优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               J. K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter series(系列), and now the book is one of the best-sellers(畅销书) in the world. She was ____  (1)  ____ in Bristol on July 31st, 1965.She has one sister. Her sister was born in 1967.Both girls loved ____  (2)  ____ to their father read stories about magical world every night. Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter book ____  (3)  ____ the age of six.

                 In 1990, Rowling wanted to write about a magic boy. In 1992, Rowling began ____  (4)  ____ the first Harry Potter for young ____  (5)  ____. It came out in June 1997.The book was a great success. And the movie came out in November, 2001.Now Harry Potter series is ____  (6)  ____ with people of all ages in 20 countries. In this series, Harry is a friendly, brave and clever child. So when children read ____  (7)  ____. Harry, they want ____  (8)  ____ a boy like him. That's ____  (9)  ____ Harry Potter series is so popular.

                 J. K. Rowling is very ____  (10)  ____ with the success. She says she will go on writing books for children.

            • 2.

               Barry is an English boy. He is my new ____  (1)  ____. He teaches me many ____  (2)  ___ songs (歌曲). I ____  (3)  ____ Barry and his songs. That's a good way for ____  (4)  ___ to learn (学) English. After class, he plays games with me. He likes ____  (5)  ____. We often play basketball in the afternoon.

                 Today is November 2nd. It is ____  (6)  ____ birthday. He doesn't tell (告诉) me but I ____  (7)  ___ it from his sister. I ____  (8)  ___ him a present (礼物) and a birthday card. He is very ____  (9)  ____. He likes the present very much. ____  (10)  ____ the present? It's a basketball.

            • 3.

              My favorite TV program is a reality show called Survivor (幸存者). It isn’t on TV at the moment   (1)   it was on last year.

                 In the show, two teams of people are taken to a (an)   (2)  . All of them have to sleep   (3)    because there aren’t any houses or hotels. They usually choose   (4)   really useful like a toothbrush since they can only   (5)   one thing with them. The people also have to find food by themselves. So they need to spend a lot of time fishing and collecting fruit from the   (6)  . Every week one person has to   (7)  . At the end, there are only two people on the island and one of them is chose   (8)  the winner.

                 I really like Survivor because it’s very   (9)   and the people have to do things like hunting for food. I really   (10)   myself when I watch it. I don’t want to be on the show, however, I like living in a house!

            • 4.

              This is an apple tree. There are many   (1)   on the tree. There are some   (2)   under it, too. They are   (3)   happily. Under the tree I can   (4)   a boy and a girl. They’re playing games with the dogs. The boy is   (5)   a blue sweater and white shoes. He is Jim. He is   (6)   American student. He is 14. He   (7)   his school very much. The girl is Jim’s sister,   (8)   name is Cindy. She is 11. She is in yellow dress. Her shoes are yellow,   (9)  . Now they are standing here, they are waiting for their friends. They   (10)   to play games under the tree.

            • 5.

               Come and look ____  (1)  ____ the picture. This is a ____  (2)  ____ of a bedroom. There are two desks in ____  (3)  ____ bedroom. Some books ____  (4)  ____ pens are on the ____  (5)  ____. Under one of the desks you can ____  (6)  ____ a football. It's ____  (7)  ____. They are ____  (8)  ____. They go to school ____  (9)  ____ Monday to Friday. They can ____  (10)  ____ games on Saturday and Sunday.

            • 6.

              Now more and more students are becoming too fat and near-sighted(近视), because they spend too much time in front of (  (1)   . And they hardly do exercise. 

              Doctors say that the more the students watch TV, the   (2)   they will become. Because when they are watching TV, they often eat some food, and they don’t move. On the other hand, their    (3)   can’t get rest. It’s bad for their eyes, too. To keep   (4)   , children should exercise, talk with friends and parents, or go out for a walk, and don’t always watch TV. It’s very easy to do like that. Let’s  (5)  a try.

            • 7.

              It’s Sunday today, my family are all    (1)   .

                  I’d like to go out for a    (2)  with my family on a farm. We are very    (3)   . In the morning, we do some shopping   (4)   the shop. My parents buy some chicken and some    (5)   to drink. I buy some hamburgers and four bags of milk. Hamburgers are my favorite   (6)    , then we drive a car to the farm, I would like to   (7)   a kite with my dog, Dingding, My father   (8)    listening to music (听音乐),     (9)    he takes an MP3. My mother will cook some nice food for   (10)   . We sing some songs, We all have a happy day!

            • 8.

              Cinderella has to do all the housework(家务). She makes the beds. She washes the clothes. She cleans the room. She   (1)   food. And she cooks dinner   (2)  the family.

                    One day, the family goes to a   (3)   at the prince’s palace(皇宫).Cinderella is   (4)  . She says,“I want to go and dance(跳舞) with you! ”

                    Then, a fairy(仙女) comes and says,“I can help you.”She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass   (5)  .Then she says,“Come home early. You must get home before(在……之前)   (6)   at night(晚上)”

                    Cinderella goes to the party and   (7)   with the prince. She forgets about the  (8)  . Then she sees a clock. It is about 12:00. Cinderella  (9)   home and she gets home right at 12:00,  (10)   she loses one of her glass shoes on the way.

            • 9.

               A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always   (1)  the dog inside the house.

                 One evening they wanted to go to the cinema,   (2)   they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went there   (3)   heir car.

                 When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the   (4)   and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass on the door was   (5)  . The door was unlocked and half-open. A robber (抢劫犯)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see   (6)   things the robber had taken. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was  (7)  . The dog was sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was   (8)   the dog. "Why didn’t you keep the house ?" she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners. It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its   (9)    .It went to the lady and   (10)   the thing at her feet. When the lady had a look at it, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It was …a …man’s finger.

            • 10.

               Good afternoon. I am Gina Brown. I am in Classroom 58. Here is a white bag. Is this bag   (1)  ? No, it isn't. I  (2)     it in the school library.    (3)    ID card and a watch are in it. The watch is green. Is this    (4)    bag? My telephone number is 034-5772. Please call me. You can     (5)   Ms. Wu for it, too.

                 This girl is Sally    (6)    . She is my sister. She lost a   (7)  . She wants to know the time(时间). She must find it. What   (8)   is it?    (9)    is purple. Please call her   (10)   034-5776. Thank you for your help.

