优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A. You will have a good time.
              B. Will you help me organize it?
              C. There"s a test tomorrow.
              D. Let"s have it today after class.
              E. I don"t think we should watch a video.
              P: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. (1)
              M: Sure, Andy. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?
              P: (2)
              M: No, it is too early today. If we have it today, half the class won"t come.
              P: OK, let"s have it tomorrow.
              M: Hmm… (3) Students will leave early to study for the test. Let"s have it on the weekend.
              P: OK, let"s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.
              M: No, (4) Some students will be bored. Let"s play party games.
              P: OK, good idea. Can you organize the party games?
              M: Sure, I can do that. (5)
            • 2.
              A.Really? But how?
              B.How do you like it?
              C.Wow, it"s really amazing!
              D.Is it still used today?
              E.Ah, it"s a great invention of ancient China.
              F.It was invented in the Han Dynasty.
              A:Look! This looks so interesting! There are dragons and frogs on it.
              B. (1)
              A.Really? When was it invented?
              B. (2)
              A.What was it used for?
              B. (3)
              A.Was it used for holding water?
              B.No,It was used fortesting earthquakes.
              A. (4)
              B.Read this, and you"ll know the way it worked.
              A. (5)
            • 3. Lisa:Hey, Jane. (1)
              Jane: Really ?
              Lisa:Yeah, it"s a dancing party.
              Jane: (2)
              Lisa:Do you want to go with me?
              Jane:Can I? I don"t really know Susan.
              Lisa: (3) She said I could invite a friend.
              Jane:OK, then. I"d love to go. When exactly is it?
              Lisa:On Saturday night.
              Jane: Wow, that"s the day after tomorrow! I need to get a new dress.
              Lisa: (4) There"s a clothes shop near here. Let"s go there after work.
              Jane:Sounds good !
              A.Me, too.
              B. No problem.
              C. Sounds like fun.
              D. My friend Susan will have a party this weekend.
            • 4. A: (1)
              B:Yes, please. I want to buy a sweater.
              A: (2) What about this one?
              B:I don′t like black. Do you have any other
              A:Other colours? (3)
              B:Can I have a look at the yellow one?
              A:Yes, please.
              B: (4)
              A: Ninety yuan.
              B:OK. (5) here′s the money.
              A:Thank you.

              A.How much is it, please?
              B.Oh, yes. We have blue, yellow and white ones.
              C.Which one would you like, please?
              D.I"ll take this one.
              E.Can I help you?
              F.May I try it on?
            • 5. A: Hello, Maria! (1) What"s wrong with you?
              B: (2) I"m worried about how to tell my parents the result, they must be disappointed (失望的) and unhappy.
              A: Don"t worry! Even though your parents are strict with you, they love you very much.
              B: (3) But what shall I do?
              A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can help you with your subjects.
              B: Thank you! (4)
              A: (5)
              A. You are right.
              B. I did badly in the exam.
              C. What a shame!
              D. That"s very nice of you.
              E. Why are you crying?
              F. That"s all.
              G. You"re welcome!
            • 6. A: Mr. Wood, could you tell me something about these fish?
              B: Sure. We"re trying to save them.
              A: Why? (1)
              B: Yes. There used to be a large number of them, but now the fish become fewer and fewer.
              A: (2)
              B: I don"t know the exact number, but many of them are disappearing.
              A: (3)
              B: The main reason is that some rivers and lakes are polluted heavily. So lots of fish die.
              A: What a pity! What can we do to save them?
              B: (4) And my students and I have organized a club to save these fish.
              A: (5)
              B: Of course! If we work together, we will see more and more fish in rivers and lakes.
              A. What makes the number of the fish decrease so quickly?
              B. Can I join the club, Mr. Wood?
              C.What can we do in the club?
              D. The government (政府) has taken steps to protect them.
              E. Do you know how many fish there are now?
              F.Are they in danger?
              G.Fish can"t live without water.
            • 7. (B)在横线上填入适当的单词或短语,补全对话.
              A: What are you doing now?
              B: I"m learning English.
              A: What do you do that for? You are a taxi driver, not a student. Is it (1) for you to learn English?
              B: Yes, as we know, (2) was held in Beijing in 2008. After that, many foreigners will come, if I know much English, I will help the (3) all over the world.
              A: And what"s more, China has been a member of WTO. So English will become (4) important than ever before. From now on, let"s (5) to learn English well.
              B: Good idea!
            • 8. A:Hi,Tina. (1)
              B:I played tennis with my best friend Tara. (2)
              A:Wow,that"s wonderful.How often do you play tennis?
              B: (3) We usually play tennis for 2hours every Saturday.
              A:So,you must be good at it.
              B:Well,I like it very much. (4) I hope I can play as well as she does.
              A:Practice makes perfect.I believe you can make it.
              B:Yeah,and she can always bring out the best in me.
              A:So it"s lucky of you to have such a good friend. (5)
              B:Yes,of course.Let"s play together this Saturday.
              A:OK,see you then.
              B:See you.
              A.We both like playing tennis.
              B.What did you do last weekend?
              C.By the way,can I join you?
              D.Once a week.
              E.But Tara plays much better than me.
            • 9. A:Excuse me.I"m Anna.I"m new in town.
              B:Hi,I am Dale.Welcome to the neighborhood.
              A:I"m a little (1) now.Is there a restaurant near here?
              B:Of course.There is one (2) Green Tea Restaurant on Bridge Street.It is the (3) to this place.
              A:Can I go there on (4)
              B:Yes.It"s only ten minutes"walk.It is the most (5) restaurant around here,so many people go there.
              A:Maybe it will take a long time to (6) for the meal.Do you know another one?
              B:Uh…let me see…There is a noodle house near my office.You can get the noodles more (7) .Besides,it has the best (8) .People working there are friendly and they are always there to help you.
              A:Sounds good.One more question,I don"t have (9) cash(现金).Can I use Wechat to pay?
              B:Certainly.I"m going to work now.We can go there (10) and I can give you a ride.
              A:Thank you very much.
              B:Not at all.
            • 10. A:Good morning! (1)
              B:Yes,I want to join the chess club.
              A:Good, (2)
              A: (3)
              B:I"m twelve.
              A: (4)
              B:My telephone number is 435-201.
              A: (5)
              B:Yes,a little.
              A:Here is a card,please fill it out.
              B:Thank you.
              A:You"re welcome.
              A.What"s your name
              B.What"s your telephone number
              C.Can you play chess
              D.I can play chess
              E.How old are you
              F.What can you do
              G.Can I help you
