优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Children couldn't help ______ (laugh) when they watched Making Havoc in Heaven.
            • 2. It is ________ for the five-year-old kid to carry the heavy desk. (fair)
            • 3. —Who is your favourite film __________ (direct)? —Feng Xiaogang. His films are usually funny.
            • 4. 词汇运用(每空一词)

              (1)Both of my uncles’____________ (妻子) are teachers.

              (2)Which animal do you know has two ___________ (胃)?

              (3)I don’t think he will mind ___________ (打印) it for you .

              (4)Mr. Liu has a lot of ____________ (经历) while travelling abroad.

              (5)There were bottles of beer and wine on the table ____________ the wall. (紧靠)

              (6)It’s my _________ (please) to work with such a famous writer.

              (7)Some students laugh at the girl because of her __________ .(ugly)

              (8)We made some mistakes when ____________(translate) the novel.

              (9)It’s____________ for you to go abroad if you have no passport.(possible)

              (10)Yann Martel, a ____________ (Canada) writer,wrote the famous story《Life of Pi》.

            • 5.

                On Children’s Day, they usually get some __________ presents. (love)

            • 6. The pet cat’s         (die) made Tom very sad..
            • 7. One             (11岁的) boy, crosses the river every school day.
            • 8. I (42) ______ ( wait) for the bus when I met the woman."You look tired.Come and sit here,"she said."Where will you go?"
              "I don't know.I just want to catch a bus and see what it will be like at the end."
              "I'm afraid you (43) ______ ( see) nothing there.Why (44) ______ ( not enjoy) the sights on the way?"
              "How can I do that while my heart's breaking?"I asked sadlyMy best friend left me.
              The woman seemed to understand my feeling."Don't cry,little girl.I've had a similar experience to you.Thirty-five years ago,my husband left our three children and me.I was deadly sad.I decided (45) ______  (kill) myself and the children,so I took them to the sea.However,they seemed to know what (46) ______ ( happen),so they cried loudly.Their cry suddenly woke me up.How could I give up my hope to live for one of life's problems?After that,I worked hard to raise the children.Now they all live happily and one of them has his own family.
              Then the woman gave me a smie,"We should never (47) ______ (wait) for the door to open before us.We should find thekey to the door or try to find another way."
              The bus came and I got on it with a smile.
            • 9.
              ____________ [dʒʊ’laɪ] comes before August.
