优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              What is the most important thing in the world?I think it is health.You can take away our money,house,car,or even our clothes and we can survive (生存).But (112) if our health is taken away,we will surely die.This is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.
              (113) Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong boby.We should do sports for half an hour or forty minutes every morning or every evening,such as going for a walk,playing basketball or football,swimming and so on.
              To keep healthy,I have another idea:don't overwork.Too much work will be bad for you.
              (1) ______
              (2) ______ .
            • 2.

              Do you lose interest in the common hobbies?   (1)   Are computer games just not interesting? Then read on, because this hobby is never boring!

              It is called tubing and you can do it on water or on snow! You ride in a tube. It’s a ring with a hole in the middle and you sit in it.

                (2)   You can fly very fast through the air! On snow, it’s a bit like skiing. You move quickly down a hill and then a special machine pulls (拉) you back up again!  

              Helen Jacobson, 12, went snow tubing in Austria last year. “At first, I was afraid when I was riding in the tube,” she says. “  (3)  

              There was one boy. He was showing off. He was standing up in the tube and shouting when he fell out. One girl laughed but it wasn’t funny. He hit (撞) his head on a tree, and he was really sad and cried.”

              So, what can we say about tubing?   (4)  It can be dangerous!

            • 3.
              The people below all want to find a radio programme they could enjoy listening to this week.There are four radio programmes to choose from.Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people.
              For questions 28-30,mark the correct letter (A-D) on your answer sheet
              Nora likes pop music.She wants to listen to a live show,and would also enjoy hearing interviews with some of the pop stars. ______
              Paul enjoys listening to good modem dramas.He works long hours during the week,so he can only listen to the radio at weekends. ______
              Mr.Swift teaches history and likes listening to people talking about his subject.However,he hates shows which invite listeners to phone in. ______
              Radio Programmes We Recommend This Week
              A. History Team
              This Wednesday,a team tries to prove that people lived in the rocky hills of their area thousands of years ago.Dr.Clive Sparky describes what they find.Listeners can ring in and ask him questions,and discuss their own interests and discoveries.
              B. Showtime
              This is a perfect programme for lovers of new plays and music.On Saturday,listeners have the chance to hear the prize-winning play Machines.Composer Jack Williams will play his latest,piece for classical guitar.
              C. Before Our Time
              On Saturday,this weekly programme includes the first part of a documentary series about the discovery of a l5th-century village.Professor John Frost and his team will talk about what life was like for the villagers.
              D. Out and About
              Hear all the latest in the world of pop and rock,including a week of major concerts as they happen every evening,coming direct from Birmingham.After each concert,listeners can also hear singers answering questions about their music.
            • 4.
              配对阅读 左框是五位旅行者的需求,右框是丝绸之路的旅游路线信息.请根据这些旅游者的需求,选出最适合他们的旅游线路,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
              (1) Kitty will have two weeks off and she'd like a tour at a cost of about 2500.She feels like visiting China's historic capitals
              (2) Lucas dreams of traveling along the ancient route (路线)in China during his summer vacation to find out what it used to be ______ .

              (3) Sam likes to meet challenges(挑战).He is going to spend no more than 2000 traveling across Xinjiang

              (4) Elsa is taking her parents to visit china.They plan to travel along the Silk Road.They also want to take a cruise on the Yangtze River ______ .

              (5) Janet wants to learn about China.She is looking forward to visiting the great wonders in China ______ .
              A. 22 Days from 3629 Travel on the ancient route,you may wonder why it was chosen then and later given up.The remains of the old cities help to record their past.

              B. 13 Days from 2700 This is a journey deep into Xinjiang area.Driving most part of this journey is surely an exciting experience,and most areas we pass are still undeveloped.

              C. 6 Days from 1899 We'll take you across Xinjiang area.This Silk Road route is a challenging journey,for most part of the journey will be made by bus.

              D. 13 Days from 2449 You can experience going through China's past to its present.The world-famous historic capitals along the Silk Road and the colorful culture are really fantastic

              E. 5 Days from 2069 The Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors(兵马佣)are great wonders in the world.These places of interest are valuable treasures across the beautiful area.

              F. 12 Days from2199 This journey heads all the way to kirgizstan,a friendly neighbor from the beginning.Business along this historic trading road is still going on though it is not as busy as before.

              G. 16 Days from 3799 Traditional Silk Road includes excellent Yangtze Cruise.This tour from the capital to DunHuang,Chongqing and then to Shanghai shows you a big part of the basic sightseeing of China
            • 5.
              Gina stood quietly on the left side of the stage.She wore a new pink dress.Her dancing shoes were bright and shining.(81) ______ She was ready.
              The music started to play.It was nearly time for her to move onto the stage.She looked quickly and secretly at the hall.The seats were all full.(82) ______ All were looking at the stage and listening to the music.She could feel the excitement in the air.They had come to see her perform.
              Suddenly Gina began to feel nervous.(83) ______ Her breathing was fast and she felt like she was unable to move.She dried her sweaty hands on her dress.Her knees began to shake and she felt weak.She was not sure that she could do this after all.
              (84) ______ They were both smiling and looked so excited.Gina thought of all the long hours she had worked on her dancing and the many times her parents had waited while she practiced.She moved her foot slightly.She could feel the pain on her feet.It was from all those times of doing the same dance steps over and over again.Her body still ached from the hours of training.She had cried often when things got really difficult,but she had never given up her dream to perform on stage.
              One more look at her parents,and she realized they were nervous for her too.Gina breathed deeply and stood up tall.(85) ______ It was time.She pointed a foot and moved gently onto the stage.She forgot her nerves and her fear.This was where she belonged-dancing on stage!

              A.Her heart beat fast.
              B.She was very excited.
              C.She saw so many faces.
              D.Her hair was tied up neatly.
              E.She looked again and saw her parents.
              F.The music was calling her to come onto that stage.
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
            • 6.

              Nearly all the people want to be successful, but it’s always hard to succeed. If you want to achieve success more easily, here are some tips for you.


              Wanting success is not enough; you have to plan for it. Ask yourself: how am I going to become successful? What do I have to learn to achieve the success I want, and how long will it take me to get it? These questions will help you plan for your success.


              If you study the lives of successful people, you will find that they have excellent work habits. Edison, for example, had a good habit of thinking, and this helped him become one of the greatest inventors. Developing good habits is built upon the great habits that you have.


              It’s okay to fail. Everyone has failed at one time or another. Michael Jordan, one of the successful basketball players, often said that his failures motivated(激励)him to succeed. Learn from your failure and you will get closer to the success you want.

                (4)  Successful people never stop learning. They never say, “I have learned enough. There is nothing more for me to learn.” You have to understand that the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop progessing.

              (1) A. Never stop learning B. Develop good habits
              C. Plan for success D. Let failure motivate you
              (2) A. Never stop learning B. Develop good habits
              C. Plan for success D. Let failure motivate you
              (3) A. Never stop learning B. Develop good habits
              C. Plan for success D. Let failure motivate you
              (4) A. Never stop learning B. Develop good habits
              C. Plan for success D. Let failure motivate you
              (5) What is the best title for the passage?
              A. How to Overcome Difficulties
              B. Keys to Success
              C. Reasons to Become Successful
              D. Tips on Good Habits
            • 7. Death Valley is a huge place.It is more than 225kilometers across the southern part of the state of California,and across the border (边界)with the state of Nevada.
              (22) ______ It can be dangerously cold during the winter months.The air temperature during the summer can be as high as 57℃.The heat of Death Valley has killed people in the past.It will continue to kill those who do not honor the climate.Death Valley does not forgive (原谅)those who are not careful.
              Death Valley was named by a woman in 1849.(23) ______ Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled to the gold mining (开采)areas in California.They were in a hurry to get there before other people did.
              Many people were not careful.They made bad choices or wrong decisions.One group of people had reached Death Valley by December.They avoided the terrible heat of summer,but there was not enough water.There were few plants for their work animals to eat.The people could not find a pass through the tall mountains to the west of the valley.(24) ______ They had to kill their work animals for food and began to walk out of the valley.
              As they left,one woman looked back and said."Good-bye,death valley."(25) ______

              A.Slowly,they ran out of food.
              B.Death Valley has a long history.
              C.The name has never been changed.
              D.Death Valley is a beautiful but dangerous place.
              E.That was the year after gold was discovered in California.
            • 8.

              Look at the picture. Who is the girl? She is my friend.Her name is Alice Black. She is an English girl.

              Alice has a big family. Her grandparents have two daughters and one son---her father.She lives with her grandparents,two brothers and one sister.Alice has two dogs---Bobby and Tony.Bobby is black and Tony is white.Alice likes them very much.Alice is a middle school student.She has a good friend at school.Her name is Helen.They are cousins,too.


            • 9.
              今年暑假,五位学生将作为交流生去英国进行学习,他们想要找合适的寄宿家庭.请仔细阅读66-70题中的学生个人情况,并从A 至E五个选项中,帮助他们选择最合适的住家.
              (1) Chen Jin likes doing sports.He wants to live near a park ______
              (2) Meng Ting only likes Chinese food.He hopes his host family speak a little Chinese. ______
              (3) Liu Li likes living in a big bedroom cheaper than (比)£350a month.She doesn't like pet. ______
              (4) Han Ping loves pets.She would like a bedroom cheaper than£220a month. ______
              (5) Liu Jun hopes to live near his school---Reading School.He'd like a bedroom with a bathroom. ______
              Host family:The Browns
              Road ( near Reading School)
              Room:Small,with a bathroom
              Host family:Wang Lin
              Address:48Queen Road
              Other:Good at cooking Chinese food
              Host family:The Kings
              Address:75Ereigh Road
              Host family:Judy
              Address:6King Road
              Other:A pet
              Host family:The Rays
              Address:10Shinfield Road( near Central Park )
            • 10.
              A.Word Easy is a fantastic English learning app with world exercises of different levels.Only when you pass a test of a certain level,can you go on to learn words of a higher level
              B.Rail Friend can be the best for helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets,you can buy tickets anywhere at any time.
              C.World of Tanks Blitz,a free-to-play online dating with over 40million downloads,brings quick-fire tank fights"A lot of tanks,a lot of people and a lot of fun."It will be the best choice to kill your time.
              D.Himalayas Reading has millions of books including poems,short stories,novels and even fairy tales for children.What's special about it is that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to.
              E.Cheese Reading catches the main idea of each book you have a download so that you can save time by finishing reading a book within 5minutes.
              F.Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old.Kids can learn to speak understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.
              G.Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words while you're playing games,so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English,use it!

              (1) Jenny has to do the homework after work.She is so busy that she seldom has time to take care of her 2-year-old son,So she needs a app for him to learn to speak and count. ______
              (2) Sam was given a list of books to read by his teacher,but he has just had an eye operation and needs some app that can store the books and read them aloud to him. ______
              (3) Bob find it difficult to remember all the new words from the English textbook.He wants to make progress in a relaxing way for he thinks it boring to do a lot of word exercises. ______
              (4) Cathy is fun of traveling,she needs a nap that can make it easier for her to buy train or airline tickets. ______
              (5) John is going to have a long railway trip.During this trip,he needs something like games to kill the time. ______ .
