优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              How important is shopping to you? How much time do you spend buying things? In the future, how much time will you spend in movie theaters, at amusement parks, at shopping malls, or at convenience stores? When you a (76) ______ it all up, you will
              probably see you spend a lot of your l (77) ______ consuming(消费)things. Consuming products is not necessarily bad. H (78) ______ , if we spend too much time doing it, we should look at it carefully.
              I (79) ______ that you have a week off from school. You don't have to go to class. However, in this week, you cannot spend any money ----- no shopping, no movies, no eating out. How would you spend your time? What things would bring you h (80) ______ ? Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friend. Perhaps you would help a child read. Or you might spend time with your family.
              When we look back, it is (81) ______ that non-consuming experiences like these will be our most important m (82) ______ . Why? Non-consuming activities are a (83) ______ , not passive. They don't come in a package. You make the experience yourself. For example, each person who r (84) ______ to a child will have a different experience. The experience changes with the reader, the child, and the book. Similarly, when you have a conversation with a friend, you are actively creating an experience. The conversation that you have with your friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone else. You make the experience y (85) ______ .
            • 2.
              A.relationship B.various C.special D.custom E.disappointed
              Tea culture is different in countries in the world.There are(46) ______ ways that are commonly used to make tea,such as white tea,green tea and black tea.And how to prepare tea may be different,too.In some places,people often boil tea with salt and butter.People may drink tea at home or in public,for example,at tea houses.As part of culture,tea has a(47) ______ with history,health,education,communication and so on.
              In some countries,tea plays an important part in social activities.For example,afternoon tea is a British(48) ______ .Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon tea.
              Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages.It makes people less tired and helps to clear heat in the human body.Chinese people are also good at using tea to cook some (49) ______ dishes.Tea eggs and tea shrimps are among the most popular ones.
            • 3.
              A.operated B.immediately C.blew D.extremely E.collected
              Money really fell from the sky!Many people in Garden City were(50) ______ surprised at this last week.This happened in the afternoon when there was a sudden strong wind.A 22-year-old girl was taking the money in an envelope from her company to the bank.She was ready to cross a busy street when the strong wind(51) ______ her skirt up.To hold skirt down,she put her hands on her skirt(52) ______ .Then the envelope dropped.There were fifty thousand US dollars in cash inside and the wind carried the money into the air.The money started falling all over the street.She (53) ______ all the money she could find and with the help of the people passed by,she got back most of the money.The clerk's manager was very understanding,but he told her to wear trousers to work from then on.
            • 4.
              Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词,首字母已给
              The inhaler(喷雾剂)was lying there on the table.Cassie froze.
              "Oh no!"she breathed."Not again!"
              She looked at the little green (81)c ______ on the cooker-12:17.The train would leave at 12:34and he grandpa had been gone around four minutes.Could she-f she ran like a racehorse-get to the station before he got on the train?There was no time to lose.She grabbed her jacket,her keys and her purse.Her fingers (82)m ______ fast to tie her shoes,but too fast to be accurate.She opened the front door and shut it heavily behind her.
              Her(83)b ______ began to work fast"Which is the quickest way to find him?Should I (84)g ______ which route he has taken and may be lucky enough to catch up with him?Or should I just get to the station the fastest possible way and hope to be there when he arrives?But there two entrances to the station.He might take (85)e ______ .What should I do?"
              Cassie was worried about her grandfather.As she ran through the shopping centre,she pictured him sitting on the train,and then (86)s ______ his breath becoming difficult,and his face turning pale.He would search for the inhaler and it wouldn't be in his pocket.
              A man was setting out a table in the front of his cafe.There was no space between him and the table.She ran into him and knocked him down."Sorry!"she tried to call out as she raced past him,but she had so little breath that she only made a very (87)w ______ sound.She knew he didn't hear her,but she couldn't stop.
              At lest she was at the station.She looked at her watch.It was 12:30and she still hadn't seen her grandfather.
            • 5.
              have, at, like, usually, watch, homework, after, play, come
              I have a friend. His name is Li Daming. He often gets up (88) ______ six o'clock in the morning. He (89) ______ breakfast at seven. He goes to school five days a week. After school,he (90) ______ plays games for half an hour. Look! What is he doing?He is (91) ______ basketball. In the evening he does his (92) ______ and he likes listening to music.He often (93) ______ TV for half an hour (94) ______ he finishes his homework. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Do you (95) ______ him?
            • 6.
              In Britain, people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee. People who know each other very well close (71) ______ , family or neighbors visit each other's houses without an invitation (邀请), but usually an invitation is needed.(72) ______ people invite someone to their homes, they often say: "Would you like (73) ______ for dinner on Saturday?" Answers are: "Thanks. We'd love to. What time?" or "I'm sorry. We'd love to but we have tickets (74) ______ the concert." However, (75) ______ is not polite to say "No, we wouldn't!"
              Sometimes, the British use expressions (表达) that sound like invitations but which are not invitations. For example: "You must come over for (76) ______ drink sometime." or "Let's go out for a meal one of these days." These are usually just polite (77) ______ of ending a talk. They are not real invitations (78) ______ they don't mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is (79) ______ to be friendly and the answers are: "Yes, that would be nice." or "OK, yes, thanks."
              So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen (80) ______ . Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?
            • 7.
              People live in many parts (1) ______  the world) They live in many different climates(气候)) Some people live in a climate that is hot and dry) Other people( 2) ______ (live) in a hot rainy climate) Many people live in a climate that is cold in some months and warm in other (3) ______ (month)) What's the climate like in your homeland?
              People make their living(谋生) ( 4) ______  different ways) Some people grow food) Some people raise(养) animal  Some people work in offices and (5) ______ (factory)) Some people (6) ______ (sale) things in stores (7) ______  do people in your homeland make their living?
              People live in many kinds of 8) ______ (house) Some houses are made of stone(石头)) Some are made of wood or mud(泥) Some houses are high and some are (9) ______ (low) There (10) ______ (be) houses all around my house.I think my house is the nicest!
            • 8.

              1.First, go past the ______ ,then ______ .
              2.Go straight and ______  at the ______  corner(拐角).
              3.You will see a ______  on your left and a cinema on your right.
              4. ______  and turn right at the second corner.
              5.Go along the street for a few minutes, and you will find my house ______ .
            • 9.
              A.develop B.lose C.active D.healthy E.exercise

              Yes!Video GamesAre Bad for People's Health
              People should not sit on couches or in front of computers all the time.People should not be
              (46) ______ in just one thing.Video games are bad for people's health.
              To be healthy,young people need to get outside.They need (47) ______ .People who play video
              games spend too much time staring at a television or computer screen.They don't spend enough
              time being active.
              Playing video games is also bad for the mind.Video game fans usually have little time for
              reading.And reading makes people smarter.It helps (48) ______ the mind.It helps strengthen the
              imagination.Besides,reading is fun.
              Making friends also makes people happier and healthier.If young people play video games
              by themselves,they (49) ______ the chance to be with friends.Staying with people is more fun than
              playing with the machine.
            • 10.
              A.relax B.together C.instead D.harmful E.require

              No!Video GamesAre Not Bad for People's Health
              Too much of anything-even video games-can be bad.But as long as people don't overdo it,
              there is nothing (50) ______ about video games.Playing video games can even be good for people.
              People do need to be active.But they also need to rest.There is nothing wrong with playing
              some video games once in a while.People should play video games to help them (51) ______
              Not all video games are bad for people's minds.Many video games help make minds
              stronger.They(52) ______ the player to focus on the game.
              Finally,many video games can be played by two or more people at once.Friends can have
              fun while playing video games (53) ______ .No one should spend all of his or her time just playing
              video games.But spending some time playing video games is not bad at all.
