优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I’m an Americanboy. My name is Edward. I  (1)  at NO.12 Middle School in Wuhan. I  (2)  up at six thirty in the morning. I have a sister, Mary. She  (3)  breakfast at seven. After brush our    (4)  , we have breakfast  (5)  seven. We like eggs and fruit    (6)  breakfast. We  (7)  school at half past seven. I usually    (8)  my bike, but my sister goes to school  (9)  bus. After school, We usually  (10)  English with our friends in an English club in our school.

              (1) A. play      B. work        C. study       D. look
              (2) A. have      B. stand        C. take       D. get
              (3) A. have      B. get         C. eat         D. has 
              (4) A. tooth      B. feet         C. hands      D. teeth
              (5) A. in        B. on          C. at          D. for
              (6) A. for       B. with         C. to         D. have
              (7) A. go        B. get         C. go to       D. has
              (8) A. by        B. in           C. ride       D. drive
              (9) A. take       B. by          C. ride        D. on
              (10) A. tell        B. talk         C. say        D. speak
            • 2.

                  As the saying goes, "Friends are treasure in our lives." I remember when I was growing up, my mom always ____(1)____, "Half the fun of doing anything is sharing it with others." It's true. Friends make  ____(2)____ enjoy the taste of our success and joys and comfort us in our challenging moments. They provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves. I've always looked at friends as family ____(3)____. They enrich our lives. As a famous writer said, "A friend is a present which you give to ____(4)____."

                  To be a good friend, it's important to be a good listener. Hear what your friend says first rather than make  ____(5)____ quickly.

                  Patience(耐心)is an important part of being a good friend,  ____(6)____. You know the old golden rule, "Care  ____(7)____others the way you would like them to do you." The support of a friend during a difficult time can make a difference between success  ____(8)____ failure. Encouragement and confidence are the ____(9)____gifts that can change a person's life.

                  We should choose our friends carefully, because they can have a great influence on our lives. As  ____(10)____ told me, "The attitudes(态度)of your friends are like the buttons(按钮)on a lift. They will either take you up or down."

              (1) A. said

              B. told

              C. talked

              D. spoke

              (2) A. us

              B. me

              C. her

              D. them

              (3) A. friends

              B. children

              C. members

              D. enemies

              (4) A. herself

              B. yourself

              C. himself

              D. myself

              (5) A. introductions

              B. skills

              C. expressions

              D. conclusions

              (6) A. never

              B. as well as

              C. too

              D. also

              (7) A. of

              B. with

              C. for

              D. in

              (8) A. but

              B. so

              C. and

              D. or

              (9) A. best

              B. better

              C. worse

              D. worst

              (10) A. anyone

              B. someone

              C. everyone

              D. no one

            • 3.

              Bill was born in America. At the age of five, he   (1)    to England with his parents. He is in a primary school in England now. He often plays   (2)    his friends after school. But he never   (3)    late for dinner. Last Friday was Bill’s ninth birthday. It was 6:30 pm, time for   (4)   . Bill’s parents waited for a long time, and Bill   (5)   come back. They   (6)    about him. At about 7:30 they began to look for their   (7)   everywhere, but they couldn’t   (8)   him. At last they called 110 for help. When they came back home at 9:30, they were surprised (惊奇的) to see Bill sitting at the table and enjoying the birthday cake.“I’m very   (9)   , Mum.”“Why didn’t you come into my bedroom to   (10)    the football match on TV with me, Dad?” asked Bill with a smile (微笑) on his face.

              (1) A. decided  B. moved    C. entered    D. left
              (2) A. for   B. at   C. on   D. with
              (3) A. gets home  B. goes to bed   
              C. goes for a walk  D. gets up
              (4) A. play   B. lunch   C. dinner   D. bed
              (5) A. isn’t  B. wasn’t    C. doesn’t  D. didn’t
              (6) A. shouted   B. worried    C. heard   D. knew
              (7) A. friend   B. daughter    C. son  D. brother
              (8) A. find   B. pick   C. find out   D. pick up
              (9) A. strict  B. hungry   C. friendly   D. rich
              (10) A. watch  B. build   C. look  D. change
            • 4.

              Dear Sir or Madam,

              I don’t like doing chores. But I have   (1)   choice (选择) but to do them because doing chores is a rule in our family. When I come back from school, my mom   (2)   says, “Could you take out the rubbish?” or “Could you help me   (3)   cooking?” I know she’s just trying to make me more independent and   (4)   me how to take care of myself. But   (5)   does she make me do all the housework? OK, I know I am the oldest and I should do chores. But it’s not   (6)   for me. My sisters should do them, too.

              Yesterday I did all the chores again. My parents went to visit my aunt with my sisters yesterday morning. They left me   (7)   at home because I had to do my homework. When I finished my homework, I found it was really a   (8)   at home. They didn’t do any chores. So I cleaned the rooms,   (9)   the dishes and watered the garden. Oh! I must look like a(n)   (10)  .

              What should I do? I hate doing chores all alone. Could you give me some advice, please?



              (1) A. no B. some C. every D. any

              (2) A. never B. hardly C. always D. almost

              (3) A. about                B. in                   
              C. for                                    D. with

              (4) A. ask                 B. help                
              C. teach                       D. expect  

              (5) A. when                B. why                
              C. how                         D. where

              (6) A. hard                B. fair               
              C. much                       D. heavy

              (7) A. alone                  B. sick               
              C. quiet                     D. independent

              (8) A. job B. matter C. problem D. mess

              (9) A. bought               B. borrowed     
              C. carried              D. washed

              (10) A. cook                   B. doctor               
              C. servant             D. actor

            • 5.

              Time passes quickly and never returns. Our three years of junior high school life will come to an end soon. We’ll have to say   __  (1)   to each other, to our best friends and to our beloved teachers. I have all the   (2)   and sad memories of the three years in my heart.

              Three years ago, three boys came to a school   (3)   different places. They were my best friends. At that time, we were young and shy with each other. However, as time went by, we became    (4)  . We studied hard together, played sports together and    (5)  out with each other. When we failed exams, we    (6)   each other. We faced challenges together, and solved    (7)   together. We shared happiness and sadness, and grew up together.

              Now, as best friends, we have to face the future separately (分离).    (8)    can change this fact. I believe that,    (9)  we may end up in different high schools, our friendship will last. I have a   (10)  for my friends. I hope they will get good grades in the high school entrance exams.

              (1) A. welcome                    B. hello                
              C. goodbye                          D. sorry

              (2) A. happy                       
              B. surprising         
              C. lovely                            
              D. lively

              (3) A. around                     
              B. in                    
              C. outside                           
              D. from

              (4) A. stronger and stronger                             
              B. closer and closer

              C. better and better                                   
              D. taller and taller

              (5) A. ran                           
              B. hanged             
              C. took                               
              D. hung

              (6) A. greeted                      B. joined              
              C. communicated                 D. encouraged

              (7) A. questions                   B. ways                
              C. problems                         D. answers

              (8) A. Nothing                     B. Anything          
              C. Everything                      D. Something

              (9) A. since                         B. although           
              C. after                               D. if

              (10) A. hope                        
              B. wish                
              C. idea                               
              D. dream

            • 6.

              Billyˈs favorite color was orange.But he couldnˈt see what orange looked like.

               A month after he was born,his mother noticed that his eyes werenˈt as__  (1)  __as a normal babyˈs.“Billy would__  (2)  __be able to see.He is blind,” The doctor said.Even so,with the hope to help Billy learn__  (3)  __about the world around him,his mother kept describing everything she saw for him.

              Not just through his motherˈs words,Billy saw__  (4)  __his ears and hands,too.He had perfect hearing.“In fact,he__  (5)  __see many things that normal people donˈt notice.”

              __  (6)  __ Billy lived in the dark,he always believed a dream would light up his life.He found that he was __  (7)  __ in computer science.So he began learning it at seven years old.As a young boy,he__  (8)  __going to Stanford University some day.And for years of efforts,he finally achieved his dream.

              Many people wanted to find out the secret of his __  (9)  __.Billy explained,“Just move forward! Donˈt let any difficulty__  (10)  __your dream from coming true.”

                  You cannot choose what you are given,but you can choose how you make use of it.

              (1) A. big            B. bigger        
              C. biggest              D. the biggest

              (2) A. no             B. often             
              C. never                D. usually

              (3) A. all             B. none             
              C. neither              D. both

              (4) A. between B. without          
              C. among              D. with 

              (5) A. need B. can          
              C. must                    D. should

              (6) A. Or            B. If C. Although           D. Before

              (7) A. bored B. worried       C. kind D. interested

              (8) A. looked through B. looked for
              C. looked forward to D. looked up

              (9) A. success B. smile         C. trouble             D. eyes

              (10) A. wake B. prevent         C. leave D. throw

            • 7.

              I was once a fat girl.I weighed 336 pounds and looked as big as my fridge.I was never (1) it.But one day I had a medical examination(体检).The   (2)   told me that I was having heart trouble.It   (3)   me up.I began to feel nervous.Then I decided to do something! 

              In a year and five months,I   (4)   104 pounds.What a great thing I did!I didn’t have any expensive food,medical treatment(治疗)or camp-style(训练营式的)exercise.What was the secret to my   (5)   

              First I looked through the Internet for do-it-yourself   (6)   that people could follow on losing weight.Of course I saw countless ads which try to get me to buy their products.But I bought nothing.The only thing I did was to change my bad   (7)   .The following are what I have done.You can try these.Stop drinking something with too much sugar in it.   (8)   sweet cakes.Eat green vegetables.Use only vegetable oil.Never eat after 6:30 pm.Also,do light exercise for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week. 

              Then I kept doing what I should do.People sometimes say,“You don’t need to tell me   (9)   to do.I know it already!”But the fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are totally   (10)   .The important thing is to know what to do and then just keep doing it. 

              (1) A. excited about           B. worried about          
              C. proud of           D. happy with

              (2) A. doctor                       B. friend                        
              C. mother             D. teacher

              (3) A. gave                         B. cheered                    
              C. dressed             D. woke

              (4) A. borrowed                 B. lent                          
              C. lost                   D. got

              (5) A. happiness                 B. success                    
              C. kindness           D. richness

              (6) A. advice                       B. news                        
              C. food                   D. medicine

              (7) A. grades                     B. look                          
              C. wish                   D. habits

              (8) A. Accept                     B. Bring                          
              C. Refuse               D. Make

              (9) A. how                        
              B. what                          
              C. why                    
              D. whether

              (10) A. easy                        
              B. difficult                      
              C. similar              
              D. different

            • 8.

              Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one __(1)__ a person with bad manners. A _(2)_ with good manners never laugh at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he __(3)_ to help them. When he asks for something,he says “__(4)__”. And when he receives something, he __(5)_says”Thank you”. He does not interrupt ___(6)__ people when they are talking.He does not talk loudly__(7)_public.When he sneezes or spits, he uses a __(8)_. If you are late, you __(9)__ make an apology to the teacher either at the time __(10)__ after class.

              (1) A. thinks          B. likes         
              C. hates              D. loves

              (2) A. boy           B. man         
              C. person             D. give

              (3) A. tries          B. wants           C. has D. enjoys

              (4) A. Give me      B. Please          
              C. Yes              D. Hello

              (5) A. never          B. sometime C. usually D. still

              (6) A. every          B. some         
              C. his                D. other

              (7) A. on             B. at            
              C. of                D. in

              (8) A. book           B. cup          
              C. handkerchief        D. hand

              (9) A. should         B. will             C. could D. may

              (10) A. or             B. nor           
              C. and                D. but 

            • 9.

              Every morning, my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every day, I open my books   (1)   and start my lessons. Every evening, my mother   (2)   magazines at home. And very night, I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or printing?

              Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China. After its invention, people started to write on paper to make a book. In those days, books were only produced one   (3)    by hand. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. So, few people had the    (4)    to learn to read.

              Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Later, developments in printing made it    (5)    to produce books more quickly and cheaply. A trade in books resulted, and more people learnt to read. Knowledge and ideas spread    (6)    than ever before.    (7)   , we can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.

              Although the Internet is still young, it is growing very fast, and may become more powerful than printing. A much larger    (8)    of information can be stored on the Internet than in books. Someone with an Internet connection can find information    (9)    more easily than they can find in printed forms. And the machines we use to read it are now small and light, often smaller and lighter than a single book.

              Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now, and newspapers and magazines are already read online. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? Will books be   (10)    by the Internet? Let’s wait and see.

              (1) A. in class B. in a class C. in the class D. in classes

              (2) A. looks up B. looks after C. looks through D. looks like

              (3) A. at any time B. at times C. at one time D. at a time

              (4) A. ability B. chance C. creation D. invention

              (5) A. powerful B. proper C. process D. possible

              (6) A. quicker B. quick C. faster D. fast

              (7) A. in a way B. in any way C. in the way D. in another way

              (8) A. number B. among C. amount D. across

              (9) A. many B. much C. little D. bit

              (10) A. replaced B. placed C. instead D. without

            • 10.

              You don’t have to give thousands of dollars to help someone. Sarah, a girl from Michigan, the USA, (1)just by giving her (2)_. Sarah was seriously ill when she was a baby. It is difficult for her to move. Sarah has to   (1)   around with a walker. (4)_, the 11-year-old girl doesn’t give up, she uses her experience to help others.

              Last summer, Sarah   (2)   three days a week for seven weeks at the Grand Rapids Comprehensive Therapy(治疗) Center. She was one of (6)_patients for“Therapy and Fun”, a program for special-needs children, Sarah’s (7)_ was to help the special needs children and provide them (8)_advice and encouragement(鼓励).

              Sarah says that she’s(9)_ she can share her knowledge with others, and that working at the center taught her a lot, too.”I feel my life is getting better because I can help others in my way,”she said. Mary Van, Sarah’s fourth-grade teacher, said that,”Sarah has the help of other students around her, but she shows them that she’s there (10)_ them too.”

              (1) A. makes a different                
              B. makes a difference 
              C. make differences                 
              D. making a difference
              (2) A. money          B. house         
              C. time           D. book
              (3) A. speak          B. walk          
              C. listen         D. run
              (4) A. But            B. However       
              C. So             D. Although
              (5) A. worked         B. lay           
              C. sat            D. took
              (6) A. young          B. younger       
              C. youngest       D. the youngest
              (7) A. kindness       B. success       
              C. secret         D. job
              (8) A. with           B. to            
              C. for            D. by
              (9) A. sad            B. glad          
              C. worried        D. angry
              (10) A. to help        B. to watch      
              C. to find        D. to trouble
