) The writer wrote this passage to encourage us to ______
              A. be pleased to take others'advice
              B. have a positive attitude towards life
              C. make a plan before doing something
              D. help people in trouble.
            • 3.
              I want to rant a little about cell phones.Here are a few things I hate about them.
              I hate it when people tum cell phones on in the movies to check their messages.When someone turns a cell phone on in the movies,I want to turn on a flashlight and point it at their faces.
              I hate it when people talk loudly on cell phones in libraries,in quick bookstores,on buses or on trains.Do these people really think we want to hear their conversation?It's not very interesting,to be honest.They're usually talking about what they ate for breakfast,and we can't hear the other end of the conversation(although I'm pretty sure the other side of the conversation is just as boring).
              I hate it when people answer their phone calls while I'm talking to them,and then,in front of me,continue a long conversation.I also hate it when people text while I'm siting at dinner with them.This is probably the worst thing people do on cell phones.This sends the message to the person you're eating with that"You are not interesting or important enough.I'd rather text my other friend.Obviously,I like this other friend much better than I like you."
              I saw a girl yesterday standing in front of the Pacific Ocean.The sun was setting.The sky was pink,
              orange,and blue.The waves were rolling onto the beach.She was looking down at her little pink cell
              phone,testing something.She did not look up once.I really wanted to tell her,"A"
              (1) People usually rant about things that make them ______
              A. angry
              B. embarrassed
              C. sad
              D. disappointed
              (2) The writer believes the worst thing that people do with cell phones is teat someone ______
              A. while reading in a library
              B. while walking at the beach
              C. while watching movies in the theater
              D. while eating dinner with someone else
              (3) The writer probably ______
              A. hates people who have cell phones
              B. talks loudly on her cell phone on buses
              C. tries to use her cell phone politely
              D. calls someone often at breakfast
              (4) What would the writer probably say at the end of the passage? ______
              A. Put away your cell phone and go to enjoy the latest movies!
              B. Turn off your cell phone and talk to your friends face to face!
              C. leave your cell phone in the bag and go home for dinner with your family!
              D. Throw your cell phone in the ocean and enjoy the wonderful worried in front of you!
            • 4.
              Tim Berners-Lee is not the most famous inventor in the world.However,his invention has changed
              our lives.
              He was born in London,England in 1955.When he was a small boy,Tim was interested in playing with electrical things.He studied science at Oxford University.He made his first computer from an old television at the age of 21.
              Tim started working on early computers.At that time,they were much bigger than now.He worked in England then Switzerland.Tim was really interested in two things,computers and how the brain works.How could the brain connect so many facts so quickly?He had to work with people all over the world.They shared information about computers.It was hard to manage all the information.He answered the
              same questions again and again. It took a lot of time.It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland to share information.Tim also forgot things easily.Could a computer work like a brain?Could it"talk"to other computers?
              There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use.In 1989,Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web(WWW) all by himself.This had a special language that helped computers talk to each other on the Internet.When people wanted to share information with others,they used the World Wide Web.The Internet grew quickly after that.
              Tim Berners-Lee doesn't think he did anything special.He says that all of the ideas about the Internet were already there.All he did was to put them together.He says that many other people worked together to make the Internet what it is today.
              Most inventors want to become rich.But Tim gave away the World Wide Web for nothing.He now works in America.He helps people share technology and wants the Internet to be free for everyone to use.Maybe he is the most important but least famous inventor in the world today!

              (1) What was Tim Berners-Lee interested in? ______
              A. Looking for jobs in different cities.
              B. Talking to people around the world.
              C. Studying how to connect computers.
              D. Exploring how to improve memory.
              (2) The underlined word"It"in Paragraph 3 refers to" ______ ".
              A. Working on early computers
              B. Connecting different facts together
              C. Travelling to the office in Switzerland
              D. Repeating the answers to the same questions
              (3) Why is Tim Berners-Lee one of the most important men in the world? ______
              A. He made information sharing on the Internet possible.
              B. He made the first computer when he was 21 years old.
              C. He helped people understand better how the brain works.
              D. He invented the Internet and made it free for everyone to use.
              (4) In what order did the following events take place? ______
              a.Tim worked in England.b.Tim worked in Switzerland.c.Tim made his first computer.
              d.Tim invented the World Wide Web.e.Tim studied science at Oxford University.
              A. c-e-d-a-b
              B. e-b-a-c-d
              C. c-d-a-e-b
              D. e-c-a-b-d
              (5) What does the writer think of Tim Berners-Lee? ______
              A. He is not famous because he is not rich.
              B. He has changed our lives and he is great.
              C. He did nothing special but make people a good life.
              D. He has made great achievements in memory research.
            • 5.
              Some people succeed,while others may not.This is because some people own certain qualities,which others don't have.If you want to be successful,you should have the following qualities at least.
              The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed,you must be optimistic(乐观的).If you do not expect to win,you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win.You also need to have a clear purpose and a reason for doing something.If you do not have a purpose,you will not do your best to work hard and make sure that every detail you have done is right.
              Reading is another thing to success,as it will help you learn about how other people have achieved success.If you want to learn how to set up a successful business,you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang,who have achieved amazing success in their areas of business.
              Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity-thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing.Think about some successful people you know.They might be successful with a little creativity,but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
              Practicing is equally important if you want to succeed because practice make perfect.Practice every day at any career you are in,and by doing so,you will see yourself,your business and your self-confidence begin to grow.If you feed confident about what you do,this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well.Your workmates will be happy to work with you,and your boss will give you more important things to do.Finally if you succeed,you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
              Success is yours for the taking!Cheers!

              (1) Some people who succeed own ______ ,which others ______ .
              (2) To ______ is the first thing you must remember in order to succeed.People who expect to win will try ______ than those who don't.
              (3) ______ is another thing to success.You should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to learn how to set up ______ .
              (4) Creativity means people should think about things in a ______ way and wonder how the same thing ______ by others.
              (5) A man who succeeds should have at least ______ qualities and if you are a ______ person at last,you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
            • 6.
              A man lived in a village.(56) ______ .The cat couldn't run fast,and she couldn't bite,because she was so old.One day,when she saw a mouse,she jumped and caught it.(57) ______ .The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away.
              (58) ______ and began to beat the cat.The cat said,"(59) ______ .I know I'm old and can't kill a mouse.But I have worked for you for many years,and I still want to work for you.(60) ______ ,and remember what good work they did when they were young."
              When the man heard that,he realized that he was wrong.

              A.Then the man became very angry
              B.Be kind to the old
              C.But she could not bite it
              D.The man was very happy
              E.Don't beat your old servant
              F.He had an old cat at home
              G.You're a bad man.
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
            • 7.
              Do You Put off What You Should Be Done TodayUntil Tomorrow.
              -Richards tells about time wasting
              September 25th,2015
              Wages sin as hundreds of emails after we put Dr Rowman Pelling's article Can You Manage Your Time Wellon our website.

              I started decorating the bathroom in 2006when I moved into this house,the tins of painting I still lying there nine years later.I still haven't decided what color paint I'm going to use.It really troubles me a lot.
              -by Caroline,New York
              I'm still getting round to put away the Christmas trees used last December and it's now September.In June I decided I might as well leave it because it would be Christmas soon.Anyway,what's wrong with having a Christmas trees throughout the year?
              -by Polly London
              When I was traveling in Britain with my family,I bought a book called 52Steps To Prevent Time-Wasting.But I was so busy with my work that I could never find time to really even one word of it.Ten years has passed since then,and I can't remember where it is now.
              -by Craig,Toronto
              I'm furniture businessman.I once sold a set of British furniture to a customer from japan,but I didn't send him the furniture on time,which made me very embarrassed.Instead,I told him that I couldn't find a writer shipping company to send him the furniture.
              -Ted Roseland,Sydney
              Information Card
              The name of Dr Rowan Pelling's article. (81) ______
              The year of Caroline moved into this house. (82) ______
              The thing Polly wanted to put away. (83) ______
              The city Craig comes from (84) ______
              Ted Roseland's job (85) ______
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
            • 8.
              Say something Good to Others
              How nice of you to read this passage.I can see from your eyes that you are a clever child I love the way you …
              In the USA,January 24th is National Compliment (赞美)Day.(61) ______ We all feel good when we hear something nice about ourselves.Nice words make up happy.
              But do you often say nice words to your friends?(62) ______ Your nice words are important to them.So now tell your friend,"You look good today."Say to your mother."You're a good cook."Say to your father,"(63) ______ ".
              Remember.(64) ______ Don't say anything if you don't have anything good to say.(65) ______ if you can't find anything good about people,or you will do more harm them good.

              A.Speak out
              B.Keep silent
              C.You're a great father.
              D.Thank you very much.
              E.On that day people say something nice to others.
              F.Your nice words must come from your heart.
              G.Do you ever say anything good to your parents?
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
