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            • 1.

              THE SCHOOL NEWS                              June 8th, 2016

              School Trip

              Students in Junior One had a great time on the school trip on Childrenˈs Day. They went to Blue Water Aquarium by bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip.

              American Visitor

                  Sixteen visitors from America arrived at our school on June 3rd,Saturday. And they have visited a few places of interest in Beijing.

              Football World

                 Hereˈs good news for football fans! The FIFA World Cup 2006 will be held in Germany from June 9th to July 9th. Many football matches on TV are waiting for you.

              School Concert

              Thereˈll be a concert in our school on June 30th. Some students will show their talents by singing, dancing and playing the piano at the music hall.

            • 2.

              “If people suddenly disappeared from the Earth, the planet could recover and, within 1,000 years, it would look as it did 100,000 years ago. If insects disappeared, nothing on land would live on,”said one of the writers of the report Rafael Gonzalez Urdaneta from Mexico.

              The words show that it is stupid to think that humans are the most important living things in the world. We are just part of the ecosystem and other things may be much more important than us.

              Over the past hundreds of years, human beings have had a big influence on ecosystems for better or worse. However, human activities in the past century have increased_concerns_about the balance between human life and ecosystems.

              Each time we pick up a newspaper or turn on the radio, we read or hear that our very environment is becoming worse and, therefore, there is a need for action. The reasons are many, including global warming, pollution, droughts (干旱), loss of forests, different kinds of plants and animals.

              However, the cause is common to all human beings. People are overusing natural resources, which is pushing the Earthˈs capacity (承受能力) to its limits (极限).

              The UN report of Global Environment Outlook defines (定义) three main reasons affecting our global environment—political and economic (经济的) problems made worse by rapid population growth. Without the social, economic and political problems caused by humans, the global environment would probably be in much better shape.

              In order to make the world a better place to live in, we should learn about and protect the ecosystem around us.

            • 3.

              Dear mum and dad,

              I’m writing this letter to you from the center of Australia. At the moment we’re staying near Uluru—that’s the aboriginal (土著) name for Ayers Rock. On the first day, we took a balloon tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometers long and 384 meters high. The colors of the rock are fantastic, and at different times of the day, they change from purple to red. The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancient aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world. Uluru is a center of Aboriginal culture.

              The Australians have many British relatives. That’s why they’re like us in many ways. Their family life is similar to ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies. The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country. They love all sports, but football is the most popular. Most Australians live near the coast, so they also love going to the beach, swimming and surfing.

              Although it’s December, it’s summer over here. The sunshine is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but the outback (澳洲内陆) is more like a desert, full of rocks and sand.

              The next day after we arrived at Uluru, we went on a camel (骆驼) ride. The camel that I rode had a badtemper. When I sat on its back, it became very angry and refused me. So everyone else thought it was very funny that my camel kept lying down...

              Finally, later this evening, we’re taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home, it’s been a fantastic trip!


            • 4.

              Daniel Trent’s Web Page

              What’s new

              Welcome to My Web Page!

              About me

               I’m 15years old and I have black hair and brown eyes.

              I’m quite short. My friends say I look cool in sunglasses.

              What do you think?

              My school

                I’m a student at Bita High School in Florida. It only takes me five minutes to get to school because I live nearby. There are thirty students in my class. I’m quite good at biology and art. My worst subject is history.

              My home

                I live in an apartment on the seventh floor. I can see a river from my bedroom window. My mother often gets annoyed with me --- she says my room is always untidy.

              My friends

                My best friends are Simon and Nathan. Nathan is a bit shy, and Simon is very easy-going. I look like Simon. People often think we’re brothers. Last weekend we went to Sea World in Orlando. It’s amazing!

              Joke page

              My pictures

              Favorite places

              Family fun

              My daily


              Contact me


            • 5.

              It is often said that China is a developing country and the West is developed. However, China is trying her best to be “developed”. We can see her hard work in the following aspects(方面).


              China has had the fastest developing speed in economy(经济) for the last 30 years. Her growth in economy is 7%-9% each year.

              Roads and Railways(铁路)

              By the year 2012, highway(高速公路) in China has been more than 96 000 kilometers. It has become the first in the world. China high-speed railway will be more than 170 000 kilometers by the end of 2015. China has already constructed(建设) the largest scale(规模) and the highest speed network of high-speed railway.

              Developed World Service in a Developing Country

              Most of China ’s visitors come from developed countries. China is trying to provide developed world service in a developing country. Though China won’t become developed in one day, she tries to make her service like that of a developed country. Welcome to China and enjoy her developed services!

            • 6.

            • 7.

              Dear Mona,

              Can you help me? Please bring my math book, my jacket and my notebooks to the school. My math book is on the bed. The jacket and the notebooks are on the sofa.


              Dear Frank,

              My uncle is John. His tapes and his tape player are on the table. Thanks.


              Dear sister,

              I forgot my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table. Thanks.


              Dear Mike,

              Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I can’t find them.

              Yours, Linda

            • 8.

              Harry keeps a diary. He writes every day. Here is his diary for a week in June.

              Monday June 15th.

              It rained all day, so we did not do any sports. We stayed in our classroom and read books.

              Tuesday June 16th.

              I missed the bus and was late for school. It wasn’t my fault. The bus was 10 minutes early.

              Wednesday June 17th.

              I had an English test today. I got an A+. It’s my best grade ever! I made only one spelling mistake (错误).

              Thursday June 18th.

              I went swimming with Adam and Steve. Steve is a good swimmer and he taught us a lot. I hope he will win the school swimming competition next Monday.

              Friday June 19th.

              I didn’t go to school. I caught a cold at the swimming pool. I stayed in bed and slept all day. I felt better in the evening. Mom didn’t go to work. She looked after me at home.

              Saturday June 20th.

              I feel much better today, but Mom made me stay at home. I watched TV all day. It was boring.

              Sunday June 21st.

              I didn’t do anything interesting today.

            • 9.

              Do you know Li Qi? He is the winner (获胜者)of the season of the Voice of China in 2013.


              Li Qi


              January 9th, 1990


              Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China



              Favourite singer

              Chen Yixun


              Mushroom hairstyle (蘑菇头), black hair, small eyes

            • 10.

               Hope Middle School Report

                                                                         Student: David






              Does well in this subject.



              Try harder and do more carefully.



              A little fat, do more exercise and keep healthy.



              Very poor and spend more time next.



              Very interested. An very good job!



              Get better. Do more practice, please.



              Show interest.

              Total grade



              To parents: David is a good student in his favourite subjects, but he should work harder on other subjects. If he wants to have a great success, he must work harder.

              Date: June 30, 2014                                      signed(签名): Mr. Zhang

