优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              一What a big river it is!

                  一Yes. I am afraid I canˈt swim _____ it.

              A. across B. past C. through D. over

            • 2.

              Man has a big brain (大脑). He can think, learn and speak. Scientists once thought that men are different from animals ____  (1)  ____ they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys, and birds can learn, too. They are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can't speak. They make noises when they are afraid, angry or unhappy. Apes (类人猿)can understand something ____  (2)  ____ than humans, one or two of them have learned a few ____  (3)  ____. But they can't join words to make sentences. They can't think ____  (4)  ____us because they have ____  (5)  ____ language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man ____  (6)  ____ build a modern world because he has language. ____  (7)  ____ child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five, ____  (8)  ____ no animal learns to speak. ____  (9)  ____ do children learn it? Scientists do not really know. ____  (10)  ____ happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.

            • 3.

              Do you often watch TV?Many middle school students like   41   TV very much.But   42   Monday to Friday,they must go to school.So on Saturday and Sunday they   43   at home and watch TV day and night.They don’t know it’s   44   for their eyes.Usually,children like to eat fish,meat and chicken,but they don’t like vegetables   45   fruit.They don’t know   46   more vegetables and fruit is  47   than eating meat.At school the children only do a few   48   of sports or never do any sport.They don’t know it isn’t good for their health.We always   49  of ways to keep healthy.We should eat   50   vegetables and fruits and do enough sports every day.And we should watch TV and read books in right ways.

            • 4.

              As you grow up, do you find it difficult to talk 21 your parents? When they want  22  you something, will you listen to them first 23 cover (掩盖)your ears by hands?

              After you study 24 middle school, these problems will make you 25 unhappy. When you have different ideas 26 your parents, you will be angry. Later, you would like 27 quiet in front of them. Ice between you and them is getting 28. So how do we talk with them?

              First, 29  to make yourself relax(放松). Take 30 deep breath (呼吸)and listen first. If you disagree with them, tell them 31 polite(礼貌的) words. Second, you can tell them about your feelings by 32 letters or sending messages on a cell phone. 33 easy for you and it gives them time to think more about you. Then when you feel 34, tell them how you feel. You will find it easy to talk now. At last, 35 mind (介意) telling them about your bad feelings. You have to believe that your parents can help you, but not want to be angry with you 

            • 5.

              Help Bennington Museum take care of the exhibits(展览品) on our collection by following these rules:

              ◆ Walk in the museum, and move your body   46   .

              ◆ Don’t   47   in the museum. Use a quiet voice when talking.

              ◆ Only touch things that you have been   48   to touch.

              ◆ If you have candy in your mouth, put   49   in the waste before you enter the museum or its galleries(画廊).

              ◆ Be good   50  . Raise your hand to ask or answer a question.

              ◆ Food and drinks are only allowed in the exhibition hall and lunch room (Education Center).

              ◆ Photograph is allowed,   51   not in the Grandma Moses Gallery or in the Flag Gallery.

              ◆ Students must be followed by chaperons (监护人) at all times. If no chaperons goes into a restroom   52   students (for example, there are no adults with the group), students are allowed into the restroom no more than 3 at a time.

              ◆ Chaperons should make sure the students   53   the rules by staying with them and stop them from talking loudly during the visit.

              ◆ School groups are welcome in the Museum Gift Shop. Chaperons are asked to care for the   54   in the shop.

              If you follow these rules, you will surely have a   55   and safe museum visit.

            • 6.

              Iˈm a middle school student. In the past,I had some bad __41__.I hardly had breakfast __42__ I usually got up late. I didnˈt like exercising. I __43_ exercised one or two times a month. In the evening,I always watched TV __44__ more than two hours. Then I __45__ the Internet. I liked to play computer games. So I often stayed up late. My parents thought staying up late was bad for my health,so they were not __46__ with that.

              One day,I fainted (昏倒)in a P.E. class. When I __47_,I was in the hospital. The doctor said that my classmates sent __48__ there. He said that I was in poor __49__.Then he told me to eat breakfast every day and do more exercise.

              From then on,I__50__ to give up my bad habits. Now I usually get up early and have a good breakfast. After school,I always play sports with my friends. Itˈs fun and good for my health.

